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Describe a goal that you achieved, which was set by yourself.
What it was?
When did you set it?
How did you achieve it?
Explain how it influenced your life?
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Goals are epochal parts of a human’s life.
Without a goal, life has no meaning.
Every year, many denizens set goals for themselves for various reasons.
I can also recall a time when I had set a goal for myself and achieved it.
It was the time when I was in 7th standard.
Due to the stress and the burden of studies, my grades started to plummet in Science grade.
My father was worried about my studies.
Furthermore, the 1st term’s result added fuel to the fire.
He scolded me and warned me to work more hard on my studies else he will change my academic institution.
More than his lashing, I was hurt by the disappointment in his eyes towards me.
That instant I took an oath not to let my father down and be a studious student as I have always been.
I also took the help of my Science teacher to clarify my doubts.
She eagerly assisted me and was even willing to give private teaching sessions.
Eventually, my and my tutor’s mutual efforts started to be reflected in my mid-term scores.
Apart from this, I started to study more hard in the early mornings before school.
At last, my rigor paid me with my desired score in the final exams.
I acquired 96% in the final exams.
My father was ecstatic and proud of me and my joy has no bounds seeing him proud of me.
That goal not only gave me immense happiness but also a life-long lesson.
That lesson is the “Hard work is the key to success” and also to never let your parents and teachers down whether it is concerned with study matters or other issues in life.
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