Essay #161 || APRIL 26, 2023 || Some people think that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities. || to what extent do you agree and disagree? || IELTS ONLINE OFFLINE STUDY VISA || 9996605415
Some people think that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? A section of society tend to believe that an individual really fosters his cognition levels when getting engaged in group tasks. This essay will discuss that why I largely own this notion and why I partially discard this opinion. The primary reason behind my agreement is, at the time of team-tasks every one helps each others knowingly and unknowingly which as a result escalates mental abilities of each participant. Such as, in academics settings, often 4 to 5 students are allowed to work on a project where they grow together and assist mutually to expand their mental horizons. For example, I vividly remember during my senior secondary exam preparation, I was preparing along with my three best friends, each had their own skills but collectively everyone helped others to gain the syllabus easily and quickly. Thence, mutual growth of mental abilities is...