dear readers,
we highly and totally appreciate your desire to communicate in English. we respect your inner ability to learn and speak in fluent english. we totally trust your ability to shine with speaking. we really believe that you can rock with your presentation. we are sure about your innate ability to express your deeper self with your words. we trust you and by respecting this trust today we are sharing to you a unique 5 step formula which is a guaranteed success for a person who is a serious learner of any language.
1. understand this learning how to speak is a lifetime matter. means to say, even the powerful and successful speakers improve their style and elevate their presentation on regular basis. the point is, learning how to speak is not some days business, it is an everyday business. once you start thinking like this, your whole paradigm changes. you start giving it importance because it is essential to succeed in all walks of life.
2. speaking is the most wanted part of a language while you can't learn speaking by not touching the remaining three parts of a language. listening, reading and writing in english are equally important to master english. we often miss these three parts of english and because of this we miss the mastery or fluency of english.
3. grammar is not the problem, problem is lack of daily practice of these 4 modules of language. once you start daily practising of listening, reading, writing and speaking english, you start feeling that you can really master english. you master english only by mastering your daily practising habits of english.
4. when you speak kindly take care about this magical step. express feelings with your words, not things. talk about your true emotions to impress others. practice speaking emotions when you communicate. communicate to connect. communicate to express not to impress.
5. speaking is a gift given to you by nature to connect to other human beings. speaking is a powerful way to express your inner world to others. most of the time, it is found that most unhappy people are those who are not able to express their inner self to others. most successful and happy people are those who speak from heart and connect directly to the hearts of others.
these 5 techniques are permanent part in providing you awesome speaking skills lifetime.
your passionate success teacher
deepak burfiwala
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