dear readers, first of all, we salute you for investing your precious time on this platform where you get powerful ideas on daily basis to elevate your speaking as well as expression skills. we work because you love us. we work because you respect our work. we work for your growth. we work to give you wings. you inspire us to work hard daily. you are our main source of motivation. today the highly important subject of the discussion that we have chosen to share to you. how to become the master blaster sachin tendulkar of english speaking? here is the diving key: 1. give your everything means every kind of energy, dedication, sweat, resolution and passion to learn english speaking like sachin tendulkar gave his to cricket. 2. make learning english language your religion as sachin tendulkar made his to cricket. 3.sweat hard on practising speaking about your deepest thoughts, beliefs and feelings like sachin tendulkar sweated for cricket. 4. don't think about rewards ...
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