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IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || Describe a product made in the region you come from Latest IELTS Cue Card October 2019

Latest Cue Card October 2019: Describe a product made in the region you come from Best Solution: 1. Every place has its own uniqueness like food, clothes and daily usable products. 2. As far as my hometown is concerned, it is a best known place for sending stationary items to all over my state Haryana. 3. The reason is, there are two biggest paper mills which collectively produce tonnes of paper every week that further helps to manufacture diaries, notebooks, calendars and other paper products. 4. Not only these mills are making my area famous but also they are offering employment to countless people from all backgrounds. 5. When somebody goggles about best paper products or best paper producing companies inadvertently name of my hometown comes on the top. 6. If I talk little bit more about these mills, they are almost three decades old and continuously expanding their operations. 7. The best thing is, for local residents these mills have factory outlets where they offer handsome dis

IELTS Speaking Part 2|| Cue Card || An experience when you were with people and you got bored

Latest Cue Card October 2019: An experience when you were with people and you got bored Best Solution: 1. The cure to boredom is curiosity but there is no cure to curiosity, it is a saying by a wise thinker. 2. Normally I don’t get bored since I have learnt how to stay curious and actively engaged at different points of time. 3. But sometimes it happens when situations dominate over my mood and I also tend to feel bored and low. 4. This Cue Card encourages me to speak about a time during my senior secondary classes last year. 5. One day our school invited a space scientist to address us and disclose some of the secrets of space world. 6. All my friends and me were totally excited to know something remarkable from that guest lecture. 7. The moment the eminent speaker started sharing his knowledge we found that it is not our cup of tea. 8. His accent was very strange as he was from south India and additionally, he was again and again using technical terms that were beyond our reach of

IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || A situation when you celebrated your achievement

Latest Cue Card October 2019: A situation when you celebrated your achievement Best Solution: 1. Celebrations are the moments that remind us about the winner sitting inside us is still alive. 2. I always feel joyful when I attend a celebration function whether it is due to my success or someone else’s victory. 3. This Cue Card reminds me a situation that I successfully celebrated last month on 28th September when I learnt how to drive a car and I got my learning licence also. 4. This was noticeably important to me to be able to drive as it enhances my freedom to move from a place to other. 5. I am a kind of independent person I rarely like to be dependent on others. 6. But due to the fact that I was not able to drive so for long distances either I had to see the face of my father or rely on public transport. 7. I was eager to learn this skill so two months back I took a bold decision that out of my savings, I paid fee for my car driving classes. 8. Within 45 days, I was driving car l

IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || Describe a place full of colours

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe a place full of colours Best Solution : 1. Colours make us feel alive at times when we most need them. 2. Colours have the indomitable capacity to make the environment vibrant and energetic. 3. Mostly spaces related to children’s use lots of colours as they get joyfully excited in presence of colours. 4. There is a playway school named ‘The Little World of Kids’ near to my home, in my knowledge this is a place of infinite colours. 5. The overall building, classes, reception area and corridors everything is having layers of colours like blue, red, green and yellow and many more to add. 6. Once probably last month on Tuesday I went there to know about what exactly they cover as syllabus in playway school then I noticed colours there are playing pivotal role in the effectiveness of that place. 7. In my view, children going there to study and play must be fascinated with this cheerful and charming atmosphere. 8. Even I would say all schools and co

IELTS Speaking Part 2|| Cue Card || Describe a leisure activity that you do with your family

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe a leisure activity that you do with your family Best Solution: 1. Family is most important possession that a person can have in life. 2. I am blessed to have a wonderful and loving family who always stands with me at all fronts. 3. During these busy times, our family is able to find time to enjoy and talk to each other. 4. Basically, in my family there is a culture of post dinner discussions that is very old, I have been enjoying this ritual since childhood. 5. After taking dinner at 8 pm, we all are free then we sit together and start asking things to each other. 6. That is time when we crack jokes to entertain each other, we help each other by knowing who is doing what at present. 7. My father always focuses on one thing that if a family stays together, it will always be strong. 8. Apart from watching movies at theatre together, this activity of spending time on dinner table is compulsory to attend by each family member. 9. We are four membe

IELTS Speaking Part 2|| Cue Card || Describe when you admired the sky for the first time

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe when you admired the sky for the first time Best Solution: 1. Nature has countless blessings to offer to human beings. 2. When it comes to appreciate the treasures of life naturally trees, fruits, mountains, woodlands and high peaks come to our mind. 3. As this Cue Card is all about telling a time when I paid a sincere admiration to sky so I would like to mention that I have always been sincere enough to praise sky for his broadness. 4. It reminds me a special occasion in my life when I got the opportunity to look at sky for a duration and as a result to appreciate its beauty. 5. We are infinitely busy in our daily To-Dos but still there are some natural wonders that attract our concentration inadvertently. 6. On my last birthday, June 21, 2018 I hosted a party at my terrace and all of my friends came there. 7. After two hours when we cut the cake and danced a lot, all of them left for their homes. 8. My parents came back in their room after t

IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || Describe someone whose job is important for society

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe someone whose job is important for society. Best Solution : 1. Every job is an opportunity to add values in lives of people for whom it is done. 2. No job in my eyes is less or more important but still if I have to choose then I will select the job of an educator. 3. The work of a teacher is grand as a child can become anybody in his future if he has been richly trained by his early age tutors. 4. Out of all kinds of teachers, I think the primary and playway school teachers are highly important as they help a child to start his life journey. 5. The reason why I am speaking about this work is, whatever profession at later stage a child adopts, his inception starts with the humble guidance and care of a primary teacher. 6. A child imitates his initial teachers, he learns countless things from them. 7. This job should be paid high respect in our society as well since without these priceless teachers, society can never flourish. 8. A teacher devot