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IELTS Speaking Part 2|| Cue Card || Describe a leisure activity that you do with your family

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe a leisure activity that you do with your family Best Solution: 1. Family is most important possession that a person can have in life. 2. I am blessed to have a wonderful and loving family who always stands with me at all fronts. 3. During these busy times, our family is able to find time to enjoy and talk to each other. 4. Basically, in my family there is a culture of post dinner discussions that is very old, I have been enjoying this ritual since childhood. 5. After taking dinner at 8 pm, we all are free then we sit together and start asking things to each other. 6. That is time when we crack jokes to entertain each other, we help each other by knowing who is doing what at present. 7. My father always focuses on one thing that if a family stays together, it will always be strong. 8. Apart from watching movies at theatre together, this activity of spending time on dinner table is compulsory to attend by each family member. 9. We are four membe

IELTS Speaking Part 2|| Cue Card || Describe when you admired the sky for the first time

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe when you admired the sky for the first time Best Solution: 1. Nature has countless blessings to offer to human beings. 2. When it comes to appreciate the treasures of life naturally trees, fruits, mountains, woodlands and high peaks come to our mind. 3. As this Cue Card is all about telling a time when I paid a sincere admiration to sky so I would like to mention that I have always been sincere enough to praise sky for his broadness. 4. It reminds me a special occasion in my life when I got the opportunity to look at sky for a duration and as a result to appreciate its beauty. 5. We are infinitely busy in our daily To-Dos but still there are some natural wonders that attract our concentration inadvertently. 6. On my last birthday, June 21, 2018 I hosted a party at my terrace and all of my friends came there. 7. After two hours when we cut the cake and danced a lot, all of them left for their homes. 8. My parents came back in their room after t

IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || Describe someone whose job is important for society

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe someone whose job is important for society. Best Solution : 1. Every job is an opportunity to add values in lives of people for whom it is done. 2. No job in my eyes is less or more important but still if I have to choose then I will select the job of an educator. 3. The work of a teacher is grand as a child can become anybody in his future if he has been richly trained by his early age tutors. 4. Out of all kinds of teachers, I think the primary and playway school teachers are highly important as they help a child to start his life journey. 5. The reason why I am speaking about this work is, whatever profession at later stage a child adopts, his inception starts with the humble guidance and care of a primary teacher. 6. A child imitates his initial teachers, he learns countless things from them. 7. This job should be paid high respect in our society as well since without these priceless teachers, society can never flourish. 8. A teacher devot

IELTS Speaking Part 2 || Cue Card || Describe someone who is professional in his / her job

Latest Cue Card September 2019 Describe someone who is professional in his / her job Best Solution: 1. One needs to be professional with high standard work ethics to be successful and inspiring in his work. 2. Today everywhere people can be seen disgracing their professions by not obeying high standard work ethics. 3. Still there are those who are committed to do work professionally and leave an impression on others heart and mind. 4. I know a doctor who is truly world class when it comes to obeying the set of standards in his work. 5. He is Dr. Singla, a child specialist and who is considered as a second god among parents who have child upto age 10 years. 6. He dresses like professionals and speaks in very polite and clear way. 7. He knows deeply about his work, basically all his studies are from AIIMS, New Delhi. 8. He regularly attends all training’s and conferences related to upgradation of his professional skill set. 9. He is a masterpiece of his field. 10. I know him as in my f

A Person who likes to Travel by Plane IELTS Latest Cue Card September 2019

Dear Students, I really admire your desire to go abroad and make a healthy career ahead in life. This blog page is dedicated to help you in achieving your dreams to score high in IELTS since 2013. Cue Card : A person who likes to travel by plane: Best Solution : Travelling is considered as a leisure activty by some people but at the same time some consider it compulsory to move ahead in life. There are various modes of transportation are popular in my country like trains, planes, buses and personal vehicles.  In my family mostly people are addicted to travel through trains or personal cars but one of my uncles, he is a business man in my hometown and he runs a company that works in wholesale garments trading. Due to his business visits, he has to travel all across India and everytime he chooses plane. On asking why does he go for plane journeys, he responds that it is highly time saving and very comfortable in day to day use. He says that for a business man his time is his most preci

Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood Latest IELTS Cue Card September 2019

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood Best Solution: 1. For a child if anything matters the most then it is his toys. 2. My case was not an exception to this. 3. I was quite popular in my family to not only play with toys but to sleep with them also. 4. I had a toy in my childhood that was very special to me it was a black push and pull car / a barbie doll. 5. It was highly special to me as my parents gifted it on my fourth birthday. 6. My parents are so caring they have preserved almost all my childhood toys to till date. 7. Let me talk more about that toy, it was a well-designed and high quality product with a made in China mark written on it. 8. With infinite love and respect for my emotions, my parents bought it to me and gave to me in a wrapped red colour paper. 9. For next few days, I was even taking food in the presence of this toy. 10. Normally, daylong I used to play with it and in evening, I was allowed to play with my peers. 11. Eveni

Describe a school you went to in childhood Latest IELTS Cue Card September 2019

Latest Cue Card September 2019: Describe a school you went to in childhood. Best Solution: 1. School is a place where lives are changed, it is considered equal to temple in my country. 2. In my childhood I was lucky enough to study in a single school since beginning of my studies to fifth standard. 3. Due to this, I have a vivid memory about my childhood school. 4. It was located in my hometown kurukshetra and not a very reputed and high profile school. 5. I am from a middle class family and normally, families like mine and other middle and lower middle class parents used to send their kids to such schools. 6. It was very special place for me in a sense as every corner of the school had something to say, the colourful classrooms, interactive teachers and well-defined code of conduct were the uniqueness of that school. 7. I have learnt number of things like how to dress properly, how to speak about my self, how to be sorted in a class, how to be punctual and how to study. 8. Since I s