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350+ solved speaking questions from latest IELTS exams!




1. What is the meaning of your name?
As my name is Ravi and it speaks about the sun. It was given to me by my loving family. Sun is source of all energy for plants, animals, birds. Apart from it, every living creature gets light from sun.

 2. Is your name important to you?
 Truly, my name is important to me as it is my identity in this world. Moreover, people know me by it and I am committed to make it a good name throughout my life.

3. Who do so many people change their names?
It is my opinion that people change their names for many reasons. Some dislikes them. Some may be influenced by the surroundings in which they live and change their names. Some change the spellings also. Some may be want to give their names a new look.

4. If given a chance, would you like to change your name?
One way
If I have been given a chance to change my name, I surely want to change it and I would like to add the name of my father as my surname. I respect my father. I want to attach his name with my name to make his name bigger and wider.
Second way
I am quite happy with my present name as it represents my identity in the whole world. It reflects my personality. It means a lot to me. I respect my name.  

5. Talk about your educational background?
Recently I have completed my 12th standard with medical stream. I scored 75% marks in it. I passed my entire schooling from Saraswati Vidya Mandir which is a renowned school of my city.

6. Where would you like to live and work?
Well I think we all have dreams, life becomes meaningful with dreams. My dream is to work for a multinational company on a challenging designation and live in India close to my family and people.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
After completing my study and getting desired job in international establishment, I would like to see myself at the position of CEO in company. I see my future quite bright as I am working hard to shape it in a productive manner.

8. What do you like to do in your free time?
Its depends on the situation and I would love to spend my time with family, friends and doing the gardening in my backyard. Reading books and listing songs are also much liked by me.

9. What do you want to do in next 2 to 3 years?
In coming next few years I would like to finish my study with good marks and grades, and then get involved into the creational activities for an establishment to achieve the goals I have decided for my career.

10. What do you do on weekends and weekdays?
On weekdays I have my academic classes for preparing the IELTS then in evening coaching at local sports stadium as I am professional boxer, archer, cricketer, tennis player etc and on weekends I have to be with family helping them in our business (farming or business).
Second way: on weekends, I like to be with my friends and doing activities like playing cricket in ground and going to visit nearby places to explore them.

11. Tell about your greatest achievement in life?
When I see my achievements in life, I feel really satisfied with my academic career and general awareness about things. But my primary achievement is habit of waking up early. I leave the bed at 5am sharp. I think it is worth sharing achievement.

12. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
About my strengths, always curious to update my knowledge about things, friendly with people of all kinds, very much comfortable with technical gadgets and able to concentrate on things for long. About weaknesses, sometimes, I find it hard to balance my academic and non academic life. To establish a balance with various activities on basis of time management is a challenge for me.  

13. Where do you like to spend your evenings?
Being a student, my whole day goes with books and teachers in class rooms. I prefer to spend time of evening alone to think about my life, its priorities and walking in nature. I like to refresh my mood at that time. On weekends, I spend evenings with friends like playing sports or travelling to nearby spots.

14. What kind of lifestyle do you lead?
Being the part of a well-educated family, I am living a healthy life. I am free from my family to take decisions in favor of my long term good. My lifestyle is quite relevant to my priorities and likes about things. I like to get updated with latest trends.

15. Do you like to wear funky outfits?
As far as outfits are concerned, I prefer to wear formal clothes. I find myself quite confident and expressive in formal clothing. Occasionally, I go for funky clothes and colorful ones.

16. How often do you attend parties?
Normally, on study days I try to avoid parties as they distract me from studies. And if I get free time or I am not burdened with studies too much then I allow myself to join the parties. Particularly, I like to attend birthday parties.

17. How do you like to dress up on weekends?
On weekends, if I am at home then I go with sports suits or easy clothes. They make me feel relaxed and quite comfortable. If I am on any tour or travel with family or friends, then I prefer jeans t-shirts with sports shoes.
I like to care about my dresses.

18. What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
Fitness is something that I always focus to have in my life. To get it, I go for regular morning walk followed by 30 minutes exercise. I occasionally take fast foods. I drink around 15 glasses of water a day. Fruits are my first choice when I am traveling or away to home.
19. What do you like to do in your free time?
I consider when I am not studying I am free to pursue my leisure time activities. In this list, I place reading books on biographies, science fictions and economic trends at first place. Music is something that comes after reading habit in my list. Apart from that, visiting art galleries is something that I like to do in my free time.  

20. What is the one thing that is special in you?
Usually, I do not force the other person to agree on my part at any cost. I give him the space and freedom to say his point. And if I am wrong at something, I like to admit it and prefer to learn that for the next time. I always welcome the views of other person irrespective they match to my views or not.    


1. Are you an ambitious person?
Without ambition, I feel life becomes meaningless. To make life worth living, one must have an ambition to go for. I am an ambitious person.
2. What is your ambition in life?
I always aim at giving my best at doing things. My ambition is to become a corporate professional / professional athlete / teacher at university / professional accountant and give my best to serve my clients.

3. Is it important to be an ambitious? Why or why not?
Having an ambition to achieve is particularly important because it forces a person to use his abilities up to the fullest. Ambition keeps a person on right track where he upgrades his skills and abilities.

4. Do you think your goal is an achievable one?
Certainly, I think my goal is an achievable one as it is practically achieved by thousands before me. Moreover, my goal challenges me to go to the next level of my personal and professional strengths. When you work step by step to reach to your goal then your goal comes close to you.  

5. What will you have to do to achieve your goals?
I heard a saying from a wise man, you cannot become what you want to become by staying at your current level for long. Definitely, I have to expand my abilities and open up my mind set about knowing more about my goals. I need to take a resolution that I will give my best abilities to learn every basics of my desired goal.

6. Is financial success important to you?
Saying financial success is not important to me will not work for me. I need money to live my life in a way so that financial sickness no longer troubles me and do not come in my way. It matters to me. It will give me and my family a comfortable life.

7. Can you see yourself ever living in a country other than your own country? Which and why?
I am very much interested to go to Canada and preparing from heart to go there. If I share the reasons behind it, the education, facilities to its residents, weather and employment opportunities are quite better there. If I get a chance to go there then I will definitely look forward to go there.

8. Will your family be able to help you in your future plans and how?
Certainly, I belong to a family where educating children is taken as a primary goal for headman of family. My parents are keen to help me in achieving my future plans. They have savings from their regular earnings and they are even ready to take education loan if required to give me good education.    

9. What other personal goals do you want to achieve?
If I share about my personal goals, I want to learn to play guitar in coming months as I am very much interested in playing it. I want to be the lifetime member of my district library. Staying fit is also important to me.    


1. Do you love your parents?
My parents are my biggest motivation in life. They respect my thinking and I too respect their guidelines in my life time to time. They are very friendly to me.  

2. How is parenting different today from that in the past?
Parenting in modern times has become a tough job. Children have become more aware about possible options in life regarding their studies, spending their free time and importance of social media. Gap between parents and children has also increased that leads to certain issues in between them.   

3. What type of food do your parents like to eat?
They are not very choosy about food. Over fast food, they prefer home cooked food. Normally the food they have been eating from their childhood days they are more comfortable with it even today.    

4. Is it difficult for parents to bring up their children these days?
It is true to an extent that raising children in these unprecedented times has become not less than a challenge. Children are more demanding these days. Their priorities have been changed. So it is tough for parents to cope up with these uncertainties.   

5. What difficulties do parents feel in bringing up their children today?
Certainly, times have been changed. More awareness has been arrived to children. Technology has totally separated the priorities in modern times. Distraction is increasing every day. Gap between the parents and children is too much. For parents, to make their point understand to children have become a challenge.  

6. Can parents be good friends with their children?
In my view, it is the only way to raise your children to make them the assets for the new generation. When you come at same platform with your children, you treat them with respect and you give them a freedom to choose what’s right for them in long term. Yes, parents can be good friends with their children.

7. Do you more like your mother or father?
Being a son, it is quite natural that I am more close to my mother. I find it easy to share all my personal feelings with my mother than my father. She always respects my thinking. I see a good friend in form of my mother in my life.    


1. Why is family important to you?
Family is like a foundation for me. It has given me everything I currently have. My family is the centre of my life. My parents are always with me to help me grow in life. It is an unconditional bonding between hearts. 

2. Who influences you the most in your family?
My father has been a constant source of inspiration in my life. He is a self-made person. I respect his optimism, way of presenting his ideas and his personality in difficult times, the most.  

3. Who do you resemble in your family?
I am on my father as far as my physical appearance is concerned and I do resemble to my mother if my behavior is concerned. I pay equal respect to my parents as whatever I own today as my personality it is only because of my parents.  

4. What is the role of parents in their children’s life?
Role of parents in children life is paramount. Parents are like foundation maker for a child. What they teach him matters most in his entire life. The way they teach him to see the world decides his life time accomplishments. 

5. How do you contribute in the household chores in your family?
There is a culture in my family like we help each other in doing our routine. As I am free then I definitely contribute in domestic works or sometimes go to market to bring something urgently needed at home. Even, I do cooking in needy times. I buy groceries and other daily consumables for my family.

6. Do you prefer to live in a nuclear family or a joint family? Why?
I prefer joint families because they are richer in resources. There are grandparents and uncles-aunts along with parents who give you a holistic picture of a situation. More minds create more ideas. There is a sense of brotherhood in joint families. Everybody helps each other.  

7. How have family traditions changed in the past few years?
The place of joint families has been taken by nuclear ones. Nowadays, family traditions are more or less celebrated online whereas earlier there was a culture of meeting everyone at the time of celebration. People have become more externally affected now. Traditions have lost their significance.  

8. Why is it important to pass on family values to next generation?
It is essential to pass on the family values to next generation to give them a strong foundation. With rich history of family background and values, youngsters feel more confident in modern times. Distraction of today’s life cannot stop them from growing if they are still backed by rich family legacies. 

9. Are there some special moments that you want to spend with your family?
Yes, there are moments when I certainly feel that I must celebrate these with my parents. When I achieve something, I need an appreciation from my parents. Moreover, in sad times, I need them as they make me feel that this failure or difficulty would not stop life. 

10. What is the importance of having dinner with your family?
Having dinner with your family is like joining hands together for a bigger and broader future. Every member shares his life experiences and it gives lessons to all who listen this. We value this ritual most that dinner must be a joint practice. 


1. Do you think relationships matter?
Relationships are the basis of all progress that a person does in his life. I personally value relationships because they tell us that how good you are at behaving to people. Relationships are the measure that how high you stand as a person in the society.

2. Do you miss the company of your friends?
I often miss the company on my friends as they are studying in various streams. After particular durations we meet and share our feelings. I miss their unconditional acceptance towards me. They are the people who beauty my life.

3. Why do you need anyone to live with you?
We are all social beings. It is tough to imagine living without others. I need people around me to make me feel that I am valued, loved, appreciated and able to improve as a person in life. People around you affect you significantly.

4. Do you value your relationship with anyone?
I totally value my relationship with a person as it is the barometer that reflects how good I am at behaving to people. Good friends are really hard to find. They help you grow your mindset. They make you feel that you matters in someone’s life. I cannot imagine my life without my friends. 

5. Is relationship very sensitive with dear ones?
Needless to say that relationship is tough to run with dear ones as they are more sensitive and expectation oriented towards us. You need to be very careful while dealing with them. They notice each and every behavior pattern of you. One must be careful in such relationships.  

6. Why does any relationship break?
Expectations are the relation breakers. When you expect a person to behave in a particular fashion and he refuses to do that. You take it as a disregard. Normally, we try to lessen the freedom of a person during our relationship with him. This causes the ending of a relationship.  

7. Are personal relations more important than friends?
It matters according to the mutual understanding of a relationship. If you exchange a mutual trust in a relationship with a friend automatically it becomes an important relation. Same is true for a person of family. The ultimate thing is trust factor in a relation.  

8. Is it important to exchange gifts in relations?
Not necessarily, gifts are important to exchange. Relations are based on trust. If both parties can afford to exchange gifts of whatever kind then it is also good. Naturally, when you value a relation, then only you think like sharing something in that.  


1. What do friends mean to you?
Friends are people who value you, support you, trust you, elevate you, nourish you and guide you. They are vital part of my life. I spend time with them and learn many things in return. 
2. To what extent would you go to help your friend?
Naturally, if I own a friend then to help him in a typical situation I will go to limits where I can actually help him in coming out of that situation. Yes, one thing is important that the matter should be genuine. The part of my friend should be legally true. I will help if he is true and his part if not offensive.  

3. Why do you feel like sharing everything with your friend?
Sharing is caring. If we share a healthy relationship then there is no question of saying, you can use it or not. If something I have and that can also benefit my friend then I am always open to say that it also belongs to you. it is not about possession but about using a thing optimally for a good cause.

4. Do you keep on changing friends?
I rarely change friends. I love to retain them. It takes a lot effort to make new friends but comparatively less efforts in retaining the old ones. It is a kind of luxury to maintain friends for long years. It personally gives me a pleasure that I have friends of my early school days till now. Moreover, it reflects that how good you are as a human being. 

5. How often do you fulfill the demands of your friends?
If they are genuine and in my reach then I am always ready to help them. I value my friends but at the same time, I maintain the dignity of friendship also. If they demand for something offensive then I don’t hesitate in saying no to them respectfully.   

6. Do you miss your childhood friends?
Quite often, I miss my childhood friends as it is not possible to retain each and every childhood friend. Childhood friends make you feel special and they tell you how you were in those days. When you look back at your life then you find you have come far ahead than those times.   

7. How would you feel if your good friend betrays you?
Certainly, it hurts. With time, I have learnt that a person can behave in opposite way that you expect him to behave. It is not easy to bear that sort of deception but it is life and it has its own way of executing things. Now I am at quite ease with such hard experiences.

8. Would you like to have one friend or many friends?
I believe in quality not quantity. It is always better to keep small friend circle and to maintain it with all your good inputs. I have two good friends and they are unconditional to me. I respect them and try to give my best in this relationship. They understand me and support in me in all my easy and tough situations.   

9. How are you different from your best friend?
Differences are the essential part of life when we look at two different individuals. No one is exactly like you. When I see my best friend then one thing separates us, he is very careful in reacting to a situation while I do little hurry in showing my reaction. This is a quality difference that strengthens our relationship.    

10. Do you want to be at home or with your friends in your spare time?
It matters time to time. Usually if I am doing some work at home with my parents and then I get free time then I like to be with friends in that duration. Opposite if I am with my friends because of some work then I get free time then I prefer to spend it with my parents. In both cases, I try to give quality time to my parents as well as friends.   

11. How do you spend your time with your friends? What do you do?
I am very particular in spending my time. If it is about spending time with friends then i talk about future possibilities and emerging trends in business markets. It is a coincidence that all my friends are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. So our all time favorite topic of discussion is businessmen and their success secrets. 

12. Why does friendship break?
Any relationship breaks when it is ultimately loaded with baseless expectations. When those expectations don’t meet then they cause the relationship to break. Normally, in relationships we start expecting certain things from the other person and when he does not do that, we start feeling disrespect and this feeling takes the shape of a platform that eventually cause a relation to break after a particular time.    


1. Can you describe your house?
I live in a house that has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small garden. It’s not a very big house, but it’s just right for me. It is five years old and having a unique place in my heart.

2. Which is your favorite room and why?
My favorite room would be my room because it has all the things which a person can dream of. It has a tv, an air conditioner, bed and sofa.  The interior was done by my sister and she spent a lot of time decorating it in a very unique way. She is really inspired by Rajasthani style so gave that kind of touch which makes it quite exquisite.

3. How are new houses different from the old ones?
Earlier, people used to live in a Kuchha house and were deprived of all the basic amenities. But nowadays, things have changed a lot in many ways. Today, people live in a Pucca house with all the basic facilities.

4. Do you like to live in an independent house or an apartment? Why?
I would like to go with an apartment rather than an independent house. Since, an apartment comes with added values, such as security, enough parking spaces, power back, water systems and fire safety mechanism in place. Whilst, an independent property needs extra effort for setting up of these services. This would also include extra cost.

5. Who do you live with and why?
I live with my parents. I just completed my high school this year only and haven’t started working yet so I am totally dependent on them for the living.


1. Can you tell me something about your hometown?
Well, kurukshetra is one of the fastest growing cities of Haryana. It has all the modern and basic facilities in it. It is a holy city and it is known as the land of Mahabharata. There are number of temples in it almost 100. There are some famous places like Braham Sarovar which is Asia’s biggest man made pond. Some other eye catching places are Shri Krishna Museum, kalpana chawla planetarium and carnival mall. There are number of good schools, colleges and a state recognized university. Moreover, it is very neat and clean area. It is a very peaceful place to live in. There is a lot of greenery that makes it a place of real and natural beauty.        

2. What are the disadvantages of living in your city or town?
Well, there are few things for example; most of the roads are in poor conditions. Secondly, there is a lack of advance medical services too. People have to go to metro cities to avail such facilities. Another thing is, we have to face long power cuts especially in summers.    

3. Describe an interesting building of your town?
In my town, there are many buildings which are famous and eye catching. Here I would like to discuss the building of national institute of technology, kurukshetra. It is well-equipped with all modern facilities. It has 25 acres of land in its name. Building has a great architecture and it shows the mindset of the people who made it. Technical students from all states of India come there and feel the beauty of the building.      

4. Do you enjoy living there? Why?
Yes, I am quite happy by living there. The reasons are it is a neat, clean and peaceful area. Educational hub is the second name of my home town. To do shopping, a wide range of shops are available there. Traffic is not too much in this area. Crime is relatively less there.   

5. What would a tourist go to see there?
Lot of places is there that catch the attention of a tourist. Braham sarovar, Krishna museum and jyotisar are the primary places where a tourist most likely to go. Of course, history shows the importance of my hometown and its ancient buildings. For tourists this place is like Mecca.

6. Can you tell me about the transport / traffic / industry / problems in your town?
As my hometown is not developed like a metro city so correspondingly traffic is not that much big issue there. The vehicles are growing in the cities with time but the city is having fly overs and mostly three lanes roads. For coming five to seven years the existing infrastructure is ok.

7. What is your town famous for?
The area is famous for temples, tourist spots and peacefulness for residential purposes. This area is written in holy books. We feel lucky enough to be the part of religious literature because of our home land. Apart from that, a big and quite old university is also there, Kurukshetra University which is educating thousands of students every year in various domains. 

8. What types of restaurants are there in your town?
There is almost every kind of restaurant in my town. All the restaurants offer several dishes including exotic desserts, ice creams and also offer a separate place for kids to play and have fun. The prices are reasonable and the foods are served quickly. Traditional dhabas are also there and modern fast food points like dominos and McD are also available.    

9. What do people generally do in the evenings in your town?
Generally people go out for the evening walk; children play games and engage themselves in different sports activities. Evening time is a time when people like to hang out with their close friends and family members. Mostly, people spend this time in doing recreational activities.   

10. Which is the most commonly used public transport in your town?
Public bus is a very common transportation system of our country. Majority of the commuters in cities and urban areas use this mode. Basically, buses are of two types, one is for short distances and other is long route buses.   


1. What means of transport do you use the most and why?
Well, it depends really. For short distances, I prefer my own vehicle. For long distances I prefer public transport because it is affordable and quite comfortable. 

2. What are the common means of transportation in your city?
Public bus is a very common transportation system of our country. Majority of the commuters in cities and urban areas use this mode. Basically, buses are of two types, one is for short distances and other is long route buses.   

3. What are the traffic problems faced by people in your city?
In modern times we have to face many problems. One of such problem is traffic congestion. It is becoming a serious issue every day. It is said that the high volume of vehicles, the inadequate infrastructure and the irrational development are main reasons for increased traffic jams.  

4. What can be done to improve transportation system of your city?
To handle the situation of transportation system, the government should allocate suitably, for instance some educational institutes or offices should be moved to outskirts of the city. It is necessary to encourage that people obey the traffic rules.   

5. What role does the general public play in maintaining traffic laws and orders in your city?

The role of general public is really crucial. It is the people who follow the rules and help everyone to enjoy their journey on roads smoothly. Most of the people in my area are becoming aware about following traffic rules honestly and creating a culture of well disciplined people on roads.  

6. Which is your favorite vehicle and why?
I prefer two wheelers over cars. They are easy to ride and control. Moreover, they don’t cause traffic jams. I feel a certain kind of freedom on my bike. I love taking rides on it especially in the evening times. 

7. Do people in your country prefer private transport or public transport?
People in my country prefer public transport when they travel long distances. People who watch the pocket and take action are with public transport. People, who are financially stable, prefer to use their personal vehicles. They find it easier, comfortable and faster way to travel.  

8. Is public transport easily available in your city?
It is really good that in my city public transport is easily available to everyone. Because of its educational image in the nearby areas the transport department of Haryana has allocated sufficient local buses to help the commuters. Getting public transport is not a worry in my area.   

9. Is it the government’s duty to maintain the public transport?
It is a two way road. Governments as well as common man both are responsible to maintain the public transport. It is the people who use it daily so they are primarily responsible to maintain the things for coming years. On the other hand, it is also the duty of government to give enough attention on maintaining the buses and public vehicles time to time.


1. What do you like or dislike about your country?
I like customs and traditions of my country. That’s what India is mainly known for. One thing that is to be disliked is corruption. It is something which is making the whole system weak from inside. It is eating our country like a termite. Bribes are common if you go to any office to avail any facility. It should not be the part of routine practice.

2. How are people in your country different from people in other countries?
People in my country are different from the people of other countries. In India, people follow customs, traditions and rituals, whereas in other countries people hardly bother about these things. Spirituality is deeply rooted in Indians. People of India are happy from heart as they have a strong faith in karma theory that says, you will receive what you give to others.     

3. What special qualities do you think people of your nationality have?
There are numerous special qualities in people of my country likewise they are simple, respectful, generous and ready to welcome the guest anytime at their houses. The guest is treated as god in Indian homes. They follow spiritual practices. They live a deep and fulfilling life. They love to help each other.  


1. Which gadget do you use the most in your daily life?
My mobile phone is the machine that I use for most of my works. I like to use it for surfing, chatting, online shopping and getting updated with new trends of the market.  

2. Why is this gadget important for you to use?
This gadget is important to me as it keeps me updated with what’s going on in my surroundings. It is like a friend to me. It does so many things for me and saves my time. 

3. Which gadget is used most commonly by people in your country?
Mobile phone or so called smart phone is the gadget of every person in my country nowadays. Every person is loaded with a phone with all latest and necessary features. People buy from phone. People pay bills through phone. People do social media through phone.

4. Do you think teenagers should be given permission to carry mobile phones with them?
It is quite serious issue. Teenagers should be given permission to carry phone with them with certain instructions and pre-trainings about how to use phone for. If they are well-prepared about what to use the phone for, then, chances are they will use it for better works.


1. Which is your favorite movie?
Movies are my best practice to spend my leisure time. I like movies on social issues. Recently, I saw the movie Dangal in the movie it was shown nicely that girls are no lesser than boys. They can also bring laurels to their parents. Girls too deserve a respect from family and society. Theme of the movie was touching and most of the people appreciated the movie. 

2. Why do some people like to watch movies related to future?
Having curiosity in the future is a common attribute to most men. Movies as well as books based on future forecasting always appreciated by people. Because people are interested in knowing how the future will be different from the current era. How things will work in future. 

3. Do you think movies convey messages better than books?
Movies are preferred more as they are easy to understand and require lesser efforts to get the meaning. Books require a discipline and consistency to get the exact message carried in them. More people go with movies. The basic difference is ease of engagement is more in movies.
4. How can movies help language learners?
This is a great idea. If you want to learn a new language then going for movies in that language is a good option. As you spend time watching movies so you will be exposed with the vocabulary and common sentences of that languages. It is interesting way as well. Indeed, most of people use it. 

5. Are movies helpful to address social issues?
I think up to appreciable extent movies are quite helpful in conveying the social messages. The reason behind it is movies are related to everyone in more or less way. People of all ages are easy with movies so through movies, a huge public domain gets updated with social awareness.


1. Do you think laughing is important?
I give the habit of laughing a huge credit in maintaining a person’s good health. Laughing is equally important as breathing. It gives you many benefits. With laughing you exercise your mental process and muscles of mouth. You make the whole environment easy when you laugh.  

2. What is the role of laughter in relationships?
Laughter is the shortest distance between relationships. When people laugh together it shows they are at ease with each other and they share a healthy relationship with each other. It is a must to nourish a relationship for long. 

3. Do people laugh at different things?
It is quite natural that different people have different reasons to laugh. Actually we laugh when we find something interesting and laughable. It is up to people how they see different things and what meanings they associate with those things. Yes, there are certain things which are common in all cultures like when unintentionally a person does something wrong then people around him laugh at that.  

4. Are comedy serials popular today? Why?
It is seen that in today’s time, the comedy serials are quite popular because people are highly loaded with physical stress and mental strain. They hardly find time to relax and feel fresh in present times. In this era, comedy serials have proved their worth.    


1. Who visited your place recently?
I have learnt this from my grandparents that if you are good at dealing people then you will be having more guests than usual. We are quite fortunate that every relative or family friend feels free to visit us. Last Sunday, my uncle with his family visited us and we all spent the day doing a lot funny things.  

2. Did you make some special arrangements for your guests?
It depends on the frequency of a guest. Few relatives live at distant palaces so they visit us once a year so naturally we try our best to give them every comfort and hospitality. The ones which are close to our place and are easy in visiting us many a times a year, for them we almost treat them like we treat us, like we take the same food and same facilities.   

3. Did he bring any gifts for you?
The guests who visited last Sunday were my uncle’s family. There is a culture in our family that whenever we visit each other’s place we bring gifts and fruits for everyone. They brought a new sports track suit for me. It was of Reebok brand and grey in color. I liked it very much and said thanks to them for that gift.  

4. Do you like your friends or relatives visiting your place more often?
I feel completely good when my friends or relatives visit my place because to maintain a relationship, it is important to constantly feed it with love and emotions. Every time we meet we refresh our memories and feelings about each other.  


1. Do you wear a watch?
I respect time. I do wear a watch every time. I found one thing that more I respect time more time respects me. I believe everyone should respect time. Time once gone is gone forever.   

2. Do you think you are a punctual person?
I believe that I am a punctual person. I go with time. I have heard something that if you are not five minutes earlier at a meeting then you are late. I keep this in my mind every time I go to some place. 

3. What is the importance of being punctual?
Being punctual is a strong point. Getting late at an event shows that you are not in the spirit to learn and win. Showing up at time gives you an advantage.   

4. What do you think of people who do not value time?
People don’t value time because they don’t have any potent goal in life. They live life as an accident. They don’t prioritize their life. Without goals and self-improvement there is no fin in living life.  

5. How important it is to reach in time for an interview?
It gives you the advantage. When in an interview you reach at time or even before time, you feel comfortable and relax to present your best part in front of the interviewer. It makes feel easy with situations and gives you confidence that you are serious about that opportunity.  


1. Do you like reading? What and why?
I like reading as it expands my mind. I heard it somewhere that reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body. I like reading current affairs and sports articles. I value people who are being updated with current knowledge. 

2. What are your pleasure activities? Why do you enjoy these activities?
I like talking to my friends or listening to music. Apart from these, I like buying and reading books on current affairs. I enjoy these activities as they help me in coming out of my stressed routine. They relax my mind and refresh it for future assignments.
3. Do you find enough time for your hobbies?
I am very keen in finding time for my hobbies. As to develop socially it is important to pursue your hobbies on daily basis. Hobbies give us the opportunity to grow in our personal and social lives. Without pursuing hobbies, it is hard to imagine a holistic growth in the personality of a person.   

4. Are there any new hobbies you would like to take up?
Yes, there are certain hobbies that I would like to pursue in the future like I would love to learn guitar as music is in my blood. Apart from that, swimming is also in my top priority as it can help me in any typical situation.  

5. Should people spend time pursuing hobbies?
Yes why not. One should pursue hobbies. Moreover, every person is not good in academics so it is good to pursue hobbies and find a career opportunity in that.


1. Are you studying or working?
I am a student. I have not stared working yet. I completed my high school this year only from abc public school kurukshetra it is affiliated to CBSE. I was the bright student of my class and scored good grades.
I am working as an English teacher in a renowned school of my town. It is afflicted to CBSE and it’s been two years of working there as a language teacher.

2. Where do you work?
I am working as an English teacher in a school; it is a well renowned educational institute of our town. It is affiliated to CBSE board. It is a very old school and I was a student of this school and later on I joined as an educator. It is situated in the heart of my city. Anyone can reach this place quite easily.

3. How do you go there?
Well, it is on walking distance. It takes two minute from my home to reach the place. So, I walk to reach the place.

4. How did you become interested in the type of work you do?
It was my childhood dream to become a teacher one day since my parents are also teacher. I like connecting to students and like changing their mindsets for better future opportunities. I teach them in interesting way.

5. What does an average day at work involve?
Normally, an average day is of 6 hours for me. I take four lectures of 40 minutes each and for rest of the time; I prepare my lectures by sitting in library. We get a free lecture to grow our knowledge and personality.

6. Are there things you would like to change about your work?
I think the kind of planning we do in our routine work, surely it can be increased if more things would be preplanned and scheduled then in given time, and we can perform more and accomplish more. Moreover, educating a child is not only the job of a teacher, parents must come forward and join hands with teachers in this work.

7. Can you tell me about your job profile and responsibilities?
Being a teacher, there are lots of responsibilities on the shoulders of a teacher other than teaching. Like, preparing lectures before delivery, making results, maintaining written documents related to students records.   
Assessing students time to time and maintain their attendances are some duties that we use to perform at school.
8. Why did you go for this job only?
I was passionate and curious from childhood about making my career as a teacher. Giving education to a student is one of the best things in the world. I do this not as a duty but it is my passion/dream job. 

9. What other options did you consider before choosing the job that you do?
Before coming to this profession, I worked as a librarian for a span of six months. Then I found that my real skills are more adaptive to teaching. When I shifted to this, I found the real taste of mine lies in teaching. 

10. What skills are needed in your chosen profession?
Having knowledge and sharing it to others are two different things. For a teacher, you must be able to convey the knowledge to students, apart from that, confidence and communication skills are must for a teacher.  

11. What are the opportunities ahead in your chosen profession?
There are ample opportunities in the field of teaching like with promotions you can work as a senior teacher and then, you can go even up to the rank of professor. Scope of teaching is wide. Nowadays, online teaching is also getting the popularity. 

12. Have you met anyone else who is in your profession?
Yes, there are people in my neighborhood who are serving schools and colleges as teachers. It is good to spend time with people of your area. As they share experiences and teach us a lot about the minute things of the profession.

13. Are there any negative aspects in this job?
Sometimes, there are a lot of burden on the shoulders of a teacher especially in the months of exams. Moreover, other teachers let down you by buttering the higher authorities. You become the victim of the internal politics of teacher within the school.    

14. What do you think is important salary or job satisfaction?
Both are their own place in one’s life. Without a handsome salary there is no question of job satisfaction. On the other way, with job satisfaction, salary alone cannot fulfill the person.    


1. Do you think festivals are important?
Yes they are. On festivals people reunite and exchange their hearts with each other. Everyone is busy nowadays, so because of festivals they come close and share their heartiest feelings and strengthen their family bonds. 

2. Can you speak about a particular celebration in your family?
There are several occasions when our family celebrates things. Here I would like to quote an incident when my little brother was born and it was a moment of happiness for every family member. Everyone attended the ceremony and came to bless the new born baby.   

3. What do you do during festivals?
I do number of things like preparing sweets, shopping and decorating home. I invite all my near and dears to my place to have a gala time and make it a special occasion.  

4. What does your family do during festivals?
More or less, things are same for family members. Yes, they are more occupied with elders of the family. Moreover, their engagement is of deeper level. We kids are not that much concerned with responsibilities but they do their part with seriousness.

5. What do people eat during festivals?
Number of dishes like new sweets, dry snacks, and new dishes are tasted during festival time. If I choose my favorite out of all, I love sweets.  

6. What do people in your country do during festivals?
They celebrate and unite to exchange their feelings for each other. They play several games and gossip. The focus is, spending quality time together.  


1. What type of music do you enjoy listening?
I am a big fan of listening music. Music especially Punjabi one is close to my heart. I like listening as well as dancing on Punjabi songs. In my family, everybody likes it.  

2. What is your favorite kind of music?
As I told I am more comfortable with Punjabi music. However, I listen to Hindi sings too. But the music that fully excites me is Punjabi bhangra music.    

3. Do you like listening to music at some particular time?
Yes, I listen to music as I get free from studies or routine works. Normally, I prefer listening to music when I travel to some place. It gives me joy and energy.
4. How is music related to your culture?
Music is really important part of my culture. My culture is alive today just because of the large contribution paid by music. It shares little things of a culture with common men in a very heart touching way. 

5. Why do people like different types of music?
Every person is free to choose his way of entreating his moods. People of different cultural backgrounds prefer music of their own culture. Hindi music is the music which is heard in entire India.  

6. How is live music different from recorded music?
Live music is all about feeling each and every thing personally. Live music is more fun and engaging. Recorded music is good nowadays because recording systems are of very high quality. I prefer live music over recorded music.

7. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? Which one and why?
Yes, I learnt how to play guitar. I was very fascinated with this instrument. In last year summer holidays, I took the decision to join a musical academy where I spent two months and learnt playing guitar on many songs.

8. Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument?
In my opinion, every child should learn to play a musical instrument. As, music is a way to connecting to nature so every child is having a right to connect to nature to have relaxation and fresh mood. It is a powerful stress buster also.  

9. How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?
It is little tough to learn an instrument without a teacher. But nowadays, internet has arranged many things at your doorstep. Online tutorials are available for music lovers at their home to learn how to play an instrument.  

10. Which musical instrument do you like to listen to the most? Why?
I like listening to dhol. It is a strong instrument of Punjabi music. I like its beats. I automatically start dancing at its beats. Every year on my birthday, we celebrate the occasion by dancing on dhol.  


1. What are your plans to study?
I value education. At this stage of my life/career, I am highly optimistic about overseas education. I am planning to go for a management diploma in tourism management.  

2. Why did you choose this course?
I have chosen this course for various reasons such as I like a job that includes ample opportunity to give direct service to clients. Moreover, this field is very practical; I mean to say that what you learn you can practically implement the same in field.  

3. What are the skills needed for this course?
Yes there is a skill-set needed to perform this course likewise customer centric approach, punctuality, ability to learn more about your work and working in a team. With these skills one can really excel in this domain.   

4. Do you think you have the right skills for this course?
I feel that I am quite apt for this course. I value people. I value the concept of giving them good service and to make their experience with our company a memorable one. I like public dealing work.

5. How long will this course take?
It is a four semester course. Each semester consists of six months duration. Subjects are very practical. Complete course is tailored to give best knowledge to students.

6. Did you consider studying anything else at any time? If so, why did you change your mind?
Immediately, after completing my 12th I was keen to go for doing engineering from any reputed institute of India. Partly because of fate and partly due to not so good preparation    

7. Did you enjoy your life at school?
Yes, I enjoyed every bit of my life at school. I was not much burdened with future aims and ambitions. I was free to enjoy every day of my life. I was taught by my parents, enjoy the present moment and give your best to it. So I gave my best focus and energy to my school life. 

8. Do you think your education was of a high standard? Why?
As I was the part of CBSE school so education standard was quite high and updated for us. Extra-curricular activities were also very much in school. It was one of the top schools of my city.    

9. Where is your schooling from? Are some changes required in your school? If yes, then what changes?
I am a pass out of abc school of kurukshetra which is a permanently recognized school from CBSE. If I talk about changes required in my school then I must say, every class must get one period for sports and one for library as both of these periods will make them strong from mind and body. 

10. How do you like to study alone or in a group?
I prefer to study alone. I study in very concentrated environment. I don’t study for long hours but I study with peaceful and focused atmosphere. I prepare notes and revise them before exam and I do this alone.   

11. How has your education helped you?
Education is some sense opened my mind about the available possibilities in life. It took interestingly and it helped me in looking at my life with a broader vision. 

12. Will you be able to get a job easily after you complete your study?
I think to get a job you must be willing to do your homework. Likewise, what the opportunity exactly related to, what kind of skills are required to do that, how you can give your best to that job so I feel I am quite clear about all these things so my chances are good of getting job as I finish my studies.  


1. What was the lifestyle of people before machines were invented?
It was quite manual. Before the era of machines, transportation, education, food and clothing were much undeveloped and people were habitual of living a slow life. Information technology was absent so people were living a life far way from an updated life of today’s people.   

2. What did people in 18th or 19th century use in place of a car, telephone or a computer?
Work of car was taken by carts and animal pulled vehicles. Telephone was not there so direct mails or hand written letters were there in use. Computer was not known so type writer was there for typing works. 

3. What are the advantages of using modern technology?
Life has become broader and advance at every level because of technology. It has made certain things possible today which were beyond imagination at times. Sending information with speed of light has become possible because of technology. Internet has brought a whole new revolution in the life of every person all over the world. 

4. What are the disadvantages of using modern machines?
They have made the modern men lazy and physically inactive. Men have become more based on machines and his thinking, intellectual and relationship building abilities are suffered drastically because of this advancement. Distraction in routine life has increased a lot because of this digital age.

5. Do you think modern technology only benefits developed countries?
We cannot say this like modern technology has only affected developed countries because globalization is there, if one part of the world is benefitted then obviously other parts will also be affected by it. Yes, in some sense we can say that developed countries were more prepared to utilize technology to boost development than developing courtesies. 

6. Can you compare modern cars with older style models?
Older cars were about performance and robust look. Modern cars are more about looks and advance features. Cars are changed more frequently in design nowadays as people are changing their preferences every day. But, technically and design wise, it can be said that cars today are much more advanced than in the past. 

7. How have mobile phones changed the way we live?
Definitely, mobiles have revolutionized the way we live, talk, shop, behave, think, act and react. They have become the part and parcel of modern lifestyle. They have taken the place of close family members. Nowadays, a person is more comfortable with his phone than his family members.   

8. How would computers change in the future?
They will be altering the every part of life in future. Artificial intelligence is going to take over even in small parts of the life of a man. Soon, we are going to witness a time where every small household work will be requiring computers to get done.  

9. What might computers be able to do?
As programmers are working hard in expanding the limits of artificial intelligence of computers so it is quite possible in future that computers will be replacing human beings from important designations or duties. Brain power if developed in computers significantly then it can cause a threat to human beings at all levels. 

10. What is the use of computers in education?
Education has been totally transformed by computers. In the form of computers, students are getting teachers. With the wider availability of education options with computers, students today are taking advantages in their studies.   

11. How has technology changed our lives?
Technology has left impacts of both kinds. If I talk in terms of opportunities and speed of doing things, they both are increased significantly. Because of technology men have become addicted to it and losing their health. So in this sense, it is causing harm.     

12. How do you use computer in today’s life?
I use computer for various things like e-mailing and connecting to all my friends via social media. I watch movies on computer. In free time, even I use computer to listen to music.  


1. Explain the weather of your town.
My town comes under state Haryana and district kurukshetra and it is good residential area with all basic facilities. If I talk about weather then it is hot nowadays as month of April is going on. Weather is bit hot nowadays in my area. 

2. Which is your favorite season?
I like rainy season. I like this season because it brings new opportunities to travel, taste new food and new moods. I call rainy season a big mood changer.

3. Do you like cold or hot weather?
I prefer cold weather. It gives me energy, spark and positivity to run my days while in hot weather, I avoid going outside for little things. I don’t take much taste in food in summer days. On the opposite, in cold days, I enjoy different dishes. Opportunity to wear different clothes is also big in cold days. 

4. Do people play sports according to weather in your country?
People of my country are not that much conscious about relationship of playing sports with a particular weather. As cricket is the most renowned sports of my country and people play it in all seasons. There is no particular weather concern.  

5. Have you experienced bad weather recently? Explain?
Yes, I have some memories of bad weather in few days back. When I was going to home of a relative and in between, I experienced heavy rain and because of that, I had to come back to my home as the rain was heavy with huge storms. That was also a horrible experience.      


1. Do you know how to cook?
Yes I know how to cook. During my 12th class, I learnt how to cook food when my mother had to go to her home for an emergency. In that period, I started preparing rice and maggy for me. Now, I am able to cook few Indian dishes.    

2. What can you cook?
Not much, but, I can make/cook/prepare rice, some fast foods, south Indian dishes like dosa, utpam and few vegetables. I cook from choice and put my heart in my dishes. 

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out?
Eating out is good for a change or for enjoying a different mood. But, if I see this from health perspective, it is not good to enjoy eating out on frequent basis. It is also not cost-effective. When you take food from outside usually, you lose taste out of it.     

4. What type of food do your parents like to eat?
My parents are more comfortable with traditional food. They normally avoid fast food and outside cooker food. Green vegetables are their favorite. They are very punctual in taking food every day.  

5. When do people generally eat out?
Normally, in my society people go out to eat when they want to celebrate that thing with loved ones. People of new generation are more comfortable in eating out even when they don’t have no special reason. On birthdays and celebration parties people choose to eat out. 

6. Do you think it is important to know cooking at an early age?
It is good to know cooking at early age as it fills a person with confidence. A sense of independency also comes with it. When you know how to cook from early age then you are in a position to feed you in all sorts of conditions. Definitely, it is an advantage.   

7. Do you think cooking is important for boys?
I think it is important for boys and girls both. When girls are doing all kinds of work in modern society then boys cannot afford to not knowing how to cook in recent times. Moreover, for career opportunities boys have to stay away from home so if they know how to cook then it is good for them.    


1. What do you feel about eco-tourism?
In my view, ecotourism is a great way to expand the horizons of tourism industry. By this, people get the opportunity to spend time with natural ambiance. Moreover, it is safer fro out environment. I have positive opinions about eco-tourism.    

2. What can you do for the environment?
On my behalf, I can do certainly many things like taking care that my vehicle is not creating pollution in the air, I am sending garbage here and there and I am not using polythene bags. I use solar energy equipments at my home. I am taking enough measures to preserve environment.  

3. How can we change our lifestyles to protect the environment?
Use of polythene must be stopped. The culture of forestation must be nurtured. On birthdays, plantation must be there. For short distances, avoid using vehicles. When crossing the railway line or at red light, stop engine of the vehicle to save energy.  

4. What are the environmental concerns in your country?
Population rise is causing certain issues for the environment as to give them home; urbanization is being done that causes the atmosphere badly. Carbon emissions are creating trouble in my country.  

5. Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty of littering?
In my area, there are provisions of proper cleaning of the city. If somebody litter, there is a penalty of 2000/- and a warning for second time. If the same person is sound same time then he may be sent to jail for a day or two. So rules are quite strict.  


1. Discuss the food choice of Indians.
India is not a small country; there is a huge diversity in it. I live in northern part of it, so I can speak about it. Here, people are more comfortable with green vegetables with seasonal foods. Rices are not that much liked in comparison to rotis. They are fond of eating sweet dishes after meals.  

2. How have our eating habits changed in the last century?
We have arrived on fast food and packaged food. It could be called the demand of the time, but healthy food habits have been replaced with fast food habits. There are no particular times of having meals; people are not paying enough attention to taking food at proper times.   

3. What is the role of handicrafts in today’s world?
Role of handicrafts is important as it explores the depth of a culture to which it belongs. In modern times, these items are liked much by new generation. Artists convey soulful messages through these works.

4. Are the traditions being lost?
Up to some extent, we are missing traditions of our fathers and forefathers. Digital world has changed the way we celebrate special events. Face to face sitting with family members have been replaced by video chatting.    

5. Will handicrafts lose their importance within next few years?
The point is thinkable. Strong actions need to be taken to preserve these precious handicrafts otherwise these will lose their place. Readymade stuff is ready to replace these handicrafts.    


1. Do you enjoy travelling?
Travelling is a nice way to increase your knowledge and lighten your mind. It is a great teacher. It showcases the new faces of the life and various cultures. Moreover, it is my favorite leisure time activity.   

2. Where and with whom would you like to spend your holidays?
I am most comfortable at hill stations. My family is my first choice. Spending time together and having fun are something that makes me feel that I am living a full life.

3. Why do you think tourism is in vogue these days?
Tourism is more commercialized nowadays. In these times, more people are looking for destinations for holidaying than ever before. People have become more stressed today so they don’t miss any opportunity to lighten their mind. They prefer to go out and give their mind a new kind of mental food. Holidaying packages are also more customer-friendly nowadays.  

4. Do people get enough leisure time these days?
Because of advancement in everything nowadays, every company or industry is busy in making more products or services so people of today have no time for renewing themselves. Everyone is involved in going further in life. In my view, people are not giving much attention to spend time on pursuing leisure time activities. 

5. What are the benefits of travelling?
Travelling in my way is educating you. Travelling opens you mind and fill it with new possibilities. It is a strong mood changer and prepares you for the next events of your life with more wise perspective. It teaches you a lot about the culture, local traditions and eating styles of the new area.  


1. Which is your favorite color and why?
I like white as it gives me a peaceful feeling. I feel most comfortable when I wear clothes of white color. It suits and reflects my original personality.

2. What is the significance of colors in our life?
Significance of colors in our life is really big. Dark colors shows the festivals and partying mood of people while light colors are for routine use and for people who follow the mantra like simple living and high thinking. I am deeply inspired with the meanings of colors in our life.

3. Do you think colors affect your mood?
Definitely, colors inspire our mood. When we go for dark colors like red, blue, black and green they give us a motivation or boost up while light colors make our mood sober and cool. So I can say that I am a color driven person.

4. Do you think different cultures have different meanings for colors?
Yes, it is true that different people have different meanings for colors. White colors for newly marries ladies is not taken as lucky in Indian families but in western world they don’t have this belief. People of different taste see the colors with their own minds. 


1. Which social problem makes you feel most concerned?
In my area, the increment of traffic is really a matter of huge concern. The roads are not that much wider to accommodate this rapid expansion of personal vehicles and this issue is going to take the central place for the city authorities.

2. Can you tell me about some problems that affect your country?
Illiteracy, less respected women, female feticide and unemployment are certain issues that are needed to be solved on urgent basis. By solving these challenges, my country can really think of making true progress on global level.    

3. What do you think are the problems faced by modern youth?
Youngsters are facing certain issues like in their families they find a generation gap and this causes, mismatching of opinions at several times and they find it hard to stand with. Modern youth is not that much happy with having a mixing with relatives, they are easier when they are alone. 

4. How can the world be a better place to live in?
Unity of the neighboring continents can really make this world a better place to live. Wars should be replaced by global peace. Scarcity of resources of few countries must be recovered by help of developed countries. The whole world should live like a family, where everyone must be respected with his individuality.    


1. When did you first start learning English?
In our schools from the day one they introduce English to students. Throughout their academic years they go with English. I also started learning English from beginning of my studies.   

2. In what ways do you practice your English?
I practice it in many ways like speaking it at the times of communication and writing it when I need to convey my point in written form. I like listening English news to brush up my listening skills.  

3. How will improving your English benefit your personally?
I think in making a good personality good English is essential. By having good knowledge of English you feel confident and comfortable at times. You don’t feel inferior in any sense if you have a command on English.   

4. Is learning or teaching English easy?
If the student is dedicated and clear about the benefits that he is going to have by thorough journey of learning English then the whole process becomes easy. With unclear mind things become hard to endure.  


1. Are there any movie types you dislike? Why?
I strongly dislike movies that give no messages and just distract people from their important work. Such movies should not be made at all. In my view, movies without social relevance should be entertained by people.

2. Are you going to watch TV tonight? If so, what will you watch?
I am much disciplined TV watcher. I go for watching TV on special times like only to see news and watch movies with message. Otherwise, I prefer doing other important things rather than watching TV. Yes, if I watch TV in evening then I will watch a program where every week new personalities are invited and their success history is shared with viewers. I like such programs.   

3. Do you like to watch cartoons?
Not really, now I feel strange when I watch cartoon but there was an age when I was very comfortable with watching cartoons. Nowadays, I am more comfortable with discovery channel. 

4. Do you like to watch horror movies?
I like watching horror movies as they maintain suspense till the end about the main theme of the story. Sometime, they create a situation when it becomes really terrifying to watch a particular scene. So, I like such moments.  

5. How do you spend your leisure time?
I am a deep believer of consistent personal development so I arrange my schedule in a way where I go for watching success stories online as I get free time. I do writing inspirational articles at the time when I get free.   


1. Do you believe in marriage?
Yes, I think the concept of marriage is good for society. There comes an age when you feel you should have someone with whom you should live your life and going for your own family. Moreover, socially it is important also. 

2. Do you want to get married?
I have positive opinion about marriages. I have seen my parents that they respect each other a lot and are living a peaceful life. After getting settled in my career, I have plans to get married.  

3. Are there any changes after marriage? If yes, then what are the changes? What happens if these changes come? Are these changes necessary?
Yes, there are changes that visit a person after getting married. By marriage, you get somebody with whom you go along the journey of life. Everything you do, you do by thinking him/her also in observation. Changes are like you become more responsible. In all areas you start thinking with a more mature view. These changes are essential part of life. Without changes there is no life.   

4. How important are the weddings in India?
In my country India, marriages are having a respectful place in the hearts of people. Family of the boy nurtures a thought over the years that they will marry their son while family of girl also cultivates the faith that they will marry their daughter with dignity and pride. Certainly, concept of marriage is equally important for both families.  

5. How do people celebrate and enjoy weddings in India?
People buy new clothes and prepare in advance for the marriage functions. They dance together and spend time together. Wedding functions are biggest functions of Indian families. It is the time when all family members and relatives unite and celebrate the event with love and happiness.    

6. What do people wear during weddings?
People wear special clothes during weddings. They go for new clothes especially of traditional and ethnic wears. Gents go for suits and sherwanis while ladies go for saris and dresses. There is a big market of wedding clothes in my country. People spend wholeheartedly on clothes in times of marriage.    

7. How have the weddings changed over time?
Weddings have changed over time in many ways. Likewise, people now don’t spend much time together even in marriage functions. All the arrangements of a marriage are not done by family members themselves, now contract is given to event managers. Guests of the family stay in nearby hotels. Trends are totally changed nowadays.      


1. Do you think sports should be introduced early in school life?
Yes, sports must be introduced to kids as early as possible. It helps them in maintaining a good physical health and does a balanced mental development. A child learns the most when he plays.  

2. Which games should be preferred in schools individual games or group games?
Both have their own importance. Group games teach students how to behave in a team and what importance of mutual cooperation in life is. Individual games are good for their individual growth. Both should be there. 

3. Do you play to win or just as a game?
Playing to learn and giving your best irrespective of victory or defeat makes you a true winner for lifetime. I play to learn and grow as a player in life. I give my best every time. If my opponent is more prepared someday then I accept defeat as well. You cannot win every day but you can learn every day.   

4. Is competition a must in a game?
Sense of competition is good in a game so that every person should feel motivated to give his best efforts. Results don’t matter in the last but the efforts players apply to achieve those results certainly make them grow. Competition is important in games.

5. Do you think sports play an important role in life?
Definitely, sports are a powerful pillar in building a strong person. It teaches a lot as well as educates the person. It is a stress buster and body builder. A person cannot afford his distance from sports in his routine.     

6. Have you ever participated in sports? Explain?
I have been a good player of cricket in my school life. Even today, if I get a chance to play cricket then I never miss that. I believe playing sports develops you. It teaches you many useful things of life.  


1. What type of clothes do you like to wear?
I like to wear formal clothes as they give me a respectful place in society. I have seen that people pay you attention when you wear formal clothes. You also feel more comfortable and uplifted in those costumes. 

2. Do you think branded clothes reflect personality?
Up to certain extent, it is true. If you can afford them you must go with them because they are highly customized as per your likes and requirements. If you cannot afford them, then at least, you should choose that suits your personality most.    

3. Why do people wear western clothes?
One reason is people love to imitate culture and practices of western world. Secondly, western clothes give a new look to people which is different from normal routine so people choose to feel special by having them on their body.

4. Do people in your country wear different clothes on different occasions?
Yes, it is true that in my country people like to wear different clothes on different occasions as on marriages they go with new clothes. In parties they wear different than in routine life. For sleeping and walking purposes, they use different clothes. On sad occasions they go with light colored clothes. 


1. Do you believe in religion?
Yes I believe in religion. I support the concept of one religion that is humanity. Respect humanity. Obey humanity. Serve humanity. I strongly believe that whatever is your name or surname, you are a human being and humanity is your family.

2. Why is religion important?
Religion is important because every person is free to follow his beliefs. People place them under different religions. But, I see the term religion as respecting a human being irrespective of his age, gender, nationality and qualification is the best religion. I follow this.     

3. What does a religion teach?
A religion teaches that respect every person. Help somebody who is in need. Respect the natural feelings of a person. Spread love, peace and brotherhood in society.

4. Do you believe in superstitions?
I used to do believe in superstitions till I was 18 year old. As I came in contact with books on Swami Vivekananda my eyes got opened and I started going in depth of a situation. All my illusions were gone. Now I believe in reality and things that are practical.
5. What are the common superstitions in your country?
A famous superstition is, you are crossing the road and a cat comes before you and crosses your path then it is taken as bad or negative. One more, if you are going to some place and suddenly you found something is missing from your bag or luggage then it is supposed that bad starting ahs happened and result will be bad.       


1. What if you did not do well in your IELTS test?
If I get low score than required in IELTS then I will carefully examine the mistakes in the attempt so that for the next time, I can work on them. Qualifying IELTS is important to me as it will give me the new window of opportunity to study and work in foreign lands.

2. Do you justify scientific testing in animals? If not, what alternative can you suggest?
However, I am not absolutely agreed with scientific testing on animals but it is the only way to test something before applying on human beings. But certainly, precautions must be taken while operating such works on animals. If I see the situation from the effectiveness point of view then it is required to test something on living species before passing it to human beings.   

3. Do you like going to art museums or art galleries?
Yes, I like to visit art galleries as it expands my mind about how things possibly can be in the world. It gives a new sense of understanding for things. Going to such places is a kind of mind relaxation also. 

4. What is the importance of good handwriting?
Hand writing itself speaks about a lot about the person who belongs to it. Clear handwriting depicts the person as a clear thinker. Strong intentions are also expressed with clear hand writing. Obviously, it attracts the person who reads it.

5. Is it possible to judge the personality of a person by his handwriting?
Up to some extent it is possible to put a guess about the personality of a person by looking at his handwriting. A person with clear ideas prefers to write in a clear and attractive way. I personally noticed people with confused minds, they write very chaotically.    

6. How can urban noise be reduced?
Urban noise is an issue that has become a matter of urgent importance. One way is, shifting the industries or factories to distant remote areas. Another thing is, providing local public transport to commuters so that they avoid taking their personal vehicles every time even for shorter distances.  

7. Is it difficult to bring up children nowadays?
Nowadays children have become aware about the things and happenings of life. They are getting help from internet to advance their knowledge. Certainly, a term called generation gap is also there that has made the process of child raising a tougher one. 

8. What are the qualities of a good citizen?
A good citizen thinks first in favor of his country. He follows the traffic rules and pays taxes on time. He lives a life that leaves a respectful message to other natives. He speaks respectfully about his country. He votes regularly and with a mindset of national benefit.

9. What do you think is the right age for women to get married in India?
About the marriage age of women in India, I must say they must be at least 21 years old or graduate (whichever is applicable). They must be in a position to choose right and wrong for them. They deserve a respect for their personal lives from the society.  

10. What do you have to say about the system where both partners are working full times after marriage?
Quite tough for children if they got their parents full time working as it deprives them from getting a constant and dedicated attention from them on regular basis. Even for both partners, it is bit hard to adjust with things.    

11. Can you describe some effective ways to overcome stress?
Stress if not overcome can cause serious results. To overcome stress, a person can take walk in natural atmosphere, he can go for music, he can dance, he can talk to somebody who is close to his heart, he can write his diary, he can go for shopping and he can even eat his favorite food to distract his mind from that situation.  

12. What is the importance of keeping things related to childhood?
It is quite important to preserve your childhood memories even in later years of your life, it gives you a sense that how much you have grown or groomed from those times. Moreover, connecting to your roots is a best way to respect your personality. It makes your mood cool and refresh when you go back and look at your childhood memories.  

13. How is childhood different now than in the past?
Childhood few years back was more practical and based on real life experiences but nowadays, childhood has become digital and full of video games and cartoon channels. Importance of feelings has been reduced from childhood these days. Children are less physical activity oriented.  

14. Do you think sports promote good relations between countries?
It is true that sports provide a platform between countries so that they can interact and exchange their cultures to each other. Through this, people get the opportunity to visit to other lands and have a real look of those countries. It is quite strong way to cement relationships between countries through sports.  

15. Do you take decisions emotionally or logically in your life?
Most of the time, I take decisions with my emotions. I choose to follow my gut feelings. I am not a logical man. I use to think that how this decision is going to impact me emotionally. I follow my heart. If before taking a decision I hear a voice from my heart I go with that. 

16. Who is your idol? Why do you like your idol? What kind of things can you adopt from your idol?
My parents are my idol. I like them because to raise me in such respectful way, they have done a lot in their lives. I value their sacrifices which they have done for me. I learn a lot from my parents like value your family members and be with them for lifetime. Friends come and go but family stays with you for lifetime.        





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