dear readers worldwide,
a healthy salute to your all respect and consistent attention on this platform,
today with deep respect in my heart for your hard work and aim of study abroad, i am going to share meaningful ideas about the topic of communication:
1. ability to express one's emotions and inner expressions
2. one of the most basic need of mankind
3. skills to share ideas and thoughts among each other
4. sharing of information, ideas and emotions between people
need of communication
at social level
1. society can not grow without mutual interaction of its people
2. no one is perfect ion this world, every body needs to exchange his talents and leans from others
3. progress means expansion and expansion can only be achieved by open sharing of worthy information
4. family grows when every part of it freely shares their emotions and express themselves clearly
at national level
1. nation only progresses when its all branches openly interacts together to strengthen each other
2. communication does not only mean that its about verbal expressions, its also about unsaid feelings and unshared notions
3. a nation must be capable in expressing its strengths
benefits of having good communication skills
1. one feels confident and capable
2. one can nicely presents his ideas and clearly establish a bond of trust between people
3. ability to express is the basic ability to survive in unprecedented times
4. a person can help others by understanding their emotions
5. talent of a person is justified wen it is exchanged with the market
6. lots of career benefits are always present for a person who knows how top effectively communicate
7. sense of vitality in personality automatically comes with powerful ability to express one's true emotions
why in 21st century communication skills are vital?
1. every body is preoccupied with lots of things, duties and distractions so it is amazingly important to have the excellent abilities of communication.
2. today is the time of competition and constant evolution so it automatically becomes urgent to honestly and clearly share one's ideas into people
3. a family is as strong as its people are strong in expressing themselves
4. leadership is nothing but the ability to speak what is must to speak at the turbulent times
5. at unprecedented times, ability to present your inner talents is most urgent to contribute significantly at all levels
thanks you so much dear students for spending your time with us...
kindly write us about any topic that you truly need to be shared on this platform...
your own teacher
millennium career consultants kurukshetra
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