dear students worldwide,
it is an awesome experience to help you understand these 6 rare air tasks and help you feel cared and educated in a most respectable way.
so here are the statements with answers....
sample 1
too much education is dangerous. if people receive more education than they need to function in their job, it only breeds dissatisfaction. to what extent do you agree or disagree?
education is never complete. one seeks always learning new things. obviously true it is, there is always a scope of bettering the best. there is no such thing as over-education but over ignorance is noticed several times in people. yes, if people do work of a kind that does not involve their practical utility of their studies they feel frustrated. i do agree with this but disagree with the opinion of having over-education. i am going to lit a candle on this situation with certain definite facts and figures.
in the beginning, it is essential to understand that education is a lifelong journey as it is not a destination. there are people who learnt their last breathe and won the hearts of billions of people with their never zeal to learn more. try to see the situation with a new perspective, there are people who are not getting work as per their educational qualification. such people find themselves placed on wrong places when it happens to them. a survey of 15 developing countries shows 75% workforce who is doing work much below then their skills are just marking time instead of contributing to their economies.
when you know more about a work you perform it better. doing a work without knowing it deeply can invite disinterest and dissatisfaction. education is primarily important if that helps the person in telling where he can give his best output to grow his economy. such education is never complete and dangerous. Jim Rohn says so nicely, self education can lead you to a big fortune while formal education can lead you to a livelihood. one must aim to explore his productive possibilities that surround him.
having every thing in my mind, i say finally, one must cultivate a healthy respect for life long education for his work and its importance for mankind. future belongs to those, who know how to do their work better every time with serving attitude.
sample 2
as most foreign aid often benefits the donor more than the receiver, developing countries should refuse to repay their debts. to what extent do you agree or disagree?
sample 3
how can society can reduce the problems of people with disabilities?
the sky and on the ground, every person is equal. Totally wrong it is to
discriminate people just on basis of their physical abilities. Nowadays, it is
becoming a matter of increased concern for nations, how to reduce the issues
that physically challenged people face in their day to day life. I have some
concrete ideas regarding the subject that I will unveil in coming paragraphs.
said by robin Sharma that your outer life is mirror reflection of your inner
life. First we need to dishonor the notion that physically challenged people
are weak in any sense. As the biggest disability in life is having a bad
attitude. A physically challenged person, Sean Stephenson, who is an
established doctor and author, is helping millions of people in coming out of
their mental bad attitude. First solid step that society can take towards this
is showing a respectful and helpful attitude towards such people instead of
pitying on them.
on all levels special provisions can be effectively made for them to make them
understand that they too can participate in the evolution of mankind. Special education,
special transport, special aid in mental and physical grooming can be given to them.
Appreciable steps are already taken by the governments like Para-Olympics are
one of them, where all physically challenged sportsmen go and participate and
prove their immense physical abilities. Moreover, like Helen Keller was facilitated
with special education methods and later she shown how worthy she was for
mankind, in same way, we need to treat our kids even form their elementary age.
Hence, it is very much essential to open our eyes and hearts for such people.
give the whole matter a final shape, I must say that physically challenged people
are our assets and it is our duty to accommodate them in our culture with
respect and honor that they truly deserve. Future will be good for those
nations who will open their hands for meeting the needs of such people so that
they too can contribute their best in progress of mankind.
sample 4
some companies say that if an employee wants to smoke they must leave the building and smoke outside. this takes time away from work, and the employers insist that this time be counted as break time. this may not be fair to the smoker who may have to wait a long time to get out of building. how this problem be resolved? give reasons for your answers.
sample 5
students find it very hard to settle down in a new country. later they find it hard to settle down when they go home. discuss.
to adapt is the most sought after ability of human beings. The people, who
nicely adjust to new environments easily, always take the maximum out of life. Life
is all about change. The issue of students who go to abroad find it hard in the
beginning to settle there in new world and when they feel comfortable there and
later they come home again there environment got changed and they feel it difficult
to adapt to it. Both of the situations have their own grounds and I will
explicate them in coming paragraphs.
initially the perspective of going abroad, a student when shifts to new lands
and finds everything got changed there from fooding, lifestyle, transport,
leisure time activities, ecology and society. It is never easy for a student to
be friendly with these things in short span of time. Many a times, this issue
creates a lot of distractions in the student community. Further, it reduces their
engagement in studies and enables them to end up doing low paying jobs. Sometimes,
results are so crucial and they force students to come home even before they
establish themselves in foreign lands. A survey of world foreign education
council states that more than 50% students find it extremely difficult to
adjust with the totally new set of conditions that they get in new lands.
putting light on issues when students come back home, change is always present
in our lives. Still it is always tough to acclimatize according to change. After
coming home the students who have invested their 5 or may be more years in abroad,
realize that they are unfit for their home country. The reasons may be a
totally new kind of employments opportunities, ecological balance is completely
new to adapt, social values are no longer the same for them, and cultural diversity
is also changed for them. Sad part of the whole situation is, because of this
tough migration of student first from home to foreign and then, foreign to home
lands make them less effective, more vulnerable, less stable and more mentally
fragile sort of beings. For sure, issue is of urgent importance.
on all matters, it is convenient to say that for students it is honestly not
easy to adapt to conditions of foreign lands and doing the same when they come
home after their tenure in overseas. Future will be alarming because more and
more students are choosing the option of studying abroad.
sample 6
young people are not ready to accept responsibility for the economic well being of their country.
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