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AtoZ about writing task 2 for superstar ielts students! (Part 1)

Task 2
Types of writing tasks 2
1.    Agree / disagree
2.    Discuss two opinions
3.    Advantages / disadvantages
4.    Opinion based essays
5.    Problem based essays with causes and solutions, causes and effects                         

Step by step guide to write an incredible Task 2
3 vital parts of an effective task 2 are introduction, body paragraph and conclusion.
1.    Present some general or opening fact about the topic or subject
2.    Use the art of paraphrasing the main statement
3.    Give a thesis statement
 Body paragraphs
1.    Write 2 to 3 paragraphs to clear your stance
2.    Each stanza must have a strong / main / central / controlling idea or argument
3.    Supporting sentences to make your point further clear
1.    Write a statement that concludes your point
2.    Re-state your essay like the subject of task
3.    Mention some idea like suggestion, concern and hope for the upcoming times / future.
Keep this in mind if you are serious about scoring 7+
1.    Effective opening
2.    Crystal clear conclusion
3.    In-flow body structure
4.    Lexicon / vocabulary / word power (10 words with less common usage)
5.    Matching examples
6.    Proper connectors between sentences

Some incredible samples of proper connectors
1.    For starting: to begin with, to begin, to start, to initiate, primarily, first wording about it is, the first and the foremost, first of all
2.    More supporting ideas: in addition to, apart from it, moreover, furthermore, probing further, to add to it, a parallel point, adding more to it, what is more
3.    For comparing: whereas, however, while, in sharp contrast, on the other hand, on the flip side, a darker view of this, another perspective, with an opposite view, on the opposite corner
4.    For ending: eventually, finally, in the end, at the end, with final words, lastly, in the last, last but not the least
5.    For personal opinions or views sharing: according to me, as per me, with my eye, from my point of view, as per my opinion, my perspective on this, to my mind, as per my conscience, as far as my knowledge is concerned
6.    For impersonal views: it is quite evident, it is often said that, the popular belief / mindset is, there are those who say / think / keep the opinion, some folks have the mindset of, it is generally accepted that
7.    For elaborating opinions: in other words, with a new approach, with a new window of opinions, it means, it reflects, it highlights, it reveals, in simple words
8.    For clarity: certainly, definitely, absolutely, without any doubt, needless to doubt, beyond doubt, undoubtedly, for sure, with absolute certainty, it is crystal clear
9.    For expressing cause: due to, because of this, that’s why, as a result of this, therefore, henceforth, so , thus
10. For conclusion: as matter of fact, the bottom line is, to put this in a nutshell / to wrap / to wind up / to revitalize, I pen down saying that, in conclusion, I pen down saying that, after looking with the eyes of conclusion, I sum up by saying that, to cap it all, all in all, overall I present my view like, after carefully looking at the pros and cons, I must say that
1.    There is a drastic change in each and every field due to rapid advancement in technology.
2.    Due to fast advancement in technology, the pace of life has increased.
3.    Modern technology has entered each and every field.
4.    Modern technology has drastically affected the way of living.
5.    The fast pace development today is bringing comforts and luxuries in life, bit is also has some undesirable effects.
6.    The standard of living and cost of living is increasing day by day.
7.    As population is increasing, competition nowadays in each and every field.
8.    There is a stiff competition nowadays in each and every field.
9.    Due to advancement in technology, the world has become a smaller place.
10. People have become more materialistic and money minded.
11. We have now entered an age of globalization.
12. Although formal education begins in a classroom, home is the place where one learns the lessons of life.
13. Home is the first school for all of us.
14. Education widens a person’s mental horizon.
15. Education is a must in today’s age.
16. In today’s age, it is necessary for each and every person to realize the value of education.
17. Education is a basic requirement to live a good life.
18. Schools are much necessary to make the base of the student strong.
19. In today’s era, man can withstand nowhere without education.
20. The world is becoming a global village.
21. Due to increased pace of life; life has become stressful.
22. Science has revolutionized each and every field.
23. Science has made a remarkable progress in each and every field.
24. Commercialization has grown rapidly in the modern era.
25. Science and technology go hand in hand.
26. This is an age of women’s liberation.
27. Women are stepping out of their houses.
28. Migration of people has become very common nowadays.
29. Looks are an important part of personality.
30. Trees are one of the major life supporting systems on the earth.
31. Hobbies are recreational activities pursued during leisure time.
32. Success means the ability to turn your dreams and goals into reality.
33. Change is a part of life and is always required for the progress of mankind.
34. Change is inevitable.
35. Childhood is supposed to be a worriless period of life.
36. Stress is a side effect of almost any kind of physical and mental exertion.
37. Knowledge is the best charity.   
38.  Life is a rollercoaster ride.
Handicapped: without education, a man is handicapped
Debate/debatable: cloning is a debatable issue.
Controversial: reservation for women for higher posts is a highly controversial issue.
Burning issue: pollution is a burning desire.
I would like to agree to the view that…., to my mind……, to begin with….., by the advent of globalization, privatization and liberation…., at the outset….., it is said that….., I would like to establish that…., it is quite evident that…., in the light of…., taking into consideration….., to begin with…., times have changed since…..
The first and foremost reason for….., in a global perspective….., first of all….., in this age of aggressive materialism….., in this age of feminism…., in these days of individualism…., in these days of rational thinking…., in this age of women empowerment…., in recent times…., these was a time when….., thanks to globalization…., keeping human rights in mind…., when considering the environmental issues…., history shows instances of…..,
For instance…., in this context….., to give a specific example…., I would like to cite…., to illustrate this…., to quote Socrates…., as Gandhi has stated….., may I quote………, according to….., in addition to that……, to substantiate my view, I would like to cite the example of….
From my point of view…, I think…, I presume that, I assume that…, in my view…., it seems to me that…., of late…., generally speaking….., in a global perspective…, in general…., on the whole…, in any given period of time…, to clarify…., to explain…., to paraphrase…., I absolutely agree…., a agree to the view that…., personally, I tend to think…., I am not so sure that…., I actually think…., in course of time…., in due course…, ten years down the line…, in connection with…., while there are argument in favor of…., after the collapse of communism…, even though…, in pursuit of happiness....,the ultimate purpose of life…., I tend to think that…..
The influence of media has…., it can be argued that…., some believe that…. To improve the quality of life…., decades back…, craze for riches…, impulsive actions make us repent many a time, because…, success and failure are but….., the more…. The more…., when we read between the lines…., the motive at this juncture……….., a word of caution…..,
While working from dawn to dusk………, in the ultimate analysis…., as women started to seek jobs…., by and by….., in the developing nations….., gone are the days when…., these are the days when….., it is of utmost importance….., it is a kind of wild justice to…., by the shift of priorities…., as far as brain drain is concerned…..,
On the other hand…., contrary to that………, in other words…., curiously enough…., however…, ironically enough….., nevertheless….., on the contrary….., otherwise, unlike, with due respect to………., in spite of……, alternatively…., although, it is paradoxical that….., nonetheless…., in spite of the fact that……., to approach it from the other angle….,
To supplement to this view…., another example would be…., another reason is that…., lst but not the least…., moreover…., with a view to….., in memory of….., at the instance of…..
In simple words…., in the objects analysis…., nevertheless…, after studying these arguments and counter arguments…., I would like to infer that…………., curiously enough….., despite the fact that…., in any given period of time….., above and beyond….., as a result…., because of…….., having a myopic outlook…., consequently…., for this reason…., hence…., in the in-depth analysis…., owing to….., quite evidently….., therefore…., as such…., thus, cultural shock can be reduced if……., our observations on life show that…………..
To put it in a nutshell, to conclude, in conclusion, let us come to a conclusion that, to summarize, therefore, let us conclude that.., having examined the pros and cons, I would like to establish that….., conclusively …., eventually…., finally, in brief, in short, in summary, to cap it all, to sum up, thus, let us arrive at an inference…………..
Marking policy for a writing task 2 of level 7 band (taken from IDP and BC websites)
IELTS band 7 description
Task achievement
1.    Addresses all parts of the task
2.    Presents a clear position throughout the response
3.    Presents, extends and supports main ideas
Coherence and cohesion
1.    Logically organizes information and ideas / a clear progression throughout
2.    Uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately
3.    Presents a clear central topic within each paragraph    
Lexical resources
1.    Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary
2.    Uses less common lexicon words
3.    Occasional errors in word choice, spelling or word formation
Grammatical range and accuracy
1.    Uses a variety of complex sentences
2.    Produces frequent error-free sentences
3.    Good control of grammar and punctuation but may take a few errors 

Formats of various tasks types:
Format of discuss essays
(General facts)
1.    It is quite evident that……………………………..
2.    It is needless to say that……………………………..
3.    It is irrefutable that……………………………………..
4.    One cannot deny from the fact that………………………..
5.    Obvious it is in first sight that………………………………..
6.    It goes without saying that………………….
1.    A particular segment of society believes that……………
Or some individuals opine that…………………….
Or there are those who say that……….
Or there are people who have the mindset that….
Or a particular segment of society / locality tend to believe that…………
2.    While, others opine that…………………..
Or on contrary, some believe that……..
Or in sharp contrast, others tend to think that….
Or however, a counter argument is that………..
(Thesis statement)
1.    Both the opinions have their own priority and need an investigation before reaching to a conclusion.
2.    Before presenting the final opinion, I would like to throw light on both the points of view.
3.    In this essay, I intend to delve in to both points before reaching to a final conclusion.
4.    Opinions of both kinds are looking strong and deserve a keen look before expressing a final conclusion.
(Body para 1)
Main idea
1.    The first and foremost point is,
2.    The first school of thought claims that……………
3.    According to the first school of the thought…
4.    Primarily, the point is…
5.    The supporters of the first / primary view say that…..
6.    There are people who say that….
Supporting ideas
1.    What is more….
2.    For example…
3.    Moreover…
4.    Further the point is…
5.    For instance…
(Body para 2)
Main idea
1.    The opposite school of thought however presents…
2.     On the flip side of matter it is clear that…
3.     However on the contrary the opinion is…
4.    People who oppose it say that…
5.    With totally reverse mindset, it is clearly said that…
Supporting idea 1
1.    Furthermore, they present idea of…
2.    Moreover they cite an example to base their view…
Supporting idea 2
1.    Last but not the least, ..……
2.    Finally…..
Now your personal view
1.    According to my view…
2.    As per my thought…
3.    As per my school of thought...
(Concluding statement and restate your opinion is the keys to write a sound conclusion)
1.    In the end, it can be said that…
2.    To put in a nutshell, I pen down saying...
3.    In the end, it is quite evident that…      
4.    In conclusion, I would like to speak like the….
5.    As a matter of fact, this is coming out of the above discussion that is…
Suggestions (if any)
Format of agree / disagree essay                    
(General Facts)
1.    It is needless to debate on….
2.    It goes without saying that…
3.    Without much pressure, it is quite evident that…
4.    It is irrefutable that…
5.    With strong conviction, I say that..
Give your words and rewrite the main statement in your words.
(Thesis statement)  
1.    I absolutely agree / disagree with the statement. I would like to explicate it at length in the stanzas to come.
2.    I adore the statement completely. I have a strong foundation of ideas in support of this and I am going to reveal them in coming paragraphs.
3.    However, I possess an opposite view on this matter and I am going to explicate my opinions in coming paragraphs.
4.    I endorse the idea up to some / large / appreciable / considerable extent with some solid foundations. I will totally clear my point of view at length in paragraphs to come.
(Body para 1)    
(Main idea)
1.    To begin,
2.    To start with,
3.    Initially,
4.    For example…
(Supporting idea)
1.    What is more amazing is..
2.    Moreover, another example..
3.    To deepen the perspective, the idea of…
(Body para 2)   
Main idea (if you were agree first and now you are disagree)
If you are writing in one direction whether in agree / disagree then
(Supporting idea 2)
1.    Furthermore, the point is…
2.    More vividly,
3.    With the example of…
4.    With more impulse,…
(Supporting idea 3)
1.    Last but not the least..
2.    Eventually, the point is..
(Concluding statement and restate your opinion is the keys to write a sound conclusion)
1.    In the end, it can be concluded that…
2.    I am having the conclusion in my mind that is …
3.    Finally I pen down saying that..
Suggestion (if any)
 Format of advantage / disadvantage essays
(General facts)
1.    It is quite imperative to say that..
2.    Needless to debate about the benefits of…
3.    It goes effortlessly when we talk about…
4.    Taking about / regarding about…
5.    The matter of………. Is quite beneficial for mankind / society….
Give your words to the main statement….
(Thesis statement) 
1.    Having proper consideration on pros and cons, I would like to explicate the task in coming paragraphs.
2.    This essay would explore the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
3.    While taking pluses and minuses of the term / phenomenon, I am presenting my views at length.
(Body para 1)       
(Main idea)
1.    The key advantage is…
2.    Primary benefit of…
3.    The main plus of this is…
For example
(Supporting idea)
1.    What is more of interest is…
2.    Discussing further its benefits…
3.    While exploring the matter, we find…
(Body para 2)
(Main idea)     
1.    However, it is having some pitfalls also, likewise…
2.    The first drawback is…
3.    Primary disadvantage is…
4.    Every coin has reverse side also, likewise…
(Supporting idea)
1.    Apart from that…
2.    In addition to it…
3.    Moreover, if we see in detail…
(Concluding statement and restate your opinion is the keys to write a sound conclusion)
1.    In the end, it is quite natural to say that
2.    To put in a nutshell, I pen down saying that..
3.    After looking / analyzing / watching carefully the issue / matter / subject, I reach to the point that..
4.    With more benefits of this, I would like to conclude the matter like…
5.    With elephant size drawbacks, I have come to conclusion in the end that…
Suggestion (if any)
Format of problem based essays      
(General facts)
1.    It goes without saying that
2.    No matter the situation is the problem of….
3.    The issue of……
4.    Nowadays the issue of ………………….. is causing troubles in our daily life
5.    Needless to debate over the problem of….
Give your words to the original statement and rewrite it to make a strong introduction statement
(Thesis statement) 
(Reason – solution)
1.    Several reasons are responsible behind this situation and I will discuss them one by one in coming paragraph, along with all possible solutions as per my mind.
2.    In this essay, I would like to explicate all the possible reasons and their solutions at length in coming stanzas.
(Reason – effect)       
1.    Several reasons are responsible behind this situation and I will discuss them progressively along with their possible effects.
2.    In this essay, I would like to explicate all possible reasons and their effects thoroughly in coming paragraphs.
(Body para 1)
(Main idea)
1.    The first and foremost reason behind this…
2.    The real reason behind the issue of….
For example
(Supporting idea 1)
1.    Apart from that,
2.    Other reason is…
3.    One more thing in this is…
For example
(Supporting idea 2)
1.    Moreover..
2.    Furthermore…
3.    Probing further..
(Body para 2)
1.    We need to open our eyes towards solutions likewise the primary solution of this is…….
2.    Every problem has solution if we are interested in finding it; likewise the first solution is…
3.    Who said that there is no solution at all? There are solutions likewise…
Last but not the least……..
1.    Effects are quite profound likewise…
2.    The problem is quite severe with serious effects that are…
3.    Talking about the effects of this, first one is… 
4.    When I look at the effects of this, my mind goes to….
Last but not the least……..
(Concluding statement and restate your opinion is the keys to write a sound conclusion)
1.    In the end, it can be finalized like that..
2.    With concluding eyes, I would like to say..
3.    Eventually, I pen down saying that…
4.    To put in a nutshell, I pen down saying that…  
Solved examples
Solved sample 1
There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?
Opening statement
Music is a medicine that refreshes the mind. Music is a teacher that teaches without giving the impression to us like we are being taught by it. As the human race has expanded its horizons, it is quite natural to have a huge variety of expressions in musical terms. There are hundreds types of music all over the world. Artists are creating wonders every day. Music is life in itself. Music fellows serve the world so creatively and joyfully. I would like to explicate it at length in following paragraphs.
Body para 1   
We need music as it charges us, it provides us new meanings, and it enlightens us if it is based on true and strong cultural foundations. Music connects us. Music makes us wider and open in terms of thinking, expression, feelings, knowledge and self-realization. Music is a great way of connecting to our own selves in a positive and peaceful way.
Body Para 2
We have a huge range in music because of enormous diversity in the cultures of human existence all over the world. We have traditional touch based music along with international ones. Traditional music explains the minuteness of the culture belonging to a particular area. It is very imperative to care traditional artists. They are our legacies. They are preserving our cultures for the future generations.
On the other hand, international music has developed a lot and it is showing amazing possibilities to traditional artists also. It is of great value if we establish a productive correlation between both musical tastes. They both have ideas and ability to touch the hearts of masses. Both music types have their own pluses and minuses for each other.
Type 1
After the overall analysis, it can be concluded that International music is full of limitless touches of creativity and purity but at the same time, one must bother his traditional and cultural music.
Type 2
It is our urgent responsibility to foster our traditional folks and encourage them to learn from international rock stars. Music has no boundary so every artist should be welcomed at every corner of the world.                  
Solved sample 2
Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or it is the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?
Introduction (general fact + paraphrasing + thesis statement) 
If one is rich then it is obviously his duty to share the secrets of his richness among others. This situation is also aptly applicable to wealthy nations who have strengthen themselves over the years and presented themselves to the rest of the world as the assets for the whole world. As the question of sharing food and educational resources is concerned, surely / definitely, wealthy nations should initiate this noble practice. Sharing is a powerful activity that actually strengthens both parties.
Body para 1
A huge / massive / giant / powerful / rock solid step towards development of poor nations can be taken by enriching them in the area of education as Nelson Mandela nicely elaborated this point when he said that to enhance a person, educate him. With the help in education, rich nations will open the way of long term and permanent prosperity for poorer nations.
Body para 2
Food is also a major area where poorer nations need a real help and by taking strong and purposeful actions, wealthy nations can truly develop the needy countries in the field of basic / fundamental food security of their citizens. Both areas are quite important / essential / vital / pivotal to focus to elevate / transcend / empower the masses / folks / natives of poorer nations.
Body para 3
One should focus beyond the help of wealthy nations for needy ones; it is also a primary responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to think deeply about how they can make themselves strong in basic walks of development. Apart from taking help in food and education, poorer countries must focus on making long term growth policies for their citizens with the worthy guidelines of wealthy nations.  
Concept of helping poorer nations in food and education sectors by wealthy nations is of great importance / of huge value / worthwhile in all dimensions and creates a win-win platform for both parties.         
Solved sample 3
News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?  
(General fact + paraphrasing + thesis statement)
It is always better to monitor news before it goes to public domain. As India is a grand country with a huge viewers and readers base for media. Somewhere news presenters have a key responsibility of reflecting the world in a respectful, clear, meaningful and informative way. The process of collecting news and presenting it with proper processing to the world is very labor-cum-care intensive work. Before reaching to any worthwhile conclusion, I will closely monitor each and every aspect of this matter.  
Body para 1
There are several factors that highly contribute in this regard likewise the popularity of the stuff among viewers and readers, social relevance of the material, meaningful insight of the work and effect of the matter after publishing. Nicely this work is being done by news editors on different platforms in various categories / different segments. Of course, it is of huge worth to monitor the quality of the stuff before allowing it for the common man.
Body para 2
As it goes absolutely well with human nature that one is very much vulnerable to negative news and somewhere this psychology is purposefully exploited by the news editors. On T.V. and print media, it has now become a trend that present negative news and become popular. This trend is not a good one for a responsible nation and for an ethical media organization. We need to reconsider the kind of news that we broadcast in the public. Certainly, it will create powerful impact on the social psychology and will bring a productive mindset in the people.
Media should take active participation in sharing positive, powerful, meaningful and enlightening news more in the public to maintain its respectful position in the eyes of the people.           
Solved sample 4
The ideas of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of earning money and further education will be something that contains throughout life. Discuss both views.   
The mindset of having more than one career is certainly a great mindset and it enriches the person with different types of life experiences. Today, people are getting clearly the trap of security within a career and now choosing to explore life in an open way with an ideology of making new experiments with career. In coming paragraphs, I will clearly discuss all possible views on this matter
Body para 1
Obviously, with options of career, one becomes more exploring and creative. Moreover, the mentality behind the meaning of career has also changed, earlier people were looking career as a way of earning livelihood but now people are curious to fill their lives with meanings and continuous learning along with positive contribution for mankind. People are choosing to serve mankind with the help of career. They are defining careers as a ladder to explore their own powers and talents.
Body para 2
Probing further, People of today are very much excited about challenging careers. They are highly aimed at things that make them stretch and elevate themselves. The concept of finding careers that suits and fills the inner desire of a person is really powerful. History is evident that when a person starts looking for a career that makes him happy from physical, spiritual, financial, personal and social aspects, he naturally lives a fulfilled life.
Body para 3
Yes, it is also meaningful to understand, the true meaning of education. Earlier people used to think that education is an outer game and it is all about learning external world but today mindset of people have completely shifted and they have started connecting education with exploration of their inner resources on consistent basis.        
Quite clearly / therefore / eventually / meaningfully / as a matter of the fact / the bottom line is the powerful concept of having more than one career option is commendable and it enables a person to explore his inner resources beyond the predictions.
Solved sample 5
 “Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?
Father has his unique role while mother has her own vital role in the meaningful upbringing of a child. Both parties have responsibility to give their child an exciting perspective towards life as he grows up. Somewhere, the huge responsibility is always played by the mother while father is considered the main earning hand of the family and because of this, he is kept away from the minute responsibilities of children nurturing. In coming stuff, clearly I will put light on both views.
Body para 1
There are several factors that decide like whether the key role will be played by the mother or the father. In a family, its earning power, educational background, openness to new cultures, and mutual coordination among each other, family legacy and size of the family are very much responsible in telling that whether the father will be the vital or the mother will be the caption.          
Body para 2
Males and females both have their perception levels regarding how life works and how things contribute in life at different stages and they both are totally capable in giving their child new and meaningful eyes. Mothers give birth to babies and do all necessary physical sacrifices for their children just to ensure a smooth arrival of baby in the world. Mothers do grand contribution in the birth of a child but it never means that they are solely responsible for all decisions regarding the future of the child. It will be quite meaningful if mothers and fathers create a significant balance in the upbringing activity.
It is like mutual cooperation situation as they both are in the game of family evolution and they both can play amazingly great if they respect each other’s role with genuine concern. Here, fathers are required to take the main stage in this whole process so that mothers can be helped significantly in all this.
Solved sample 6
 “Prevention is better than cure.”
Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
A sound health reveals a well-educated and worthy portrait of a person. Out of all precious blessings of life, health is the primary one. One must not overlook his health. When we call health is important obviously we point / figure out certain lifestyle ways and eating habits that matters most in maintaining a strong and active body. In coming paragraphs, with absolute clarity I will touch the all possible aspects.
Body para 1
Certainly, I agree on the concept of proactiveness. One should be proactive in his approach. One should be crystal clear in is mind that he is going to live in such a manner that gifts him a fitness based and active lifestyle. Like actors, celebrities, politicians and white-color officials normally live in their real lives.  
Body para 2
One more thing is there that every disease lies in the way we live our daily routine. Likewise, what we eat, how we eat, how much we eat, how many times we eat, the quality of food that we take, the level of work we do, the primary purpose of our life, the work schedule that we follow and naturally, the self-image of ours about ourselves, are the responsible factors that affect a person’s health. When one goes out of shape in his fitness then he looks like a handicap but when he has a choice to do or not to do the things that adversely affect him, he must show a proactive approach.
A country should consciously invest substantial money on expanding health awareness and elevating the native’s mindset towards the healthy lifestyle because by doing so, a country can save billions and those billions can be productively invested into other meaningful areas for an exponential growth of that nation.      
Solved sample 7
Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.    
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?
Every coin has two facets. As far as proper controlling of crimes is concerned, there are several factors that matters most. Likewise, the criminal’s background, the magnitude of crime, social effect of crime, damage to the victim, intentions of the criminal, impression of law and order of the area are the genuine factors that contribute a lot. In the coming stanzas, I will explicate the both sides of the concerned matter.
Body para 1
Certainly, a penalty of capital punishment is must if the crime really does impact the mindset of masses badly. In that situation, it becomes urgent to leave an impression for others as well that such things will not be tolerable in future. Because, law is there to empower the nation, to strengthen the faith of its citizens in the system and to safely serve the nation. It must be very clear that if severity of a crime is at peak then decision like capital punishment is quite justified.
Body para 2
Exactly, the decision of capital punishment is inspired with the approach of leaving a fear in the minds of people about law and order. Up to certain extent, it is obviously right to behave like this for the uneducated and unaware natives of a country to maintain their safety and security level.
Body para 3
There is another possible approach for controlling violence in the society and that is sending the criminals in a tough lifestyle where there mind could be washed and they can be turned up into meaningful approach however this requires a focused and well planned action but impacts will be astounding and mass thinking touchable.        
A country should go for capital punishment like death penalty for severe crimes that powerfully contribute in disturbing the peace of the nation but it also have some alternative approach for improving the mindset of criminal by giving them a specific lifestyle for years under close monitoring so that they can be transformed into  worthy citizens
Solved sample 8
The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency; arise from the fact that many married women now work and not at home to care for their children.       
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?
One cannot deny from the truth that position of women has transformed totally in the society and it is bringing certain positives and negatives. When we put light on the negatives then things like lost childhood of family kids and involvement of family kids in unproductive and society harmful things, primarily come into the mind. Somewhere the culture that women empowerment and active involvement of females has brought a meaningless attitude of family kids for society.
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It is of huge worth to have a mother at home especially to guide and nurture the kids in a meaningful way. Somewhere, when kids do not get love and attention from their own family they start thinking about means of getting attention and certainly love from outside. Feelings of such kinds do not come in a day, it takes years to make kids ready to commit such socially harmful stuff and making them available for youngsters crimes and bad things.
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Mainly the thing responsible for such behavior of adults is lack of unconditional love from their own family and role of mother in imparting devoted love to her kids is primary. When a kid gets respect and love from his mother, he automatically understands the meaning of life. He grows up with such feelings like I should do something good for others and I should do some creative things for my country but when these things are absent from his upbringing, he naturally inclines himself to violence and addictions.        
There is a mandatory need of mothers love in the life of children to make them aware about powerful feelings like respect for others life, spreading love in the society and respect for others safety and security. Mothers should also come forward to understand their primary role towards their children.    
Solved sample 9
Popular events like football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It is quite imperative to consider the impact which international sports events create / generate / produce among participating countries. Concern / matter / point / aspect of role played by popular events of sports in reducing / lightening / weakening the tensions between countries is worth to consider. Both dimensions of the aspect have solid grounds and I will put light in a clear manner before reaching to some meaningful conclusion.   
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(Main idea 1) Closeness between people of two countries breeds emotional understanding of each other’s true feelings. Furthermore, once they start interacting or meeting to each other on such events, naturally, they will tend to realize that there is nothing in between them which is hostile apart from utter misunderstandings.
(Supporting idea 1) Certainly, the atmosphere such events generate, is beyond any national boundaries and religious limits. Sometimes, it happens that people start appreciating other countries just because of their sportsmen and their sports spirit. Even, it is noticed almost in every game that in the winning moments, everyone watches the game by completely associating themselves with the true spirit of victory and defeat.
(Supporting idea 2) Because of their forming histories and political reasons, there are always tensions going on in between many countries and it becomes essential in such environment that there should be some platform where people can interact and know each other. (Supporting idea 3) Because the common man of any country does not keep any ill feeling for the common man of other country. It is media and political people who look the situation in other ways and fill the minds of common man with worry and insecurity. Within such climate, sports and international events are a panacea to ease the tensions.              
(Main conclusion) Meaningful and huge importance goes to popular events in lightening the tensions and heavy emotions that people worldwide carry for other / neighboring countries. (Restating opinion) Countries should come forward to increase the frequency of such emotionally-healer kind of events worldwide.   
Solved sample 10
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive.  
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Introduction (general fact + paraphrasing + thesis statement)
It is quite obvious that for the arrival of new old has to go. There is no bad lie in this as human beings are continuously evolving themselves. To make progress, one has to redefine the things in non-stop manner. It is certainly true that when a country plans out to grow in the field of its basic infrastructure and facilities with the help of technology then simply it has to empty itself from old ways of doing same things. Coming paragraphs will be revealing my exact point of views with both grounds.  
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The main thing is, whether this evolution costs much or less, it is quite compulsory to move ahead. As far as, progress is making life effective and complete, it is totally acceptable and adaptable. With passage of time and population boom, somewhere, it has become necessary to update our systems of doing things. People are now looking at fast ways of getting facilities and they are not in a mood to wait even for routine things of life. To cope up the needs of people, a huge emergence of newness in technology requires.
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At present times, systems of providing basic facilities has become so fast and accurate and somewhere they are serving masses properly as well. Yes, the concept of dying traditional ways is also of worth because somewhere old ways give us the ideas for reinventing the things. And also, one must respect the oldness to celebrate and explore the endless possibilities that lie in the new.
(Main conclusion) To keep the old ways alive is completely needless but taking constant ideas from traditional theories to innovate the system is quite imperative. (Restating opinion) One should appreciate the old to reinvent it in order to get the new out of the old constantly.      
Solved sample 11
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Very true it is, like when a child works, he sees the world in a different and responsible way. Doing work installs certain meaningful human values in children. Matter of paid working for children has always been a matter of debate and views are there in favor or against of it. In the coming stanzas, I will clearly explicate the both grounds before presenting any concrete final saying.  
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The first perspective / the first and foremost point / the fresh opinion on this matter is about the positives of this situation. Likewise, children become more open, creative, worthy, dutiful, disciplined, cultured, responsible and contributing towards the society. They get to know about how to survive and how to grow in the world. They make themselves self-dependent. They buy freedom when they work with earning money and earning experience opportunities. They learn the language of real world. They learn the power of efforts, the power of consistent growth and the power of gradual learning in long term evolution.
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Somewhere, this culture also inspires children to become more open and interactive with the outside world in quite young age. They start thinking in mature manner for the world and for their role in the world.
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(Disagree) Yes, there is also a second road to this situation / opposite view to the above said situation is also there and this is about making the children matured people quite early and losing their childhood joys and colors. Education becomes very rare for a child if he has deeply immersed in earning atmosphere and later, he might end up into a low paying job lifetime. Stress is also more in children who work and study at same time. Natural lifestyle is quite rare for such children and somewhere it disturbs their progress as a worthy and asset-like person at later stage.
Situation is having both aspects with solid grounds still the one with paid work that provides an essential life skill quite early is more attractive. Children should be fostered to go for such healthy, productive and incredible work experiences.                   
Solved sample 12
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
To develop any nation, it is quite essential to strengthen its basic body’s like health, education, technology and trade. (General fact) Standing firmly in case of a nation requires a lot effort on basics. If a country is due to any reason is unable to focus on these fronts then its disaster is guaranteed. Now the question of help comes, few opine government of wealthy nations should come forward. (Paraphrasing) I will clearly explicate the whole situation in coming paragraphs. (Thesis statement)  
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Certainly, governments of developed nations should come forward to establish a strong fundamental development model in needy countries. Of course, there are platforms globally which are making things better for poorer countries every day. The thing is clear that if wealthy countries focus more on making needy countries strong then an atmosphere of peace, mutual respect, global growth and strong sense of one world can be established.
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Policies of developed countries can be adopted within the close monitoring of their officials to empower the economy of a poor country. Somewhere, the basic purpose of globalization is same likewise countries will make each other strong and take full advantage of each other’s expertise. There are resources available in poorer countries, those are waiting for people of developed countries to make them globally useful and expecting to get powerful returns for their countries.  
Sharing is always better and wealthy countries are better in many ways and surely, they must undertake the responsibility of paving the way for needy nations and they should do this with integrity, with a sense of cooperation and with the vision of global growth.         
Solved sample 13
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media communication information. State the three that you consider to be the most effective.
Comic’s       books                    radio            television     film    theatre 
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.   
How true it is, communication is important but how it is conveyed, is far more imperative. As far as media platforms for communicating information are concerned, there are few important parameters associated to it. The medium should be of interest to masses, it should be interactive and it should cover the information in an interesting manner. I personally favor the films, books and theatre and in coming paragraphs, I will throw light on these three vital platforms.  
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Throughout the course of history, films have been a powerful media. A lot of creativity and technology is amazingly mixed together that entertains as well as empowers the audience. Films attract the masses. They emotionally and intellectually convey the message. Almost every single person is connected to films in some way. Titanic, avatar, 3 idiots are powerful example of impact of movies on masses.    
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A second large channel of sharing information with the crowd is books. Books contain the entire development of human race within themselves. They fruitfully educate as well as vitally entertain. Books share culture, ideas, thinking, progress and evolution. Every single person comes in contact with books either at school level or throughout out his life due to his interest in lifelong learning.  
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A very creative and active platform of sharing updates and developments in the course of human history is through theatre. Theatre always has been a source of deep motivation as well as a clear communication. Artists do wonder when they perform and along with their acting the viewer’s empower themselves. 
It is very essential to choose an interactive communication channel to get updates and motivation about the world around us. Of course there are several platforms to perform this task with certain positives and negatives. But the power of films, books and theatre is eye opening. As they educate us with entertainment and give no feeling of classroom teaching.     
Solved sample 14
Happiness is considered very important in life. Why it is difficult to define?
What factors are important in achieving happiness?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  
Happiness in not everything in life but it is the main thing of life. With happiness, everything looks great and without it everything looks incomplete. One strange thing about it is one cannot define happiness in a line or in a specific ways because happiness is a combination of many things. Again, it depends and varies person to person that how one interprets the meaning of it. Still I will do my full endeavor to put light on each aspect of this in coming paragraphs. 
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Certainly, happiness is a combination of factors like what a person is chasing in life, how he is looking at life, how much satisfied he is from his works, what kind of family relationship he is enjoying, how he is looking at his role in the world and his personal awareness of his inner power. One more interesting aspect of happiness is it changes time to time likewise if a person is establishing himself then somewhere his happiness is associated with his efforts and his outcome in that endeavor. With age, definition of happiness alters.
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When we talk about the primary principles of getting happiness, we come to the points like one should have a vision in his life, one should be socially responsible, one should always learning about his career, one should be active and polite in his routine life, one should always willing to help others and one should be always focused on getting better every day from his own previous records. Happiness is a way of life. It is hidden in the philosophy of a person’s approach towards life. Happiness is something which is hard to generalize but still one can make efforts to define certain things which matters in getting happiness when we talk about happiness at large.     
Happiness is the back bone of a fulfilled life and it should not only be the goal of life but it should be the living philosophy of life.     
Solved sample 15
Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Artists are the living angels on earth. It is so true, artists communicate feelings of masses with love, creativity and respectfully. (General fact) Every artist serves his art by actively pursuing it with passion, dedication, respect and sense of unconditional devotion. Few say artist should be given full power to express their originality while some are disagree to this. (Paraphrasing) As far as the question of giving freedom is concerned, I will analyze the situation with deep observation in coming set of paragraphs. (Thesis statement)   
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A free hand for artists is must. As the artist is part of society, they should be fly like open birds in the sky of their creative fields. With freedom, creativity explodes. With personal liberty of expression, an artist put his ultimate art in his work. True artists are true because they always keep this in mind that they are servers of their art as well as servers of mankind. They perform to love, to open the minds, to respect mankind and to salute the great god who has gifted them with immense talent.
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Limitless attitude of government for artists is also important because artists present a real picture of the society. They help us in finding where the improvement is required or exactly where we stand currently. Once artists feel like they are free to express themselves, they create masterpieces. One more thing is artists contribute meaningfully in the evolution of mankind.
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Yes, it is also necessary to define certain limits on expression of artists. As far as, the matters of vulgarity, senseless presentation and emotional disrespect are concerned; creative artist should be under check for their works. Artists on their own should feel responsible and strong part of society in establishing a culture of mutual respect and humility.
Artists are the creative angels of god and they are must for creative flow of culture and loving vibrations. (Conclusion) Freedom must be gifted to them to reflect their inner creative genius out in the world. (Suggestion or future hope)


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