Counsel: a
lawyer or group of lawyers who conduct cases in court or give legal advice
Stepping stone: a stage or step that helps achieve a goal
Stumbling block: something that stands in the way of achieving a
goal or of understanding something
Erroneous: incorrect
Shake off: to get away from a pursuer
Now and then: sometimes
Unanimous: agreed by anyone
Backing: active approval, support, or help,
often in financial form, given to a person, organization or cause
Equilibrium: a physical state or sense of being able to
maintain bodily balance
Gratification: a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction
Catalyst: somebody or something that makes a
change happen or brings about an event
Solace: comfort
at a time of sadness, grief or disappointment
Console: to
provide a source of comfort to somebody who is distressed or disappointed
Beneficent: doing good or charitable acts
Beneficiary: somebody who receives a benefit from
Rely on: depend
Rectangular: with four sides
Adequate: sufficient
Airy: well
ventilated and having plenty of space
Spacious: containing ample space
Ample: more than
enough, plenty
Tiled: covering
for floors, roofs or walls
Innovative: new and creative,
especially in the way that something is done
Unique: being the only
one of a kind
Escalator: moving stairs
Well-furnished: containing good furniture
Well-lit: with plenty
of light
Illuminate: to decorate
something with lights for a celebration
Multistorey: having many floors
Mind-blowing: extremely exciting,
surprising, or shocking
Fabulous: amazingly or
almost unbelievably great or impressive
Congested: to overcrowd a street or area so that
movement is slow or difficult, or become overcrowded
Apple pie order: neat and clean
Shipshape: neat and in good order
At sixes and sevens: in disorder
Shopaholic: one who enjoys shopping
Window shopping: to look at goods displayed in store windows without a
serious intention of buying anything
Extravagance: excessive or wasteful spending of money
Spendthrift: somebody who spends money recklessly or
Shopping spree: the activity of visiting shops and stores to look
at and buy things
Fade way: to become gradually fainter or weaker
and finally disappear
Wither away: to fade or lose freshness or vitality
Sky-scrapers: tall buildings
Intact: whole
and undamaged
Avail: benefits,
gain, advantage, get
Rigorous: strict, stringent, harsh and
Exorbitant: far greater or higher than is reasonable
Pilgrimage: a journey to a holy place, undertaken for
religious reasons
Pilgrim: somebody
who goes on a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
Fascinate: to hold somebody’s attention completely
or irresistibly
Sanctum sanctorum: sacred inner place
Rejuvenate: to make somebody become, feel, or appear
young again
City dweller: a person who lives in city
Felicity: happiness or contentment
Delight: great
enjoyment or pleasure
Blissful: heavenly, wonderful and delightful
Ecstasy: joy,
happiness, delight, elation
Enchantment: something that delights or captivates
Content: the
amount of something contained in something else
Obeisance: a gesture of respect or deference e.g. a
bow of the head
Holy dip: to take a dip in holy water
Holy pond: a pond attached to a religious place
that is considered holy
Refectory: a dining hall, especially in a
monastery, convent or college
Plated with: covered with a thin layer of metal
Dome shaped: a hemispherical roof e.g. on a palace or
Alluring: appealing, charming
Charming: appealing, alluring
Hymn: mantra,
chant, tune
Sermon: a
talk or religious or moral subject
Accomplish: achieve
Queue: stand
in line
Picturesque: scenic, pictorial
Exotic: very
colorful and exciting
Splendor: brilliance, magnificence
Ambience: atmosphere and character or a place
Rapids: fast
moving water
Fragrance: aroma, scent, smell
Landscape: an expense of scenery
Woods: forest
Snowcapped: a covering of snow on a mountain peak
Adorn: decorate
Sojourn: a
short stay at a place
Overwhelm: to affect somebody’s emotions in a
complete way
Astonish: surprise, amaze
Fascinate: charm, attract
Paradise: heaven
Kayaking: to ride a kayak
Rafting: to
ride a raft
Mountaineering: mountain climbing
Bush walking: to walk in the forest
Safari: a
journey for the purpose of observing animals
Rendezvous: a meeting arranged for an agreed time and
Canoe: light,
narrow-pointed boat
Preserve: protest, conserve, defend
Heritage: inheritance, tradition
Prosperity: wealth, affluence, richness
Integrity: the state of being complete or
Ritual: an
established and prescribed pattern of observance
Scenic: picturesque,
beautiful, attractive
Mountainous: hilly, rocky
Plains: a
large expanse or fairy flat dry land, usually with few trees
Hilltops: the summit of a hill
Monotony: repetitiveness, boredom
Recreation: leisure, pastime, amusement
Encompass: include, cover, take in
Disclose: reveal, unveil, make known
Acquisition: gain, achievement, get hold of
Possession: control, ownership, custody
Assets: possessions,
belongings, material goods
Antique: very
old, historic, old-fashioned
Sculpture: statue, figure, monument
Innate: qualities
that a person on animal is born with
Vernacular: the common spoken language of the people
in a region
Portraits: a painting, photograph or drawing of
Enigmatic: mysterious and difficult to understand
or interpret
Enhance: improve,
develop, boost
Ancestors: somebody from whom somebody else is
directly descended
Predecessors: somebody who held a position or job before
somebody else
Forefathers: a male ancestor, usually one who died long
Crucial: vital,
critical, important
Vital: critical,
Instrumental: influential, active, involved
Inevitable: unavoidable, certain, unavoidable,
Handful: a
small amount or number of people or things
Excel: do
extremely well
Caliber: quality,
ability, level
Instill: inspire,
fill, encourage
Boost: improve,
Bundle of: a collection of
Flair: a
natural ability to do something well
Ardent: enthusiastic,
keen, devoted
Salient: most
important, outstanding, significant
Stimulate: to encourage something such as an
activity or a process
Reluctant: unwilling, unenthusiastic, hesitant
Metabolism: the process of which food is converted
into energy
Crawl: move
slowly, Creep
Backstroke: a method of swimming on the back
Privilege: freedom, opportunity, advantage
Derelict: neglected, abandoned, ruined
Defile: to
corrupt or ruin something
Depletion: to use up or reduce something such as
resources or energy
Horizon: the
line where the land or sea seems to meet the sky
Extinct: died
out, wiped out, destroyed, vanished
Fertilizers: a substance added to soil to increase
plant growth
Pesticide: a chemical substance used to kill
Degrade: to
become worse, or make something more worse
Cultivate: farm, grow, plant
Enormous: huge, giant
Tremendous: great, fantastic, remarkable
Extreme: going
for beyond what is reasonable, moderate, or normal
Immense: huge,
vast, enormous
Intervene: to involve yourself deliberately in a
Mushrooming: growing, escalating
Detrimental: harmful thing
Ominous: threatening,
warning, worrying
Shortcoming: inadequacy, deficiency
Deface: spoil,
ruin, disfigure
Greed: a
strong desire to have more
Deforestation: to remove the trees from an area of land
Reforestation: to replant an area with trees
Exploitation: taking selfish or unfair advantage of
someone or something
Exploration: investigation of something
Flora: plants
Fauna: animals
Typhoons: a violent storm in the western pacific
and Indian oceans
Tycoons: somebody
with great power and wealth
Hurricane: a severe storm with torrential rain and
extremely strong winds
Emit: produce,
release, discharge
Flood: water
covering previously dry area
Drought: lack
of water
Poaching: to catch wild animals illegally
Ozone layer: upper layer of atmosphere absorbing
ultraviolet rays
Longevity: long life, useful
Intermingle: mix together, interact
Exclusive: special, restricted, limited
Endangered: in danger of extinction, rare, scarce
Hedge: a
close set row of bushes forming a barrier or boundary
Scented: perfumed,
fragrant, aromatic
Blossom: bloom,
Survival: remaining alive after facing
life-threatening danger
Carnivorous: meat-eating
Herbivorous: plant eating
Omnivorous: eating both plant and meat
Habitat: typical
Inhabitant: occupant, resident, dweller
Amphibian: that lives some time on land and some time
in water
Aquatic: connected
with water
Marine: relating
to sea
Marsupial: animals with pouch
Marmalade: jam, jelly
Ecology: study
of organisms and the environment
Biodegradable: that will decay relatively quickly
Tsunami: a
large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake
Earthquake: a violent shaking of the earth’s crust
Greenhouse gas: gas that causes the warming of the earth’s
Global warming: an increase in the world’s temperature
Reptiles: animals with an outer covering of
scales or plates and a bony skeleton, e.g. the crocodile, tortoise, snake, or
Whodunit: mystery, detective novel, crime thriller
Mischief: naughtiness, trouble, disobedience
Predict: forecast,
expect, guess
Narrate: describe,
Geography: the physical features of a place e.g.
mountains and rivers
Cocksure: absolutely sure
Conservation: protection, preservation
Unscrupulous: dishonest, immoral
Alterations: changes
Extensively: at length, lengthy
Access to: approach
Bias: prejudice,
partially, unfairness
Subscribe: donate, give, pledge
A bird’s eye view: overall view
Exaggeration: overstatement, amplification
Virtue: asset,
good quality, good feature
Abide by: obey, follow
Eloquent: fluent,
articulate, powerful
Flooded with: overwhelmed
with, showered with
Coerce: force,
pressurize, compel
Curious: eager to know
about something
Studious: having a tendency
to study
Bookworm: somebody who loves
Compassionate: sympathetic, emphatic
Innumerable: countless,
Ingrained: deep-rooted,
Shortcoming: inadequacy, deficiency
Compile: accumulate,
Lexicography: the writing and editing
of dictionaries
Folklore: traditional
Vulnerable: weak, open to,
Epitome: a highly
representable example
Epitomize: to be a highly
representative example
Enthusiastic: showing
passionate interest in something, energetic
Benevolent: performing good acts
and not seeking to make a profit, kind, charitable
Malevolent: having or showing a
desire to harm others, harmful, evil
Legend: somebody famous
admired for a skill or talent
Veteran: one who is well
experienced in something
Jovial: cheerful in
mood or disposition
Laborious: requiring much hard
Impersonator: to mimic the voice and
manners of somebody else, especially to entertain
Straight forward: level, even, or properly
positioned, candid
Vigorous: extremely strong
and active, physically or mentally
Impertinent: showing a bold or rude
lack of respect, especially to a superior
Zealous: actively and
unreservedly enthusiastic
Renowned: well known or famous
Propulsion: act of driving
something forward
Dynamic: full of energy
Forceful: powerful,
impressive and persuasive
Austere: imposing or
suggesting physically hardship
Optimist: somebody who
tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes
Audacious: bold, daring, or fearless, especially in
challenging assumptions or conventions
Audacity: boldness, daring, impudence
Broadminded: liberal, modern, tolerant, forward thinking
Narrow minded: having or showing a limited and often prejudiced
on intolerant outlook
Consistent: reasonably or logically harmonious,
coherent, and reliable
Impartial: not favoring one person or side more
than another, not biased
Above board: honest
Kind hearted: compassionate, generous, caring
Resemblance: similarity
Pessimist: somebody who always expects the worst
to happen
Weird: strange
or unusual, supernatural
Splenetic: extremely bad-tempered or spiteful
Hard-hearted: without any sympathy or kindness
Soft hearted: showing sympathy, kindness or generosity
Short tempered: easily made angry or impatient
Go-getter: an enterprising and aggressive person
Turncoat: one who changes opinion now and then
Shrewd: showing
or possessing intelligence, insight and sound judgement
Broad shouldered: large from one side to the other
Lean: bend
or incline
Stout: fat,
Middle aged: no longer young
(Source of the above material:
internet, various websites, books and lectures)
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