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1.   An island you would like to visit.
*    Nature is the art of the God and it is pleased with simplicity.
*     Its creatures never fail to impress us and we owe it so many things like Flora and Fauna.
*    Nature includes various types of articles like wildlife sanctuaries, oceans but here I would like to talk about the islands. The atmosphere on the islands is generally breath-taking and eye-catching.
*    There are a lot of islands but my favourite one is Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It was established in 1 November 1956. Its capital is Port Blair.
*    I want to visit there because there are quite a lot of things to enjoy like Diving, Limestone caves and Neil Islands.
*    Diving in Andaman is a unique lifetime experience. The coastal water surrounding these islands is the abode of one of the richest coral reef ecosystem is the world.
*    Limestone caves of Andaman are a treat to watch. The journey on to these cave is equally mesmerising which covers all the way through Tribal reserves.
*    Neil Island is an island in the Andaman Islands of India. It is apparently named after James George Smith Neill, a British soldier responsible for several war crimes during the suppression of the 1857 Mutiny.
*    So, at last I would say that I want to visit there along with my friends and I will prefer to go there in summer holidays if given a chance.

2.   Describe a useful website
*    Development and advancement are becoming a trend nowadays.
*    It is surging up day by day and new technologies are getting introduced at in the market.
*    All the credit goes to Human beings as their creativity is beyond the universe.
*     Well, there are several websites which are very helpful for the humans such as Facebook, Instagram but my favourite among them is Whatsapp.
*    Whatsapp is really useful for the people who want to connect instantly with each other.
*     Surprisingly, it is used by every other human being.
*    The best part about it is that one can share or receive media files with just one go. What is more, the only requirement for the Whatsapp is internet connection which is found in every mobile phone.
*    It is beneficial for the businesses as well because it also has an application named “Whatsapp Business” in which one can add his clients, tell them about their latest offers and updates.
*    Even more, it comes up with the status update in which one can post his pictures or videos to let others know what is going on in his life.
*    Apart from it, one can also create a group in which he can chat with multiple people at once.
*    In conclusion, I would say websites like these should be more promoted so that it can reach every single individual and everyone can enjoy its benefits.

3.   Describe an interesting place about which only few people know about.
*    Most tourists which come in India generally focus on Golden Temple or Taj Mahal. This is so because these are really famous in the world.
*    Well, Rajasthan  was once known as “land of rajputs” who were brave warriors. Surprisingly, they never gave up against the cruel Mughals.
*    There are several places in Rajasthan which are worth watching but are less known. One of them is Baroli Temples.
*    It is home to several temples complexes in Rajasthan. There are small temples which are devoted to Lord Shiva and they retain a strong sense of sacredness.
*     The shocking thing is that, despite being important there are very few visitors due to the lack of knowledge.
*    There are some stone sculptures as well where every inch is covered in fantastic carvings.
*    It is an exciting place to visit because whenever we get a new source of knowledge, we respond in a surprising way and it gives birth to curiosity in our mind.
*    So all in all I must say it is a best destination for the travel addict people who love to explore new things daily.

4.   Talk about an electronic equipment you brought for your house
*    Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven.
*    They both are combining and forming great devices every day.
*    Recently, a new equipment has arrived in the market whose name is Air Fryer. Actually, it is really beneficial for the people who love to eat fried food but oil is becoming a health barrier for them.
*    It plunges the usage of oil and cooks the optimum level of food. Well, my mom is very much fond of trying new dishes everyday but her health doesn’t allow her due to the presence of oil in the dishes.
*    So on the eve of her birthday last month I decided to gift her this wonderful gadget with help of which she can enjoy anything.
*    She was totally excited after opening the gift and the expressions on her face were like as I have solved some great issue for her.
*    At the end I would say, it has been around 32 days of its purchase and I am finding a new dish everyday at my home.

5.   Describe a time when you had some medicine
*  An intelligent person has said that Health is Wealth. Health is really crucial if one wants to live his life to the fullest.
*  There is no use of money resource if a person is suffering from diseases.
*  I take care of my health a lot and make sure that I don’t have to eat any medicine but three months back, I faced a situation in which need of medicine and bed rest was necessary.
*  I got into the vicious cobweb of typhoid which lasted for 2 weeks straight. I mean, I took break from my work because I was having no option left.
*  There was a severe pain in my legs and fever was not leaving me until I take some dose.
*  I consulted two doctors but was not observing any change in my health. So at last I preferred to get admit in hospital to get well as soon as possible.
*  The doctor gave me two injections after which I felt better. After 2 more days I started feeling great again and joined my workforce.
*  So, this was my experience of having medicines which was not good.

6.   Describe something you made by hand for your friend
*  Presents are the kind of things which everyone loves to have and gives a feel of excitement in the receiver's mind.

*  I remember a time when I gifted a handmade trouser to my friend on the occasion of his 17th birthday.

*  Well, I love to do knitting from my childhood and every winter I knit around 2-3 sweaters for my housemates.

*  My friend, Gurmeet is also in awe of clothes as he loves to be updated about the new trend in the market. Actually, the planning of gifting him knitted sweater started 1 month back when we were out for shopping and my friend found a sweater which was very attractive and beautiful.

*  But it was quite expensive and out of the budget of my friend. At that time I got this wonderful idea so I took that article's picture.

*  While returning to home I purchased wool of red colour as the sweater which my friend liked was in the same colour. It was also having flames design in white colour so I purchased some white wool as well.

*  It took me 2 weeks to complete it and after a lot of hard work I managed to knit the same design as in picture.
*  When I gifted my classmate this product, he felt really grateful and thanked me several times for the gift.

*  His mother also praised me well for my art and talent.

7.   Describe a good LAW you like
*  Education acts as a guiding tool to the youngsters and them variety of options to select their career. Moreover, it also expands their point of view which helps juveniles to survive in this world.
*  I feel myself really lucky that I am born in this country which gives the students of its nation the right to education. From my perception, it was the need of the hour as many people were dying due to poverty and child labour was increasing day to day.
*  The government took this initiative as everyone knows that education is a kind of weapon which can be used to change the world. Due to this law the children from a poor family as well can study in the top class private institution. He just has to give an exam and according to the marks scored by him, he will be placed in a respective institute.
*  I have seen many juveniles going to the school after its implementation. Surprisingly, the conditions of their family have been changed drastically now as they now live a better life than the past.
*  When government announced this rule I wrote a thank you letter to the authority because I think nothing can better than this.

8.   Describe a public event you attend recently
*  Government is the driver of the vehicle of the city and turns, brakes and acceleration by government reflects the condition of the growth of the city.
*  In my country, every individual has a right to elect the leader of his choice and the one who receives maximum notes win the race.
*  As recently the elections were held and In order to gather more and more notes, every leader organizes rallies to address his audience so that public can know their plans. Moreover, I was in support of the winner of the last elections so I attended his rally.
*  The rally was followed by approximately 500 people and we all were chanting the name of our leader. We were supporting him because of his honesty and great works for the society.
*  The rally was organized in Atal Park which is my hometown. Whole part was decorated mesmerizingly and noting appeal was done continuously by the supporters.
*  Apart from it, hoardings with the name of our selected person were everywhere in the park. What is more, by observing our excitement and spirit some local public also joined us.
*  At the result day of the poll, our supported candidate continued his winning streak 4 times in a row and won this time as well.

9.   Talk about a time when you had to change your plans.
*  Successful people have so many things in common such as, they prefer living disciplined life, they are punctual of time and they schedule all there day long activities in the beginning of the day itself.

*  Well, I was not a time-punctual in the past but something interesting happened with me which made me a well planned man.

*  The incident took place few months back when I was given a school project on the topic of Globalisation. The time period given to complete was 20 days.

*  Astonishingly, I got to know about it when only five days were left. Actually, I was on a leave from school at that time for fifteen days due to my sister’s marriage and the announcement was done later on.

*  I was planning an outing with my best friend and without consulting to him; I booked our tickets to Manali.

*  When I visited his house to give him surprise, at that time I got shocked to know about project.

*  Because of this we cancelled our plan and I started making project. Luckily, I spent day and night on it and finally completed it when only one day was left.

*  I faced this problem because I didn’t bother to know about my school homework when I was on leave.

10.                         Talk about a special day on which you didn’t have to spend a lot of money
*  As inflation is surging up day by day, the significance of money is boosting up.
*  Everyone should save money so that they can use it in their difficult times when they have no other source of income besides their savings.
*  Well, saving is my cup of tea since the childhood as I love to save money and I spend smartly and make sure that I save some amount from the purchased product.
*  I do the same thing on my birthday last year. As I decided to throw a party to all my fellow mates but I was little worried about its location.
*  I enquired in a lot of restaurants but there prices were sky high even after the discount.
*  So, I discussed my problem with my elder brother and he gave me an excellent idea that I can organize the party at my home as there will be no one to disturb us as the other members of family have to visit my grandmother.
*  I thanked my brother for this useful advice moreover; I also gave him a hug.
*  After that, I started doing all the preparations and purchased all the eatables. In this way, I saved my money which was to be spent on a restaurant.

11.                         Describe something that cannot be learned at school.
*  Moral values, great talks and humbleness are some of the assets which are left by a human being in this world after his death. These all qualities are remembered by the world. Money and wealth are only materialistic which are not allowed to carry in heaven or hell.
*  School is a kind of place in which anything can be learnt and it can make anyone a hero. But, I will love to express one quality which cannot be learnt at school. It is gratitude.
*  Gratitude is a quality which is not found in every human being. It is only taught by the parents of the child and it is cultivated by a lot of efforts. Children learn those things only which their parents teach them. However, if parents will not bother to let their juveniles know about gratitude then children will start expecting everything in return whenever they will do something.
*  Expecting something in return gives us stress which further gives birth to malice and hate.
*  Gratitude is a quality which will let one to win the heart of anyone. The person will get obsessed with the personality of a gratitude man. It will always keep them on the levels they should deserve.
*  Besides it, gratitude will surely earn a lot of respect and love from the family itself.
*  Conclusively, I will opine that parents should make their children habitual of these qualities.

12.                         Talk about a famous personality in your country.
*  Entertainment industry is one of the top grossing fields in my country. There all products are loved immensely by the population.
*  There are many artists which are famous and are master of their art. But, here I would like to explain about an actor who is a legend. He is none other than Shahrukh Khan.
*  From kids to old age people, he is known by everyone and is a well-renowned artist. He was born in Delhi and lost his parents at a very early age.
*  He is a Delhi university graduate I am also a die hard fan of him and following him since a long time.
*  Interestingly, he was not able to afford the ticket of Delhi to Mumbai train. So he sat in a train bathroom for all his journey so that he cannot get caught by ticket collector.
*  He is known as badshah of Bollywood and has appeared in more than 100 Bollywood filmes and has earned 14 film fare awards.
*  I always keep in my mind some of his famous quotes like success is not a good teacher. Failure makes you humble. Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent.
*  He is also honored with Padamshri. His debut film was Deewana.
*  All in all, I must say hard work makes a person successful  and he is the live example of it. What is more, he has been a great motivation for me.

13.                         Talk about a job that you want to be done in the future. 
*  Humanity exists above all levels and I want to announce this proudly that neither I am Hindu nor I am Sikh. I am a human being and my religion is humanity.
*  I think in the race of earning more and more money human beings have become materialistic who does not care about other people.
*  I am not that kind of human being so I would say I will prefer helping poor and needy people than earning money. I will love to feed 1 lakh people rather than throwing a party to the useless people.
*  I want to involve in social activities and participate in them at every needed step. I am planning to open a charitable trust which will help in the education of poor children. What is more, I will donate most of my earning in providing shelter to the poverty stricken families.
*  According to my perception, it is far better to spend some resources with which one can live a happy life than wasting money on buying clothes on any footwear.
*  In conclusion, I would say everyone should engage in such courses so that their life can become meaningful for them.

14.                         Talk about a quiet place that you want to visit again and again.
*  In the hunger of success and will to earn more and more money, teenagers nowadays ignore a crucial element to lead a good life.
*   It is none other than peace of mind.
*  Peace of mind is something that everyone desires to get every day. Interestingly it is not found at every place.
*  I am very luck as I have a place in my home which is really quiet and gives me peace. It is the room of my grandmother.
*  My grandmother is 71 and she resides in the first floor of our house.
*   I find her room really silent and there are some kinds of positive vibes in it as the moment I enter it, I start feeling great.
*  Daily, I spend around an hour there in which I sit with my grandmother and share my all day activities with her.
*   What is more, she hears all of them very nicely and answers me politely.
*  She also shares her real life experiences with me which I find the most suitable for me and they help me a lot.
*  In conclusion, I would say we should spend some time with elders of our family so that they can feel their significance in the family.  

15.                         Talk about a building that you admire.
*    History of India has always remained in the talks due to the sacrifices and struggles done by the ancestors.
*    India has been ruled by several rulers during the period of its independence and most of the rulers have built a monument to leave their mark on the history.
*    But, here I would love to describe about a beautiful sculpture whose name is Golden Temple which is in Amritsar.
*    It is considered as the most pilgrimage site of Sikhism.
*     Its foundation stone was laid by Sai Mia Mir, a muslim from Lahore on the request of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
*    However, the temple was repeatedly built by the Sikhs after it became a target of persecution.
*    What is more, it was destroyed several times by the muslim armies of Afhanistan and Mughal empire.
*    It is my favourite because I found it the holiest place in the world.
*    Secondly, it also serves food to two hundred thousand people daily of all races which gives it a special place in my heart.
*    In my every vacation, I do visit there so that my soul can be pure all the time.

16.                         Talk about something that you recently bought and felt happy about it.
*    Mobile phones are becoming a key element for the survival of the majority of population today.
*    They don’t even step out from their homes without carrying the phone.
*    The same case is with my younger brother as he was wishing to get a new mobile phone since a long time as his last one broke up by falling from terrace.
*    Fortunately, he was having his birthday last week so I decided that why not to gift him a mobile phone.
*    When I gifted him the phone he got so excited and started dancing in the joy because the model which he was wishing to buy was quite unaffordable for him.
*    And when he got the same model as the present he felt that he is in some kind of dream. I pinched him to make him believe.
*    I was very happy about it because my brother is in college and does most of his homework online. So it was obvious that he is going to use the mobile phone for a good cause.
*    Hence, this was my recent joyful moment.

17.                         Describe a time when something made you happy.
*    William James had said rightly that, we don’t laugh because we’re happy we’re happy because we laugh. Interestingly, one happiness scatters a thousand sorrows.
*    I also prefer staying happy all the time so that I don’t waste any moment of my life. I still remember that time when my younger brother was born.
*    It was 31 July 2006. I was very excited for his birth as I was in wait of someone with whom I can play and enjoy for the whole day.
*    When he was born, everyone in my family filled with joy and started suggesting his names to my mother. But the names were a little tough to pronounce and were utterly old. So I suggested the name “Pushkar”  to give him.
*    Actually it is an event in Rajasthan which is very popular in India. What is more, my mother also loved this name as it was new at that time and my father also preferred the same.
*    So, when my parents decided to keep his name as Pushkar I got delighted and felt very important as my family kept that name which was choosen by me.
*    This was the incident which made me really joyful and I felt really that I am crucial for my family.

18.                         Describe a place where you often visit with friends and family.
*    India is a diverse country and is on the way of development. That time is not far when it will be considered as well developed nation.
*    Well, there are some cities as well which are metropolitan. For example, Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai.
*    Here I would like to state about a place which is neither luxurious nor well advanced but everyone will find peace and richness in the mind after visiting it. It is a gurudwara named Nirmal Kutia which is in my city.
*    It is a kind of place where God resides and fulfils all the desires of his pilgrims. It was built several years ago in the memory of Saint Nikka Singh.
*    I usually visit it twice or thrice a week. Sometimes with friends and sometimes with family.  Surprisingly, every time I find the same happiness and positive vibes.
*    I think it as my home and always sit there for some time.
*    My fellow mates are also quite fond of it and pray for their utmost health.
*    In conclusion, I would like to say that these kind of religious places provide more enjoyment and mental peace than all the holiday spots.

19.                         Talk about a successful businessman in your country.
*    There is a rapid advancement of technology in each and every field of businesses owing to modernisation.
*    Large Multi National Companies are discovering new ideas daily so that they can overcome all their competitors.
*    Well, there are variety of Big organisations in India but one of them is Tata Group.
*    Who doesn’t know about it the very popular Mr. Ratan Tata.
*    He is an industrialist, philanthropist, Investor and a former chairman of Tata sons.
*    He was born on 28 December 1937 and resides in Colaba, Mumbai.
*    He studied at the Campion School till the 8th class, followed by Cathedral and John Connon School and at Bishop Cotton School in Shimla, and, in 1955, graduated from Riverdale Country School in New York City. In 1959, he then received a B. Arch. degree in Architecture with Structural Engineering from Cornell University, and, in 1975, graduated from the Advanced Management Program of Harvard Business School — an institution which he has since endowed.
*    In 1961, he began his career in the Tata Group, and worked on the shop floor of Tata Steel in which he was shovelling limestone and handling the blast furnace.
*    During the 21 years of his leadership revenues grew over 40 times and profit was surged up to 50 times.
*    He is also awarded with Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan in 2008 and 2000 respectively.
*    He is really a down to earth personality and donates a large proportion of his income in charity.
*    Conclusively, I will opine that these kinds of human beings are great motivation for me and I love to admire them.

20.                         Talk about a person who helped you at some point in time.
*    I am very fond of a famous quote which states that “Cost of Humanity is zero, one who does it becomes a hero”.
*    Since my childhood, my parents had taught me to be kind and generous to everyone no matter what happens as we should not lose our etiquettes.
*    Actually my father expired very soon in my life as I was of 13. So, our financial conditions were quite weak for a long period of time.
*    The school in which I used to study was around 8 kilometres from my home so, I used to go by walking everyday as the transportation fee was very high.
*    Once my best friend, Dildar Singh asked me that why you get late daily for the school so, I told him the reason and after that he said that he will pick me up from my home daily.
*    It was surprising for me as I have not seen such tenderness in my life.
*    After that me and my best friend used to go school together and enjoy a lot during our journey.
*    So this was my experience in which someone helped me when I was in need.

21.                         Talk about a river or lake in your country.
*  India is a religious country where traditions and culture play a significant role.
*     Majority of population loves to follow them and thinks deep inside the mind that God will be graceful to them if they will complete all the rituals time to time.
*    Well, there are various temples which are quite historic but here I would like to talk about a river which is unavoidable for our country
*    The name of the lake is Brahmsarovar.
*     Actually, it is located in Kurukshetra which is in the northern part of India.
*     It is said that the Lord Brahma resides in that pond.
*    The pond was built during Mahabharata and is believed that Duryodhna used it to hidehimself on the concluding day of the war.
*    Its surface area is 1400 metre and depth is 45 ft whereas its width is around 550m.
*    Furthermore, a breath taking sight is offered by this pond during the Geeta Jayanti in which people from all over the India gather at one place.

*    At last, I would like to say that there are more rivers like this in my country which have their own importance.

22.                         Talk about the situation when your friend got success
*    Success is a kind of fruit which only grows on the tree of hard work.
*    Patience, Honesty and Calmness are some of its fertilisers which are needed time to time for the better growth.
*    Well, most of the youngsters today are not fond of working hard. Instead, they love if someone gives them cooked things.
*    They don’t know the value of working hard.
*    It is a surprising fact that there are still some persons in this world who love to be independent.
*     One of them is my friend Prabhnoor.
*    Actually since primary school, he has been the topper of our class.
*     So as we have recently completed our senior secondary examination he decided to appear for the exam of NEET as he was from the same field.
*    He gave exam in the month of may last year and he scored 3rd rank in it from all over the country.
*     He was preparing for it since 2 years and it was his dream to clear it.
*    When he successfully accomplished his desire he threw a party at his home and invited all his friends.
*    We all gave him blessings and wished him a great life ahead.

23.                         Describe a competition you would like to take part in.

*    Life is filled with ups and downs. One who overcomes all obstacles and builds a winning spirit in heart never fails to impress everyone.
*    Competition is one of the example because one has to show his skills and strengths to win the game. I am personally very fond of participating in various events in which I can reveal my talent and make the audience shocked.
*    Music is my hobby and since my childhood I am planning to give auditions for famous reality show ‘Indian idol’. It is a kind of show in which every youngster desires to take part and give his best to win
*    It is held every year and is telecasted on Sony entertainment television. It is running from many years and gifted quality artists to the bollywood like ARIJIT SINGH and NEHA KAKKAR.
*    To become a contestant of it, one has to give several auditions, like mega auditions, super 15 etc. At the last stage only filtered singers are selected who rock the stage.
*    All in all, I would say I will give its auditions and hope for the best.

24.                         Describe a country where you would like to work for a short time

*    Education widens a person’s mental horizon and enables one to conquer the entire world. Surprisingly, one only needs good sight or expanded vision to understand its uses.
*    Since my childhood I am very familiar with mathematics and love to solve complex problems. At my senior secondary level, I was having various subjects to chose but, I preferred electing commerce. The only reason was accountancy as I think it is at some extent similar to mathematics.
*    I have also researched that accountants enjoy a good reputation across the world. One of the best country for Chartered Accountants is Australia. It is believed that a well qualified CA earns handsome salary there.
*    So, after completion of my graduation I would love working in Australia as an Accountant.
*    The main reason behind is that I want to make my country proud on me and let others know that India is a land of geniuses. I will represent my nation over there and will make sure that I do not anything which can harm my nation’s respect.
*    Conclusion, I will opine that everyone should keep on searching for the opportunities and should not miss any chance to bang it.

25.                         Talk about a book you recently read.

*    Education is the foundation stone of a human’s well being and teaches him the moral values of life. What is more, Richness comes from the heart, not by money.
*    Well, there are a lot of sources from which one can expand his knowledge like social media, newspapers etc. But the best among them is books. I mean it is the best and very useful hobby in my perception,
*    I also engaged in this hobby two months ago as I was in search of a source of gathering knowledge and my senior suggested me this. Moreover, the first book which I read was ‘how to stop worrying and start living!
*    The author of the book is Dale Carnegie and around 6 million copies of this book has been sold. This book demonstrates that how to kick worry out of your mind. It includes various experiences of famous people on how they dealt with worry and stopped that ugly habit before it broke them.
*    The book is very interesting, funny and filled with excitement in many parts which connects the reader and give birth to a big suspense in his mind.
*    At first instance, I thought that it will not be helpful for me. But it became a kind of treasure for me. I learnt, never expect gratitude from everyone as it is not cultivated in everyone’s mind, be respectful to all the human beings no matter what happens and much more.
*    At last I would say, I have purchased one more book of Dale Carnegie which is how to increase efficiency and win people.

26.                         Talk about a subject that fascinates you.

*    Human beings are the creatures of god. Interestingly, they are having various hobbies. For example, some love to dance whereas, others are interested in singing. Some love to study while others prefer playing games.
*    I am personally very fond of studying and since my primary school; I have been topper of my class. Well, there are quite a lot of subjects which are in my zone and I love getting engaged with them. But the subject  business studies which I fond really interesting
*    The reason behind is unlike other subjects, business studies is totally based on practical knowledge as it includes case studies in which there are many questions based on real life and business environment. It creates a kind of interest in my brain as I feel that I am the chief executive officer of a company and I only have to solve these problems to incline the revenue.
*    Another reason behind it is that it requires only skills to remember not the theoretical knowledge, one can easily understand if he has common sense. Also I want to become an entrepreneur In the near future. I am planning to do masters of business administration from Delhi University.
*    My dream is to run my own business venture in which I will build schools, restaurants and hotels. Because somewhere it connects me with future and makes path look easy. So all in all I would say one should start exploring his own self as soon as possible so that he can organize his future and choose his kind of subject.

27.                         Describe the idea of your dream vacation

*    Everyone’s life is filled with various activities and majority of population in this world has a very hectic schedule due to which they are not able to spare some time for enjoyment. One is busy in studying for exams while, another is fully engaged in completing his business project.
*    I am also a student as well as an employee who works 12 hours a day. However, I still manage sometime to spend outside on vacations with family and friends. As I am a travel-holic due to which I keep on planning small trips every month.
*    So, I have a dream destination to visit this summer. It is Kullu Mnali. I want to visit there with my friends and travelling on the train will be the best option.
*    I want to visit there in summer because it is totally chilled area in which mesmerizing scenes attract most of the visitors. We will organize our whole trip and will spend 10 days there so that we can emjoy every single beauty.
*    Conclusively, I would say everyone should take a break from their work and see the outer world.

28.                         Talk about recent event which made you happy

*    Happiness, kindness gentleness are the real luxuries of life which are not found in every human being. These can be found in the one who is down to earth and humble.
*    In my family, majority of people live life to the fullest no matter what their age is and I am really lucky that I am born in the family who teach their juveniles to be polite and kind from the childhood.
*    So my cousin brother got married last month and the family member who was most excited was our grandmother. Actually, she is 71 and still she is filled with full of joy that she can dance for the whole night.
*    The marriage ceremony was followed by three events which were on consecutive days and my grandmother was the limelight of the event. Because, she was dancing from her heart no matter if it is sad or pop song. Surprisingly, she was introducing her own new steps which were then imitated by all the youngsters.
*    I am so delighted after seeing her moves that I started making her videos. What is more, I am a shy boy and prefer to stay alone all the time but my grandmother was taking me again and again to the dance floor.
*    In the end, I like to say that we should not demand money or wealth from the god. Instead we should ask for happiness and joy.

29.                         Talk about a time you helped someone

*    Teenage is a kind of age in which one can destroy or make his life. One has liberty to choose whatever he wants to do. Sadly, in the age in which one should work hard and learn the moral values of life, the juveniles of my country prefer consuming alcohol and spend their time outside of their homes because according to them life is filled with stress.
*    With the god grace, I am not that kind of person. I love to help old citizens and prefer spending most of the time doing productive works. Recently, when I was waiting for my bus at the stop. I saw an old lady on the other side of the road who was trying to cross it. But, unluckily due to heavy traffic she was unable to do so.
*    So I assisted her in crossing it by holding her hand. When I helped her and took her to the other side. She was so grateful to me that she started giving me blessings about my long life and my optimum health.
*    Returning to home, when I told this incident to my mother she felt really proud of me and suggested me to carry on with that kind of acts in the future as well.  

30.                         Talk about a time when you had to be polite

*    India is a kind of country in which there are variety of traditions and religions in every part. I belong to a Punjabi family in which strength, activeness and braveness are some elements which are in their blood. The same case is with me.
*    Due to heavy throat I have loud voice which is a common thing among most of the members in my family. Once, I visited to the house of my friend who is a Christian  and he loves silence and talks very less.
*    I was there to complete a school project with his assistance. Whenever I was to speak something he used to chide me to speak low as his mother will get angry if she heard my voice. So it was little uncomfortable for me to speak low but somehow I managed to do it.
*    I was waiting for the moment of completion of our project so that I can return back to my home and get to my zone.
*    So this was the situation in which I pretended to be low.

31.                         Describe a cool winter morning
*    Nature has its own colours and they are the most  precious component for the mankind.

*    Nature is well known for its innovation and one of its creativity is Season. There are four types of seasons in India which are summer, autumn, winter and rainy season.

*    My favourite among them is winter. It is most-liked by me because we can wear many clothes and feel the warmness of blankets.

*    I still remember one morning when there was a religious programme at my school and I was to wake up at 5 am as it was my responsibility to do all the decorations.

*    When I woke up, the first thing which I did was, opened the window and saw the foggy weather.

*    It was freezing cold outside so I wore my beanie, leather shoes and jacket.

*    I preferred going by walking because winters have beautiful mornings and walking is quite beneficial at that time.

*    So I took a little long route and I also carried some tea in thermos flask which I drank while going.

*    I reached my destination after 30 to 40 minutes and started doing all the required arrangements.

32.                         My Ambition
*    Dreams are the kind of motivations which can woke up even a paralysed human being.
*    Specially, for me it matters the most and I spend my most of the time working hard so that I can enjoy the luxuries which I dreamt of.
*    Well, my ambition in life is to become an entrepreneur and run my own business venture.
*    I want to open a chain of restaurants in various cities. The main goal behind this is to provide optimum quality and homelike food to my customers.
*    What is more, I will also join hands with an organization which helps in distributing the left out food in the restaurants to the poor people so that they can also be able to eat 3 times a day.
*    Before taking this step, I first want to become a top class chef who knows every cuisine and dessert.
*    I want to acquire the complete knowledge of the work so that I can involve myself the most in it.
*    At last, I would say everyone should be ambitious towards their motive so that they can be the best version of them.

33.                         Describe your choice of study place ( indoor or outdoor).
*    Education widens a person's mental horizon and enables him to conquer the world.

*    It gives opportunities to youngsters to prove themselves.

*    Well, everyone has a special place in which they love to study. Some has dining room whereas, others prefer library.

*     I love to study in the garden and the reason behind it is peaceful environment which is formed by the chirping of the birds and shadow of trees.

*    It gives me relaxation and let me clear all my concepts.

*     Even more, it also has wide variety of plants like Rose, Sunflower which gives a pleasant smell which keeps my mood good all the time.

*    What is more, I am studying there since my childhood and also have a chair and table by that makes this place more comfortable to study.

*    I also have scored great marks every time due to it.

*    So I would say it is a lucky place for me and I prefer spending my most time over there only.

34.                         Talk about a time when you wear sunglasses.
*    Someone has said rightly that the world is gone if the eyesight is gone.

*    Eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of the human beings and beautiful as well.

*    I have learnt a lesson that they should be taken care very well and should be checked time to time.

*    I faced a critical situation 3 months back as due to high wind, the dust particles entered my eyes which resulted in severe infection.
*    At first I ignored it but when the things got worse, then I consulted a doctor who gave me medicine and suggested to wear sunglasses most of the time to avoid dust.

*    Since from then, I wear them whenever I go out of my home.

*    Moreover, sunglasses are available in various brands and shades now so it also helped me in maintaining my style statement.

*    Conclusively I will opine that everyone should take care of them to lead a good life

35.                         Describe a time when you had to find some information
*    Internet is the perfect synonym of Knowledge Factory and the details provided on it are of the best level.

*    I also never miss chance to explore the internet as I think that it is a great source of acquiring knowledge.

*    Last week I visited Agra to see the 7th wonder of this world Taj Mahal.

*    It is really a beautiful monument and is filled with grace. That moment I made promise to myself that I will definitely search about it on the web.

*    When I started reading about it, I left out surprised. I read that it was made by Shahjahan in the loving memory of his wife Mumtaz.

*    Interestingly, the hands of all its crafters were cut off so that they will not make any architecture magnificent than this.

*    Taj Mahal is made of white marble and appears mesmerising during night.

*    People from all over the world come India to enjoy this scenic beauty and is a famous tourist spot.

*    At last, I would say everyone should access the internet as it is very advantageous if used in a limit.

36.                         Talk about a radio programme that you find interesting.
*  Radio has always been a great source of entertainment and knowledge for our country as one can easily get all the updates of the country.
*  Radio is listened most while driving according to my perception.
*  The same is with me as I travel a lot because my workplace is very far from my home.
*  Well there are many programmes which are really great but here I would like to discuss about The Naved Khan Show which comes on Radio Mirchi Monday to Saturday from 7am to 12pm.
*  Naved is a great comedian and never misses any chance to make others laugh.
*  He has a great sense of humour and he has a funny tone due to which anything he says becomes a joke.
*  I started listening to him by the suggestion of my cousin as once I told him that I get bored by sitting on my driving seat for so long.
*  So all in all I must say that if we hear some jokes while driving, the time is reduced by half and we don’t feel exhaustion.

37.                         Describe an intelligent person you know
*  Intelligence is a kind of quality which everyone likes to acquire because it makes a person exceptional than others.
*  It is generally found in the one who is really focused about his ambitions and knows very well that what he is doing.
*  Fortunately, my friend circle is filled with perspicacious persons. Luckily, I know all of them since my childhood and have spent memorable moments with them.
*  The most brilliant, smartest and astute guy in our friend circle is Baldev.
*  He is a quick learner and spends most of his time in reading the books and trying to acquire more and more knowledge from them.
*  I met him when I was in primary class and he was getting praised from the teacher. That moment I thought that how acute he is and may god bless him.
*  His ambition in the life is to become a Software Engineer for which he worked hard in his high school and got ninety-eight percent and got admitted to Delhi University.
*  What is more, his parents too are quite proud of him as he respects them a lot and never leave a chance to impress them with his skills.
*  Also, he once scores first rank in the science Olympiad in the school due to which he got scholarship worth Rs. 1, 00,000.
*  Conclusively, I must say I learn so many things from him and try to involve in his company so that I can also do something grateful.

38.                         Describe something interesting happened in your school
*    School life always has a special place in everyone’s heart because what we all do is pure love with our friends.
*    We make some unforgettable memories in our schools that we remember again and again and miss them a lot.
*    The same case is with me as I had been studied in the same school since primary class so I was well aware about every teacher.
*    I remember that once our school organised a trip to Chandigarh of higher secondary classes.
*    Luckily, the bus on which we were travelling got punctured between the way.
*    And there was not any mechanic to repair it.
*     So there was a restaurant nearby and our friend circle decided to spend some time there by playing games.
*    So we started having fun. When other students saw us enjoying, they also joined us.
*    Surprisingly, after some time teachers also started playing with us and in a short time the restaurant got filled with the students of our school and we made it a picnic spot.
*    In this way, without going to the destination, we reached somewhere else and done a lot of enjoyment and no one felt like bored.

39.                         Describe one time when someone says good words about what you have done.
*    Praises are like reward to me and gives me motivation to do more good in life and I love to learn new things.
*     However, for this purpose only, I started working at the age of 16.
*    I was a salesman in a well renowned departmental store in my city where I used to communicate with around 20 people a day.
*    I worked there for around a year due to which my confidence reached to a whole new level.
*    Once, I was attending a client who was planning to purchase fifty water bottles and somehow I convinced him to buy from us.
*    I was not aware that owner of the store was watching me dealing and when all the purchase got completed, the owner came to me and said Great job, one day you will become a great person and success will touch your feet.
*    It was immensely joyful moment for me as my idol was wishing me great life ahead.
*    When I came to my home, I explained the incident to my mother and she felt happy and proud of me.
*    So at last, I would say if a person keeps on working on himself, one day he achieves what he wants.

40.                         Describe an encouragement given by other people
*    The action of giving someone support, hope and confidence is the best artefact which one can offer to someone I guess.
*    Unfortunately, not everyone in this world gets jocular from your achievements. Some can also feel envious.
*    So, one need to make his friends carefully. Luckily, I am covered with all successful human beings who motivate and inspire me to become something in life.
*    I was quite confused after completion of my senior secondary examination that what field I must choose to have a great future ahead.
*    Somewhere in my heart I was planning to pursue Bachelor of Accounting in Australia but due to negative thinking of some people, they were telling me disadvantages of doing it like, they were saying that it involves great theory which cannot be understood by everyone and, only few people succeed in achieving it I was feeling demotivated and low feeling.
*    But, I somehow managed to survive that obstacle and discussed my desire with my family.
*     Their reaction to my desire was surprising as they told me to start it as soon as possible and it has great scope ahead.
*    I got surprised and shocked like how lucky I am that I got parents like this who accept me in the way I am and encourages me to do whatever I want in life.
*    I started doing preparations for the same the next day and in 1 month I got my visa.

41.                         Describe a time when you arrived very early for an interview
*  Opportunities are like hidden treasure which are not visible to everyone. One needs a hardworking and honest vision to bang it.
*  As my country is developing day by day, more job requirements are opening daily due to which youngsters are getting a chance to prove themselves.
*  As i have recently passed my bachelor of information technology with 70%, i mailed my curriculum vitae to several multinational companies.
*  Luckily, I got revert from a well known brand to manage their networking.
*  I got really excited and they invited me for interview in the morning at 10 am.
*  As it was my first job, I was planning to put my best into it and reached office around 8am so that the chief of the company get to know about my punctuality.
*  Unfortunately, the chief was a little late that day so I decided to spend some time on the internet so that I can get some motivation to communicate with anyone.
*  In the meanwhile, I also made some friends their which told me a lot about their boss.
*  After waiting for two hours, I got the chance to meet the head and he was very pleased from my skills and gave me a good post as well.

42.                         Describe someone you met recently and would like to know more about
*  Attitude and way of communication of a person reflects his personality and the amount of hardwork which he has done to achieve sucess in life.
*  I love those people who are humble along with hardworking. I am totally in awe of them.
*  Two months back i attended a seminar for studying abroad and met a CEO of a company who was around 40.
*  The surprising thing about him was, he was too down to earth as i dont felt like i am talking with a head of a company.
*  What is more, he came to me to consult for my career.

*  Interestingly, he also served me tea with his hands which demonstrated that how hostile he is.
*  Apart from this, he was not egoistic because he had not said once to me that he is the CEO of this brand.

*  I got to know this when I came to home and searched about his name.

*  In this way, I got to know that how a ordinary person is considered as the extra ordinary.

*  All in all, I must say that I will love to inquire more about him by visiting his website and his works.

43.                         Describe a photo that you remember well
*  Memories are always lovely to everyone as they remember them of the moments they spent together.
*  However, in the past it was quite difficult to capture a moment but, today due to modernisation, advancement of technology and introduction of cameras people are not able to catch any moment they want.
*  I personally love to click selfies and there are around 1000 photos in my mobile phone. However, my favourite among them is the one which is clicked on the occasion of my school farewell party.
*  In that particular picture, all the teachers of my school were included and was taken in the range of 200 metres and that is the only reason why it is my favourite.
*  I still remember that in that picture, my friend’s face got spoiled as he was snoring at that time.
*  He gets so irritated whenever I show that picture to him. And, due to that reason I have placed that photo as my cover photo on Facebook.
*  Conclusively, I want to say that camera is a great evolution to human being which cannot be replaced.

44.                         Describe a time of seeing interesting animals
*    I remember a quote which states that until and unless we love an animal, a part of our soul remains unawakened.
*    This is only because they shower their love to everyone, no matter whether he is rich or poor.
*    So last summers, we went to a zoo near my hometown as my younger brother is very fond of watching animals.
*    We reached there around 12 pm and we all were very excited. At the entrance, the gate was decorated like that of a jungle and we felt the same as well.
*    Firstly, we saw   colobine monkey who was jumping over here and there and was watching the visitors. Moreover, he was entertaining them by clicking pictures with them.
*    After that, we saw a baby crocodile. It was in sleeping state. At first instance, I thought that it is dead but when it started moving I got scared.
*    Then, we moved ahead to see the deer. They were all in a special space where the atmosphere was like jungle.
*    I felt quite sad for them as well because without any fault, they are kept in cages.
*    It hurt me a lot that what if animals capture us and keep us in the cages. How will we feel?
*    So at last, I would like to convey that, animals should be freed to live their life.

45.                         Describe an impressive work of art such as painting or sculpture
*    Every country has a dramatic history due to which it is known in the world. Some face a lot of struggle to get independence whereas, others work hard for their constitution and rights of human beings.
*    In my country as well, there have been a lot of freedom fighters who fought for freedom like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat singh. But, here I would like to talk about a man in whose memory a statue has beend built by the government of India.
*    He is none other than Sardar Vallabhai Patel whose sculpture is located on the river island facing the Sardar Sarovar Dam on river Narmada in Kevadiya Colony in Gujarat.
*    Its name is Statue of Unity and it is 597 feet tall. Moreover it is a proud feeling that it is the world’s largest statue. Which was inaugurated on 31st October 2018 by our honourable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
*    However, it was announced in 2010 but, initially started constructing in 2013 by Larsen & Toubro.
*    Vallabhai Patel was the most acclaimed leader of the Indian Independence movement and was responsible for the fusion of 554 princely states to form the political boundary of India.
*    The statue was built my Public Private Partnership model in which most of the money was funded by Government of Gujarat.
*    All in all, I must say that these kind of sculptures become a great tourist attraction in future and a source of income as well.

46.                         Describe a recent development in your area
*    Evolution is a vital component for the long run of a society according to my perception.
*    Interestingly, if a locality will be well build out, then it will have a great market value and every builder will approach it to build sky high buildings.
*    So since a long time the municipal commissioner of our society was promising us that he will construct a beautiful garden with all the modern facilities.
*    He completed his promise last month as a mesmerising garden was finally created.
*    The juveniles of our society were the most happy due to it.
*    The park includes gym facilities, a small cricket pitch and space for football as well.
*    It benefited the local players as earlier, they have to travel five kilometres to reach a playground. It eliminated their time and now they spend the same time in practising and polishing their skills.
*    I also go out of my home every evening to play cricket with my street friends.
*    At last, I would say every locality should upgrade itself every year so that it can be attractive.

47.                         Describe a person you know who is working on protecting the environment
*    Environment plays a crucial role in the survival of human beings and I personally believe that it is our moral duty to protect it.
*    Since a long time, deforestation is done at a large scale to build big industries.
*    However, the most effected element because of modernisation is ecosystem as human beings are not caring about it.
*    So, here I would like to explain about a person who is an active environment protector.
*    He is none other than Angry Young man-Amitabh Bachchan.
*    He has been working for the planet from a long time.
*    What is more, he also urges his fans to do the same as he is associated with Clean India Campaign.
*    The 74 year old man is brand ambassador of this campaign and he is very active on Social Media for this.
*    He promotes wellness and cleanliness of the country and his various advertisements are the proof of it.
*    He never misses a chance to do promotion of Save Earth Save Life.
*    At last, I would say we all should also actively take part in all these kind of activities as earth is our own home.

48.                         Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important
*    Well, someone has said truly that Flora and Fauna have a crucial role behind the survival of human beings.
*    Plants and trees provide us oxygen to breathe and they inhale carbon dioxide from us.
*    Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)  has a great significance in my country.
*     It is well grown for regional and traditional medicine purposes, and for its essential oils.
*    Due to its benefits, it is greatly used as a herbal tea and has a place of Vaishnava in the tradition of Hinduism.
*    It is also native to Indian subcontinent and widespread as a plant for cultivation in southern asian tropics.
*    It is also a considerable insect repellent as if you will mix its dry leaves with stored grains then your house will stay away from insects.
*    It has also been used in Ayurveda fro the treatment of diseases.
*    At last, I would say it is a well known home remedy to cure several sicknesses.

49.                         An animal you like the most
*    Animals are one of the best mates of human beings and they feel quite special if we play with them.

*    Personally, my favourite animal is Tiger. The only reason behind it is its brave attitude and daring walking style.

*    It is one of a breed of Cats. However, i have only seen them on Television but not in real life still, i feel amazing aboutt them because every other animal as a fear of them in their mind.

*    Apart from all these things, it is quite shameful for human beings that only few tigers are left. The big reason behind is due to the excessive kill by poachers.

*    The skin of tiger is very valuable and expensive.
*    What is more, rich people love to do hunting and they satisfy their ego by clicking pictures with a killed  tiger and hanging the same on the walls of their houses.

*    I personally believe that these kind of cruelties should be banned because they also have a right to live and they also feel pain when they are beaten to death.

*    Conclusively, I would say government should prison all those who love to kill tiger

50.                         Talk about a pet you or someone you know once had
*    Animals are those creatures which never fail to impress us. Whether, it could be cat or dolphin, every animal is special in their own way.
*    One animal that is favourite of everyone who is known for its loyalty and love. It is dog.
*    I am very fond of keeping a pet but my mom never allows me. But, my aunt kept a dog once whose breed was dug.
*    It is a kind of breed who remains in small size than normal dogs. But it is very adorable and cute.
*    The name of the pet was brownie and she died last year in winter. She was very active and used to follow my aunt all the day.
*    I still remember that the bed of brownie was set up by my aunt near her own bed so that she can take care of her.
*    The best part about her was that she used to guard aunt’s house despite being of small size. She used to bark at every walk in until and unless she does full clarification.
*    Conclusively, I want to say that every house should have a pet so that they can learn the importance of animals.

51.                         A visit you made using public transport
*    There is a rapid advancement of technology in each and every field owing to modernization.
*    However, it has also changed the face of transportation as they too are well advanced nowadays.
*    I noticed this evolution when I visited Delhi for my business. As it is a metropolitan city so metro trains are totally common there.
*    I took a metro from INA to reach NSP and experience was awesome. From interior of the train to its ticket, everything was amazing.
*     Interior is filled with aluminium seats, air conditioner and there is an automatic alarm which explains about every station in Hindi and English.
*    The velocity of train was great as. I reached my destination in few minutes.
*    There were several guards as well who were metro station.
*     After visiting it, I thought that every city have these kind of facilities for the betterment ease of people.

52.                         Describe a memorable story told by someone
*    Elders always play a crucial role in the family as their experiences are quite valuable for the youngsters.

*    In my family, my grandfather is the oldest member whose age is 75. With the grace of god, he is really fit and fine.

*    When i used to be a child, he used to tell the tales about his life and how he worked hard for the success. I still remember a story of my grandfather's friend who was from a poor background.

*    His father died at an early age and he was having no one to feed his family. So he started doing part time jobs along with his studies.

*    Surprisingly, at a teen age that man got the meaning of life and how to deal with people.

*    As he grew up, he started his own business by learning its tactics from his part time work. By the age of 25 he achieved so many things and earned a great reputation in the market as well.

*    So whenever i decide to give up during my struggle, i remember the story told by my grandmother which motivates me to have some patience and work again.

53.                         Talk about a thing that you own which would like to remove
*    Upbringing plays a critical role in every juvenile's life as it reflects the qualities he has learned in his life.

*    I personally believe that, we should always have a positive attitude rather than having a negative one.

*    Well, I recently visited my cousin's house during vacations and found that his parents' financial conditions were not good.

*    Due to which he was not able to purchase winter clothes.

*    I felt very bad for them and decided to gift some of my clothes to my cousin.
*     I came back to my home one day ago and i have packed all the clothes for him.

*    Once I go there again, i will definitely surprise my cousin with the present for winter.

*    When i informed this to my mom that i am going to give my clothes to that guy, she felt really proud of me.

*    In conclusion, I would say a person should be rich by heart not by money.

54.           Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome


*  Well, according to me beauty can never be defined only by the appearance of a person but it is a concoction of good looks and a good heart.
*  And I have seen so many people with both these qualities and one of them is Tom Cruise a fantastic actor of Hollywood movies.
*  I come to know about him when I watched his movie mission impossible and I found him so handsome and attractive that I started to learn more about him via Google.
*  During that search I come to know that he is a very generous person because he did a lot of charity work for children and other needy people.
*  He is 56 years old but still he looks so handsome he has beautiful brown hair and green color eyes which suits his personality a lot.
*  Last but not the least, I am not the only fan of tom cruise in my family but my brother is also a great fan of tom cruise.
*  So, yes he is the most handsome person I have ever seen in my life.

55.           Describe a time when you were cheated when someone lied to you someone did not tell the complete truth.

*  Well, in my perspective it is always better to say truth no matter how hard it is if you lie to somebody and then he comes to know about that from someone else. Then it may just shatter the believe of that person in humanity and others people.
*  Because I have experienced the same emotions in my life when one of my friend in high school lied to me. At that time I could not manage to go to school daily due to bad health conditions. So I was dependent on my friend regarding studies in school.
*  So one day I asked my friend Satnam for here practical book because our final practical were about to come. She just said that nobody completed the practical book and by knowing this I was so relaxed about the work.
*  But after two days another friend told me that every student had completed this work. Moreover, I was so shocked to know the truth because I thought that satnam is the most trustworthy person in the entire class.
*  Moreover I was angry on myself that why I believed her so much and at that time literally started crying. But thanks to god that come to know about the truth at time and completed all my work.
*  So in the end I just want to say that if you do not want to help somebody then just say no instead of lying. 

56.           Talk about an interesting old person you met

*  Most people of my age love to spend time with those of their age group but I am quite different from others because I love to spend time with old people.
*  And here I would like to talk about the most interesting person I have never met.
*  She is non-other than the grandma of my best friend Arvinder.
*  She is always full of enthusiasm and energy. Moreover, she always pretend to be very young despite she is 80 years old.
*  She is also very fond of nail paints and bangles. Furthermore, we both have so many similarities like we both are foodie and we both love to gossip about others.
*  Furthermore, whenever I feel bored then I go to arvinder’s house to meet her grandma and request her to tell stories about the timeline she was young.
*  And for me this is the best time pass activity because she is always very excited to share her experience with me.
*  She is not only my grandma but she is also my best friend because I can easily share my feeling with her about anything.
*  So yes she is one of her kind and most interesting person I have ever met in my entire life.

57.           Talk about a time when you travelled with an old person

*  Being a travel bird, I love to explore different places and the enjoyment becomes double whenever I travel with my grandma because she is not like others, I mean to say that she is not strict and boring but she is very fun loving and always very excited to do new things.
*  So here I would like to talk about a very memorable journey that I made with my lovely grandma, from Kurukshetra to Chandigarh via bus.
*  She always loves to sit on window seat and on the day also she sat on the window seat so as to enjoy the views outside during the whole journey.
*  Moreover, during the entire journey she was giving me live commentary regarding the beautiful sceneries outside.
*  After one hour we halted at a café to have some lunch so we ordered some pasta and cold coffee and that was so delicious that I still remember the taste of that pasta.
*  After that we continued our journey and we reached at my paternal uncle’s home in Chandigarh in the evening.
*  All in all, it was a wonderful journey for me because my grandmother was with me.

58.           Food that people eat on special events

*  Well, being a foodie I love all kind of considers but my most favorite cosine is Indian because it is so spicy and delicious. But here I would like to talk about a sweet dish which we usually prepare on special occasions.
*  And it is known as kheer in India actually it is a rice pudding which consist of milk, rice, sugar and a lots of dry fruits. Moreover my mom made this dish for me on my birthday and she is a fantastic cook which makes this desert ever more special for me.
*  It is a very  easy dish to prepare all you have to do is boil a good quantity of milk with some raw rice and then add sugar and dry fruits like almonds, coconut, pistachio, in it to enhance it taste.
*  It has numerous names like payasam, kheer, rice, pudding and so on. So, yes this rice pudding is usually made in every Indian house on special occasions.

59.           Good news that you heard/received/read on the internet.

*  Well, life is just like a rollercoaster and it is full of happenings. Some are very good while others are not but her I would like to talk about a good happening in my life. It was when I received really good news about my IELTS exam on 30th November just one day after my birthday.
*  According to that news I scored really well in that particular exam because I scored overall 7 bands. The reason why it is fantastic news for me is that on that day my brother was pretending that I only scored 6 bands in IELTS and I was thinking that I  failed myself and my parents.
*  So when I come to know about the truth than I felt that I am on the top of this world.
*  Moreover, to celebrate that moment, me and my family went to restaurant and we ordered a cake in chocolate flavor because it’s my favorite. After that we ordered some food and the food was so delicious that it just made my day.
*  Furthermore, I proved myself to everybody by clearing that exam.
*  So, yes this is the happiest news that I received from my mom.

60.           A subject you did not like when you were at school but now you find

*  Well, I am a very studious person and I think that education is the best weapon to defeat our opponents and to change this world.
*  Moreover, in school I like almost every subject except English because I always used to think that the use of this language because we are living in India and everybody speaks in Hindi. So I thought that it is frivolous to spend so much time on learning this language.
*  But now I realize its importance and I also find it interesting .Thus, I decided to do IELTS which is an English based language test and I also scored quite well in this test.
*  Not only this, I want to improve my English because it is my dream to be an Australian citizen ,which only comes true if I know how to communicate in English because it’s  the main requirement to  have a permanent job in Australia.
*  So, yes English is that subject which I did not like in school but now I found it really interesting.

61.           Describe a time when you showed or taught a young person how to do a thing

*  Here I would like to share an incident when I got the privilege to show my younger brother kartik how to book a movie ticket online.
*  He is studying in senior secondary with arts stream.

*  He is fond of watching movies on weekends Getting a chance to help somebody is like showing him a new pathway about life.

*  I always appreciate the opportunities to help somebody if I have the clear idea by myself about doing that thing appropriatelyand he was habitual in booking movie tickets in person and giving a lot of extra time to this activity.
*  What happened exactly last weekend, he introduced his plan of watching a newly launched movie to me and said I will go one hour prior to show time and I asked him why?
*  He answered I have to take the ticket.
*  I said to him, can I teach you how to do this task on phone and in reply, he was extremely happy.
*  For the next fifteen minutes, we were booking the ticket online and through this process, he learnt as well the entire steps of the booking a movie.
*  He shown gratitude to me for teaching him to book a movie ticket online and helping him to save his time.
*  He was also happy because now he didn’t have to stand in queue to take ticket just before the show begins.
*  All in all, I enjoyed the helping process and it made me feel that I am resourceful to my younger brother.
*  Helping others is helping you in one or other way.   

62.                    Describe one of your grandparents job.
*   Being occupied is one of the main requirements in today’s world to survive. But, besides earning self satisfaction, will to serve, passion and many more reasons are there to be in any kind of profession.
*  Today we have a lot of working field unlike past time as our elders do not used to have that much wider job fields.
*  Along with farming they were provided with few of the jobs like teacher, housekeeping, bank employs etc.
*  Here I would like to talk about my grandfather’s job that was of a teacher in the primary school of our village.
*  At that time few of people were well aware about the importance of education. So, he did not have to teach so many students.
*   I still remember the way of teaching and handling the students used by my grandfather.
*  He was very popular among his pupils due to his teaching method and his behavior with his students.
*   If I talk about the salary, surprisingly salary was not as per the efforts he used to do at his students. But, still my grandfather was happy as he was working there for his own satisfaction not for the money.
*  That was the job my father was engaged in.
63.                    Special date in your country’s history.
*   Having knowledge of history of your country is very important.
*  Today, I would like to talk about a date 15 August 1947 that was really a special and important date for every Indian.
*  On this day, India which was ruled from so many years by British, got independence.
*   My grandparents have told me that before 1947 how a lot of people had sacrificed their lives to get freedom.
*  Furthermore, it was not a conclusion of one person efforts. History of that day always makes me amazed and excited to know more and more about that period.
*  It has been about 70 years of independence. In every school, college, Red Fort Delhi, this day is celebrated every year.
*   It creates patriotism among all the Indians and creates feeling of bravery. Moreover, this is a public holiday. So every person celebrates this day.
64.                    A person you would like to study or work with
*  There are people in this world who make us feel stronger and capable when we go in their company.
*  The list is too long about the people who encourage me to become more and show more courage in my day to day life.
*  As this cue card demands me to speak about a person with whom I would like to work.
*  When I passed my senior secondary, I had a personality as our principal.
*  She was totally devoted to her work, always willing to listen others and detail-oriented  in her assignments.
*  If I get an opportunity to do internship under her guidance then definitely I would not like to miss this golden chance.
*  Her speaking style is unique.
*  She is studious, updated and interactive at all levels.
*  I think if I work with her then I will make myself a more  capable, creative and communicative individual.
*      All in all, I must say she is the personality that made me feel that after spending time in her guidelines, I can transform my personality.      

65.                    Talk about a public facility that improves or influence local life quality.
*   Public transportation plays an optimum role in developing a country’s infrastructure.
*  There are many public facilities but here I would like to talk about the public transportation system like buses.
*  Public transportation helps to improve the life of local people who live in an area which is secluded from the main city.
*  It helps the person to go from one place to another which is cost effective on one hand and time saving on the other hand.
*   All in all public transportation facility helps people in many ways and makes their life easy.

66.                    A book you want to write.

*  Well, as a person I don’t like to read much books but if ever I get a chance to write a book. I would love to write a book on the life of my father.
*   I will write all the struggles and obstacles he went through in his journey.
*   He always taught me to be punctual in order to succeed in life.
*   He has certain principles which I will be discussing in that book so that the youth of today can learn something and be motivated after reading it.
*  All in all my idea of writing a motivational book is to inculcate youngsters to just follow their heart and do what they like because that drive and passion is very important  to grow in life.

67.                    Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing.
*   Here I would like to talk about a person I wanted to be similar when I was growing and it was none other than my sister.
*   She is 28 years old with fair complexion and curly hairs.
*   She has an optimistic approach towards her life.
*   She is very intelligent and does her work with full loyalty.
*   Her attitude towards everyone is very mature.
*  At last she proved to be my motivation as I followed her each and every way either it is her behavior with others or her other methods to do any kind of particular task.
*   Only she was the single person I admire and always wanted to be like her.


How to Score more bands in IELTS?
1. Focus more on your areas of weakness. If you have some difficulty in reading, devote more time to it.
2. Pay more attention to both the listening and reading skills, because they will be graded objectively. The writing and speaking are both subjectively graded, you may not know what you will get regardless how much you prepare.
3. Time is your greatest enemy. Practice answering the reading passages within the allotted time limit, because 1 hour may not be enough to answer 40 questions.
4. In the writing part, always do task 2 first because it bears more marks than task 1. Also practice finishing essays in less than 1 hour.
5. When doing sample drills, always train yourself to follow instructions.
6. Always build up your stamina, try doing a simulation exam, wherein you have to answer 3 modules (listening, reading, and writing) continuously within 2 hours and 40 minutes.
7. On the night before the test, have a good night’s sleep, for it can help you concentrate on the day of the test.
8. Eat your breakfast in the morning before the test; you might fail to concentrate when you are hungry.
9. The speaking test is the most difficult part for most of the students, so try to do “one on one” with a friend or a mentor. Simulate what happens in sections 1-3 of the speaking test. It helps you build your self-confidence.
·       Answer both questions fully.
·       Write in clear paragraphs, each with a main idea and supporting evidence.
·       Use higher level vocabulary with an awareness of collocation.
·       Provide an overview with detailed comparisons in Task 1.
·       Indicate a clear position and stick to it consistently in Task 2.
·       Produce generally error free sentences.

·       Show good control of pronunciation and intonation.
·       Produce generally error-free sentences.
·       Use less common and idiomatic vocabulary.
·       Use a range of linking words to connect ideas.
·       Speak fluently and at length on any given topic.



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