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Out of given two illustrative charts, the first one is telling us the possible reasons for adults to go for further study and the second one is revealing the idea of its cost like how it should be shared.
Primary reasons for adults to study are they want to gain qualification along with they are keenly interested in subjects, and then they choose to study. Several other reasons are also there like it provides help in current job, adds opportunities of promotions and somewhere they enjoy the learning phenomenon, these three factors attract almost equal proportion of students towards themselves. Comparatively, a small percentage of adults also decide to study because they want to meet new people and they want to make themselves able to change their current job.
The concept of sharing the cost of adult education is quite interesting because as per it, cost’s 40% should come from student’s side and 35% should come from employer’s side while 25% from the taxpayers.
The idea of further study is a brilliant one and adults choose to do so because of their own interest and want to strengthen their qualifications.                 
A proper schematic diagram is given about the reliable forecasting of weather by Australian bureau of meteorology like how they collect information and how they further process it and how finally they meaningfully broadcast it to millions of users via three popular channels.    
The whole process is divided into four meaningful channels likewise incoming information platform, analysis & forecasting station, preparing the broadcast and finally the broadcast. For incoming information they use satellite, radars and drifting buoy and the information received by these three platforms if further processed at terminal two i.e. analysis & forecasting one where satellite photo, radar screen and synoptic charts are used which gives data to prepare the broadcast on station 3 and then finally data is communicated via television, radio and recorded announcements to general public. 
In a nutshell, the whole process is purposefully planned and automated to ensure the accurate broadcasting of the possible weather updates every single day.
The liking of fast foods in Britain is given to us likewise how much as per income standard per week a person spends on them and secondly, we are nicely equipped with the changes in the choice of fast foods for a span of twenty years.
Hamburgers are the first choice for high and average income slabs. Other two options are equally liked by high ones. Whereas, fish and chips are on number two and pizza is at place three for average ones. As far as the low income slab is concerned, they prefer fish and chips most while hamburger is their second choice and least they love to have pizza’s on their plate.
On the other hand, the consumption of these three fast foods is showing a dramatic change over the period of twenty years. Likewise in the 1970’s, fish and chips was the first choice but in 1990, the chair of head is taken by hamburgers. As hamburgers and pizzas are on a significant growth move but fishes and chips are losing their hold continuously.
Hamburgers are liked by rich and middle class people and also, the consumption of hamburgers are increasing considerably every year among Britain fats food lovers.               
The exceptional development picture of a village Chorleywood near London is given to us. The evolution of establishment of residential areas is presented in it.
In the beginning in 1868, there were few residential areas but with the establishment of railway station in 1909, people started living there as it got connected with other areas of London and opportunities of growth had been started in the region. Within thirty years, a large population as found its home in nearby areas of railway station and main roads. The means of transportation are primary to develop any region. Likewise, in Chorleywood, it happened with the progress in the means of transportation. With the passage of time, around in 1970’s when the network of railways and roads was much expanded, people started establishing themselves in the suburbs. The basic thing which is coming out in this picture is with the progress in transportation and inert connectivity among the village, people found it worthy to get settled in Chorleywood.             
With the passage of time and with availability of interconnectivity and connectivity with outside areas Chorleywood found more people to choose it a worthy destination.  
For a span of eleven years, the percentage of households in Britain is clearly given with the choices of consumer durables they have made during this period. Figures are quite informative and presenting statistics on how choices have changed during eleven years.
Television and vacuum cleaners were at helm while central heating and refrigerators have shown a strong presence in Britain houses and people took them on serious priority. With same fashion, washing machines have also become a utility item for consumers. With the evolution of telephones, people shown a keen interest in having a telephone at their home and quantity almost doubled within eleven years. Dishwasher was out of regular trend and was available in few houses. Trend of videos was new and it started with a good number. 
People of England are quite sensible in choosing items of domestic use and they are more open to things of primary importance like television, refrigerator, washing machine and telephones. 
The given chart is expressing clearly the amount of time in a week spent by different employment status people on leisure activities in the year 1998-99. The presentation is informative and having impact in giving a concrete idea on choices of people for leisure activities.
Males are playing a leading role in investing their time in leisure activities. The males and females with unemployed and retired employment status are the top rankers in the list. Females who are housewives, employed part time and employed full times are at second, third and fourth position respectively. While males with full times work life spent almost half times on leisure activities than males with unemployed and retired status.
From the chart it is quite clear that leisure activities are important part of life and they become more important for people who are free because of retirement or jobless. Certainly, people (males and females both) with work also prefer to enjoy their time.
A clear statistic representation with two tables is shown to us. The first table is telling us the purpose of travelling to abroad by people in UK during 1994 to 1998 while the second table is sharing the information of preferred destinations all around the globe by UK people in the same period.
Primary reason to travel abroad is making holidays memorable and meaningful. Business and meeting to friends and relatives are on second and third priority of people in UK. There are other reasons also due to which people visit abroad. Except the year 1995 when the number decreased relatively, every year the number of visits is increasing gradually.
Western Europe is the area where most of UK people spend their days and they love to be the part of Western European climate and comparatively, North America is not a promising choice of UK people even other areas of the world are visited by them than North America.
Holiday is the primary reason and Western Europe is the most preferred choice for UK people as the trends of five years are revealing.          
Data of people under imprisonment from 1930 to 1980 within five countries is shared. There are noticeable changes in the figures of people in jails during this span.
Great Britain is presenting a respectful image with almost least number of people in jails. However, the percentage is increasing in UK but it is quite low relatively. In Australia, trend is always changing like it came down first and in 1960 it went up and then in 1980, it again came down. New Zealand is experiencing a considerable fall in this figure however it increased in between but even at the end it did not come at the initial level. The position of US is worrisome. It topped the chart four times with substantial number of people in prison. Canada is helping US in this with a large population in prison and the condition is improving but not much in the last fifty years.              
Data is very fluctuating but still the position of US and Canada is causing worry for their political system. And a huge proportion of people is spending their days in prison in these two countries.
Crystal clear representation via charts is given to us about number of Japanese tourists going abroad annually and how much Australia contributes in it every year. Both charts are showing data for 10 years span.
The number is increasing gradually every year except the year 1991 when it decreased then from next year onwards, it again acquired its previous level and remained constant for two years and from 1994, it again embarked going to increased level every year. Means to say, people are opening their minds every year towards going abroad and exploring the outside world.
In the beginning, share of Australia is not much but every year the proportion got strength and come on higher value than previous one. For year 1989, it reduced just for that year but after that it shown a rise and almost with constant rate the share is increasing every year and in last, in year 1993, it again came down little bit. Overall, Australia is on constant rise from the side of Japanese tourists.           
How much they spent on six consumer goods annually, it is shown meaningfully with chart for four European countries. Germany, Italy, France and Britain are there in the consideration.
Britain is a country were all these six items are purchased with maximum interest and eventually, they are the top rankers of this chart in all categories. France shows great welcome for photographic films, toys and CD’s but their choice for perfumes, tennis racquets and personal stereos are moderate. Italy shows almost equal propensity for first four items while for last two, it is very curious to buy. Unlike Britain, Germany is showing a downward trend in interest in items when we move from personal stereos to photographic films.
Britain is exceptionally passionate about buying toys and photographic films while personal stereos are an item which is almost equally liked by all four countries natives. Means to say, it is an item of common use or general interest.     
Effectively it is cleared to us that how industrialized and developing countries differ from each other on the platform of their participation in education and science. The data is compiled for a span of ten years.
First, let us see this difference on average years of schooling scale, from 1980 to 1990, developing countries have shown a little interest while industrialized countries took quite good interest as they mean it.
Secondly, from 1980 to 1990, number of scientists has grown slightly high in developing countries whereas this number shown a huge rise in industrialized ones. There is a big gap in the number of scientists in both countries.
Ironically, from 1980 to 1990, the investment on R&D by developing countries has come down while industrialized countries are strongly focusing on adding the amount on their R&D projects. Industrialized nations are getting results of this prime importance that they are giving to R&D sector.
The basic thing which is coming out from this analysis is industrialized countries are giving inputs meaningfully to enjoy their developments and they value education as well as participation in science based innovations. 
The issue of unemployment is a serious one. This issue has clearly illustrated via a chart for Japan and USA for a span of six years. The given data is shown with respect to percentage of total work force.
It is quite interesting to observe that unemployment has reduced meaningfully in USA while it is becoming a serious problem for Japan. In the beginning, in 1993, japan had 2.5 percent unemployed people while at the same time, in USA situation was very tough as it had 7.0 percent unemployed hands. With certain fluctuations, over the years, japan has undergone major changes in the rate of unemployment as people are losing jobs and getting unemployed. On the contrary, USA is focusing on improving things and creating opportunities for people to work.
Finally, the crux of the matter is USA has done a commendable work to improve the employment rates whereas Japan needs to do the same for its natives.            
An informative table is shared with us on poverty like the kinds of families who are facing the challenges under the sword of poverty. The country is Australia and year is 1999. Around eleven percent families are having the trouble by poverty.
The problem of poverty is severe with families in which single person without children and sole parents are living and they are facing it like a challenge. They collectively constitute the forty percent of total households affected.
Then couples with children are also in pain and undergoing the bad economic conditions. They form twelve percent of the total effected population. Whereas, single aged person and couple with no children are collectively form thirteen percent of the total figure. Least effected are the families with aged couple at home as they are only four percent of the overall number.
As a conclusion, I can speak the issue of poverty is major one and it is profound in sole parents and single person with no children sort of families.         
We are nicely equipped with a graph and a pie chart where graph is showing the electricity demands of a typical summer and winter day in England while the pie chart is telling us about how this demand is distributed in various applications in a home. Data is of huge importance.
Obviously, the demand is more in winter days. In winters, for first three hours demands goes up then it comes down for next five hours and then again, it climbs to its previous highest level for four hours and then it becomes like constant for next seven hours and then in night it reaches its peak level of 45000 units and then for the rest of the day it declines.
While in summers, for first nine hours, it goes down and after that it increases and touches the optimum level of summers and with a curvature like pattern t again comes down for few hours and then becomes almost constant with slight increase and again it shows a curvature increase.
As far as the consumption of electricity is concerned, for heating purposes maximum electricity is used in households. Almost it alone constitutes the half proportion. Almost equal amount is used for entertainment and house cleaning applications, means to say, they both consumes around fifteen percent energy. Food making and washing applications take seventeen percent electricity.
Major use of electricity is in winters and heating applications are the major electricity suckers in England.           
We are given with clear chart on level of participation by males and females in various post school qualification studies in Australia in the year 1999.
Skilled vocational diploma was most preferred by males; around 90% males chosen to do this. Around 70% males were interested in post graduate diploma and it was their choice number two. Then preference for master degree, bachelor’s degree and undergraduate diploma decreased respectively with a level of 60%, 45% and 35%.  
While in the case of females, undergraduate diploma was their most chosen option and approximately, 70% of them went for this. Bachelor’s degree and master’s degree was opted by 55% and 40% females respectively. Whereas 30% females took admission in post graduate diploma and only 10% of the girls shown interest in skilled vocational diploma. 
Diplomas are more liked by students in Australia in 1999 and skilled vocational diploma attracted males while undergraduate diploma gave opportunity to females to grow more in life.
The given charts are effectively illustrating the number of visits by UK people and visits in UK by other country people along with the preferences shown by UK people in terms of countries to visit in the year 1999.
A noticeable thing coming from first chart is UK people have cultured to move abroad in last 20 years while people from other countries are not coming in UK with that rate and speed. From 1979 to 1986, both parameters (visits in UK and visit by UK people) were increased slightly but after that they kept on increasing and touched their final values. Like visits by UK people took a value of 52 million annual while visits in UK took value of 28 million people.   
UK people are passionate about France and apart from this; they are very interested in going to Spain. Interestingly, their choice for USA, Greece and Turkey goes down respectively. Means to say, turkey is less liked by them.   
Almost four times more people from UK have started going abroad in past forty years and France is their favorite destination.    
For a span of hundred years, three countries Japan, Sweden and USA are taken to present the population of people aged 65 and plus.    
It is a matter of surprise that within 100 years the trend has totally reversed likewise japan had least senior citizen but now japan is the topper, same has happened with Sweden and USA.
In japan, the population was almost same till 2000 even it went down during several years but after 2030 it possessed rocket speed and touched a level of 27% of total population. Sweden has shown a constant increase with every twenty years span and occupied a level of 25% of total population with second position in the chart. Comparatively, USA has undergone many changes in its behavior during the hundred years likewise first it increased moderately than with more pace and then it went down and for next forty years it almost remained same after 2020, it acquired acceleration and touched the figure of 24% of total population.            
Japan is having maximum grey population among three countries.
The given charts are of great importance as they are telling us about the main reasons of study by different age group students and with this it is also given that how much support they get from the employer at different levels.
As the age goes higher the main reason of study becomes personal interest of the student in the study while career is the main reason of study for who study at younger stages. Accordingly, students fewer than 26 study 80% of times for career whereas students over 49 study 70% of times because of interest.
The scenario of support from employer is quite interesting likewise students under 26 receive around 60% help while proportion of help goes down when age goes up. Ironically, after 40 years of age if someone is interested to become a student then employer’s support again rises. 
Main reason for study is career for youngsters while interest is the cause because of which elders pick books again in life at later stages.       
For a town named Garlsdon, two proposed sites are given for establishing a supermarket. We got an opportunity to estimates the positives and negatives of both locations.
Location S2 is quite suitable for housing communities as it is in the heart of the town. This location comes under town center means it is no traffic area so crowd can move in a pollution free area which is a great benefit and also it will be area of huge peace also due to its absence of traffic. For both industrial areas this location has little worrisome as their transportation system has to face the roads of residential areas while for location S1 industry people and trucks have no issue of such kind. Railway facility is good for both locations. Location S1 is special one means to say one has to specially go to there to shop. One beautiful advantage of that would be they can take joy of long rides or drives.
For industry people and travelling lovers, location S1 is fruitful while location S2 is great for housing communities.               
A well done survey on underground railway systems is provided to us for six major cities of the world likewise when they had first got the facility of underground railway and how many passengers per year use it for these cities.
London is pioneer with the longest route of 394 kilometers with third largest population coverage. Paris is the second blessed country that got this facility with second largest route length of 199 also it is second largest in number of passengers. Interestingly, Tokyo had started this facility in 1927 with a route length of 127 kilometers with largest population coverage in the chart.
Washington DC in 1976 opened its door for this facility with a route length of 126 kilometers with a passengers covering of 144 million per year while Kyoto had this system in 1981 and Los Angles in 2001 but they have shorter route length however they are helping around 45 million people yearly by serving them.
Tokyo is facilitating maximum people in the world with its underground railway facilities.           
We are wonderfully provided with a graph on worldwide usage of water with industry specific data for a period of 100 years and a table with accurate figures is also given to us on consumption of water by two countries for a year of 2000.
Most significant consumption of water is done by agriculture sector and it has shown a regular increase from year 1960 to 2000 whereas before this span, it was showing consistency in its consumption without much changes. Industrial and domestic sector are second and third largest users of water respectively worldwide. It is a matter of surprise, all three sectors has shown a confidence in their applications after the year 1960.
In Brazil the population is about 35times more than Congo and accordingly, its water consumption per person is 45 times more. While the irrigation is 265 times more in Brazil so they are using water for irrigation purposes as the trend of worldwide water usage also shown us that maximum water is consumed in farming.     
Population as well as farming is the main reason of high water consumption of Brazil in comparison of Congo. And, agriculture is the dominant user of water globally.
B6T2TASK          1
Accurate data of England is given to us on transformations in choices of people for modes of travel for the period of fifteen years. Subtly all the options are mentioned which are used by people as they travelling tools during the span.
Walking has somewhere lost its hold on people whereas bicycles have also shown a weakening of interest in its use. One of the biggest gainers in the list is cars they have taken more people in their influence within this time frame. Local buses have lost their popularity while long distance buses came in picture with a strong entity in the market. Trains have done a reliable job and with a promising figure they are standing firmly in the market. Taxis with wide facilities have got the limelight and tripled their presence. Other means of transportation have also caught the attention during this period.
Key players are cars, taxis and long distance buses. Average distance travelled by a person in UK has increased meaningfully and with a considerable extent.           
A crystal clear set of diagrams is presented in which first is telling us about the life cycle of a silkworm while the other is giving us meaningful information about stages of silk cloth production.
Life cycle of a silkworm is of seventy five days. From the egg, silkworm larva comes out within ten days and stays alive on mulberry leaf. After one and half month, it gets transformed into silk thread and then the stage comes of becoming cocoon which is further used in silk cloth production. A cocoon within 16 days becomes a moth and further the cycle of egg giving continues.
Talking about silk cloth production, by boiling cocoon in water we get unwind threads of length 300 to 900m and then we twist them together to make them strong and also at that stage we go for dying the threads to give them different colors and with this we get threads for weaving and finally we get clothes.
Starting from egg within four stages and a time of sixty days, we get cocoon which further plays a vital role in giving us silk cloth.    
The given charts are presenting (have presented) a significant awareness about the rate of marriages and divorces along with marital status in America for a span of 1970 to 2000.
In the beginning years, marriages were two and a half from divorces and within next decade, marriages remained same but divorces went up. From then to 2000, the rate of marriages is coming down and finally it stayed up to a level of two million, while divorces are nearly same in 1970, 1990 and 2000.  Finally the thing is coming out that marriages are reduced significantly in thirty years while divorces are at same level except in year 1980 when it had shown a rise.
On the other side, when we look at marital status of Americans much of them are married however the number has come down from 70 % to 60%. The people who never married have increased marginally. Proportion of widowed people slightly reduced.  A considerable change has been observed in the volume of people who are divorced as they have increased up to 4 times.
Ultimately, the faith on relationships is decreasing and trend of marriage is becoming weaker.  
The factors which are responsible in making agricultural land less productive worldwide are given to us via pie chart and effect of these factors has shown via table in three main regions of the world in 1990s.
Overgrazing is the leading factor that causing the land infertile. Secondary factor is deforestation and over-cultivation is so close to it. If with proportion we talk about these factors then overgrazing, deforestation and over-cultivation contributes in land degradation 35%, 30% and 28% respectively. Role of other miscellaneous factors are also there.
The table given is closely focusing on effect of these factors in North America, Europe and Oceania regions of the world. Likewise, deforestation is major issue in Europe while it is not a major one in other two areas. Over-cultivation is again more in Europe whereas North America is also facing the same issue with less severity and parts of Australia and New Zealand are free from it. Overgrazing is badly affecting Oceania while Europe is also getting affected by it up to some extent whereas North America has also symptoms of this issue.
Europe is the area worldwide which is primarily facing the challenge of less productive agricultural land.         
The three given pie charts are clearly sharing the information about variation in annual spending of a school over the period of twenty years. School is UK-based school.
Teachers’ salaries are the main area where school is investing maximum money. Likewise in 1981, it was 40% while in 1991, it was 50% and in 2001, it is 45%. In beginning furniture was important then in middle it lost its importance but in recent years it is again becoming an essential area that attracts appreciable investment. Investment on resources like books increased from 15% to 20% from 1981 to 1991 but in 2001 it came down to a level of 9%. Somewhere, school is giving importance to insurance because its share is increasing likewise first it rose from 2% to 3% and in 2001, it reached to 8%. One more area is there where school is investing a lot i.e. non-teaching staff salaries which is coming down every decade likewise in 1981, it was 28% and in 1991, it remained only 22% and amazingly, in 2001, it reached to a level of 15%.
Means to say, instead of huge changes in investment areas still salary of teachers, furniture and non-teaching staff salaries are the major areas where money is used.               
With the help of schematic diagrams, we are cleared about the process of cement making and how further cement is used to make concrete.
In order to make cement, first limestone and clay is mixed and crushed with help of crusher to get it in powder form further in a mixer it is mixed properly and sent to rotating heater with high heat input as it comes out from heater, it is further grinding it ensure absolute powder form of the mixture and then it is packaged into bags.
When it comes to make concrete from cement, small stones 50%, sand 20%, water 10% and cement 15% is mixed with the help of concrete mixer and it is properly rotated for a particular time and it gives concrete.
Relatively in making concrete production stage is one while in cement we have three stages of manufacturing and also role of heat is quite main in cement making while in concrete no role of heat is noticed.       
In the given graph, four different modes of transportation are taken and it is shown that how these modes contributed in goods transportation in UK for a period of twenty eight years.
Except rail, all other modes got confidence in their use throughout the span. Road transportation was primary in the starting and also, in 2002, it is number one choice. Ironically, graph of road has shown reduction two times and on same times, pipeline transportation shown a promising increase. Use of pipelines has been constant with two times increase and overall, its use is increased by twenty times. Rail has lost its popularity during these years but still it managed to keep its initial level. People have shown a great faith in water transport as its use has increased 1.5 times. From 1980 to 1998, use of water transport remained constant.
While road and water transportation is on growth but pipelines got the limelight and attracted a huge faith of people in its use.               
We are nicely updated with the changes that occur in an island to make it a tourist spot. We have got the opportunity to become witness of this wonderful transformation.
Earlier it had trees and empty green land but after the transformation, there are world class entertainment and exploring facilities like restaurants, piers, ships, swimming, proper living accommodation and a well-informative reception area for the island. Proper paths for foot-walking and vehicle use are introduced to facilitate the smooth travelling of visitors on the island. Commercially and heritage-wise the island has taken a shape of a spot which is best suited for all kinds of visitors and explorers. 
A proper planning is clearly seen from this transformation. There are immense new possibilities generated within the island and it has become self-sufficient in all means.
A great lesson is coming out from this change that to make an area self-sufficient, enrich it with better facilities for human beings to use and to get entertained.    
Crystal clear chart with the information of total number of minutes spent in billions on telephone by people in UK with three call types is presented. Span of seven years is taken.
From the year 1995 to 1999, local fixed line has reached its peak with gradual increase every year and then it started coming down and in 2002, it came at a level where it started in the beginning year 1995. On the other hand, national and international fixed line were at half level than local fixed line in the starting year and then with marginal increase, it has reached up to a level of 1.5 times higher than its initial value. While the mobile phones started from scratch in the year 1995 have shown a regular increase till year 1998 but after this year, its popularity touched the sky and its users spent time 20 times more than its initial value.
Mobiles phones are the primary gainers of the chart while local fixed lines are losing their charm along with gradual increase in national and international fixed lines minute’s duration.         
By the help of pie charts, we are clearly updated with ages of the population’s data of two countries Italy and Yemen with actual figures of 2000 and with projected figures of 2050.
In 2000 the half population of Yemen is constituted by children while in Italy children are only 14.3 %. And the projection of 2050 shows that in Yemen, children will be considerably reduced to 37% while in Italy children relatively less reduction will be observed in children. Middle aged people are 46.5% in Yemen in 2000 while they are 61.6 in Italy that shows Italy has more working hands. Surprisingly, in 2050, in Yemen, population of middle aged people will go high with a level of 57.3% whereas in Italy, people of this age group will be far less with a proportion of 46.2%. Grey population in Yemen in 2000 is much less with a level of 3.6% while in Italy; they are quite considerable with a percentage of 24.1. The expected projection of 2050 is showing that grey population will almost double in Yemen whereas in Italy, old people will comprise a huge proportion of total population with a level of 42.3%.
In 2050, Yemen will be a country with more working people while Italy will be having quite huge grey population.    
A data of energy consumption in USA is shared with us in 2008 for a span of 50 years where first 28 years data is real and later 22 years data is expected.
The most eye catching point is petrol and oil were taking maximum load in the beginning and also they are at helm in 2030. These both have shown ups and downs in the first fifteen years but after than they are on a regular increase. Natural gas was at place second while coal was at third place but finally at the end they have interchanged their positions however the difference in their usage is almost same as it was in beginning. The modern alternatives likewise nuclear, solar and hydropower constitute a limited presence in the market and yes, there is a positive increase in their usage but it is not significant as compare to petrol and oil, coal and natural gas.
In nut shell, petrol and oil gas are the key sources as far as energy needs are concerned while coal and natural gas are occupying second and third places.    



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