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An occasion when vehicle you were travelling in broke down IELTS CUE CARD 2019

Latest Cue Card: An occasion when vehicle you were travelling in broke down. When Where Who was with you Best Solution : 1. Vehicles are made to provide comfort and convenience to their users but every time this does not happen. 2. I am using a sports car and a heavy-duty bike Royal Enfield. 3. One day my family said to me that let us visit to one of our local family friends at their home so we decided in evening we all will visit there. 4. Then we informed to them telephonically that today we will do dinner together they were extremely happy in return. 5. We went there by taking our sports white car that was recently serviced from agency in a nice manner. 6. Every thing gone perfect in going to their home but at 10pm when we were coming back, during midway, suddenly I found clutch paddle had gone down and clutch wire had broken. 7. It was intimidating because it was night and all mechanics had gone to their homes. 8. One good thing happened when it took place, car was in se

Describe an advertisement that you remember well IELTS CUE CARD 2019

Latest Cue Card: Describe an advertisement that you remember well What it was When and where Why do you remember it What happens in it Best Solution: 1. Today everything can be imagined to make happen by human beings except watching TV and youtube without advertisements. 2. As I am not a regular TV viewer but I am quite consistent on YouTube to learn and entertain myself. 3. Due to my massive interest in personal and professional development products and seminars, I almost all time search about them on all possible platforms. 4. Just because of this inclination, youtube automatically shows the adverts related to these categories when I watch videos of any kinds on YouTube. 5. However there are ample advertisements that are my favourite and fascinating to me but here I would like to share an advert that was sponsored by MindValley brand. 6. Basically, it was about a memory course that was about to be conducted by global memory master Jim KwiK, what happened actually, last Sunda

Discuss both views and give your opinion. BAND 7 SAMPLE ASNWER IELTS 2019

Essay Fully Solved : Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think it is essential for mankind to explore universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your opinion. The significance of space exploration has become an increasingly controversial subject at present. Some demons consider it as sheer waste of resources like money and manpower while other accept it as adventurous and imperative. This essay will discuss why people take it as a wasteful act since on earth there are issues like unemployment and climate protection to be solved while other those who think it is a worthwhile pursuit they like to constantly augment theit knowledge about human existence. Eventually, i will present my own perspective as well. The individuals who believe that exploring space is nothing but a worthless feat are justified because troubles like having no job for youngsters in many parts of world causes common people to suffer. Such as, if youth is better a

escribe an occasion when you got up early IELTS CUE CARD 2019

Latest Cue Card: Describe an occasion when you got up early When Why did you do that How did you feel about that Best Solution: 1. Rising up early is practiced so less by millennials today that it is seen with amazement if somebody wakes up early. 2. Previously it was a protocol to wake up early to remain fit and healthy. 3. I normally wake up at 6:30 am but on certain occasions, I leave my bed quite early to perform certain tasks. 4. Last month, my father purchased a new car which is a SUV by Jeep, this driving machine has been my fascination. 5. I was also driving it only locally. 6. One day all my friends gave me the idea that why not we should go to hill station in our newly purchased heavy-duty SUV, I immediately said this to my father, he accepted the idea. 7. To start our journey on scheduled weekend, I had to wake up at 4 am so that after taking bath and light breakfast, I can start my driving at 4:30am. 8. The joy of driving on highway in super cool and silent morni

Discuss both views and state your opinion? BAND 7 SAMPLE ASNWER IELTS 2019

Essay Fully Solved: Many opine that sports are necessary for society while others think that it is only for recreation. Discuss both views and state your opinion? Best Solution: Sports has unarguably played an indispensable role in lives of individuals as it helps people to connect with their active and inner most part of their identity. Some people perceive it as necessary to practice while others consider it is only good as a recreational option. This essay will discuss why people who believe it is necessary are justified while why those who think it is good only as a leisure pursuit are righteous. Finally it will also disclose my personal view point. The people who have the notion that it is instrumental for demons to engage in sports are right since it is only through sports, people come out from omnipresent digital dimentia. For example, every time and everywhere it is hard to find somebody who is not glued to their smartphone so if under such circumstances, sports are practi

Describe a time when you were cheated/ when someone lied to you / someone did LATEST CUE CARD IELTS 2019

Latest Cue Card: Describe a time when you were cheated/ when someone lied to you / someone did not tell you the complete truth - What was the occasion/ What the situation was? - When this happened? - Who was the person? - What did he hide about? - Why do you think the person did not tell the whole truth? Best Solution: 1. There are times in our life when we expect a neat and clean deal from other person but we get ill response from other side. 2. Such incidents are however bad to experience but still these episodes teach so much.  3. Once upon a time I had to endure such unpleasant event when I was cheated by a shopkeeper of my hometown. 4. What happened exactly, three months back on my birthday 20 March, I went to a local shopkeeper who is famous to sell branded watches. 5. I was already prepared to buy a G-shock sports watch so finally I made its purchase and he took 4000/- to me as there was a 20% off on that brand as he told me. 6. For one month I was happy that I bought

Do you think it is a positive or negative development? BAND 7 SAMPLE ANSWER IELTS 2019

Essay Fully Solved: Scientists predict that all people will talk the same global language in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? Best Solution: Language can be a catalyst in progress if it connects people of different profiles while it can be a deterrent if it emanates barriers among individuals. The forecasting of scientific people presents the opinion that future will witness one language worldwide as a mode of interaction. According to me, it is a positive development since it gives birth to a barrier-Free communication as well as with singular language across world, every nation will be on same platform to convey their strengths. First positive aspect of having one language among all nations will be, mutual understanding will be increased because no differences in modes of communication. For example, businesses among nations will flourish, no more the availability of various languages will hamper the overall comprehension of the message, it will