56 of the Most Useful Phrasal Verbs in English Below are some of the most common phrasal verbs in the English language. We organized them alphabetically so they’re easy to find, but you can group them however you want when you’re learning them! Bring Bring up — To mention something. (Note: The two parts of this phrasal verb can be separated.) “Mark was sick and had to miss the party, so please don’t bring it up, I don’t want him to feel bad for missing it.” Bring on — To cause something to happen, usually something negative. (The two parts of this phrasal verb can be separated by what’s happening.) “His lung cancer was brought on by years of smoking.” Bring it on! — To accept a challenge with confidence. “You want to have a race? Bring it on! I can beat you!” Call Call on — This can mean either to visit someone, or to use someone’s or something’s knowledge. To visit someone: “I’ll ca...
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